Without further ado, the armed color was domineering around his arms, and Sikong Xuan raised his fist and slammed towards Garp.

  Immediately, Kizaru couldn't help covering his face with his hands, and then he wondered if he should run away secretly and faint.

  And Garp, who was suddenly attacked by Sikongxuan, was thrown into the house by Sikongxuan before he could react.

  In an instant, the navy outside the house and the Straw Hat Pirates in the house jumped for a while.After a while, I saw Garp with a dog head hat running out angrily, shouting:

  "Which son of a bitch sneaked up on this old man?!"

  "it's me."

  Shaking his head, Sikong Xuan looked at Garp with a burning gaze, and said:

  "Navy hero Tekken Garp, under Sikong Xuan, please enlighten me~!"

  PS: This picture is a yellow ape?Does the yellow monkey have such a serious time? .

Chapter 77

  The capital of seven waters, where the Carrera company resides.



  "Boom boom boom!!!"

  I saw the two figures fighting together, and the fist shadows in the sky blasted out layers of air waves; with a slight wave of the arm, a big hole was once again blasted in the wall that had just been repaired; with a single foot stomping, the grass was smashed. Pieces of earthquakes flew up, and the ground under the grass appeared dense cracks like spider webs.

  The two fighting were none other than Sikong Xuan and Garp.

  The two of them fought each other with bare hands, with happy smiles on their faces, and they waved their fists to punch the opposite face.


  Another fist-to-fist collision, the black and black armament color strengthened the wrists of the two, but such a fierce confrontation still caused a sharp pain in the hands of the two.

  So, without thinking about it, the two distanced themselves and raised their feet to give each other a headshot.


  The impact of the whip leg and the whip leg produced a significantly stronger impact. The weaker melon eaters among the onlookers were even blown away with a scream of horror. The stronger ones also covered their eyes with their hands and bowed their bodies. Barely not letting yourself be blown away.

  "Uhhhh~~?!!" "Luffy, help~!!"

  "Chopper~! Nami~!"

  Looking at the tanuki that was blown away... ah no, it was Chopper the reindeer, Luffy quickly stretched his arms and grabbed its antlers.As for Nami, Sanji has long since hugged Nami who was blown away.

  Then, because of the close contact with Nami, his whole body went limp, and he was blown away together with Nami.

  "Ahhhh~! Damn Sanji, please wake me up a little~!!"

  Looking at the excited and powerless Sanji, Nami could not wait to use her iron fist to repair this savage cook.It's a pity that Nami, who was blown around by the wind, was about to vomit, how could she still have the strength to flatten people?

  "Kou Leiwa Mouth Leiwa~~I'm so careless~~"

  In the end, it was Kizou who shot in time, an eight-foot mirror teleportation appeared on the other side of the house, and caught Nami and Sanji who were blown out of the house.

  After being saved, Nami sighed, and she didn't have time to thank her. When she saw the person who saved her, her throat was about to come out of her mouth.

  "Admiral Haihai Haihai, Kizaru?!!!"

  "Pfft~!! Did you make a mistake?!"

  Hearing Nami's words, Sanji also quickly eased his strength, and his face turned green as he watched as an eagle grabbed a chicken and held himself and Nami Kiabou with his hands.

  "Ooooo~~ First meeting, Nami the little thief cat, Sanji Kurozu. It seems that you all know me, so I don't have to introduce myself~~"

  In this regard, Nami and Sanji said:

  We are two nameless pirates with no bounty (now the Straw Hats have not read the updated bounty order), and now they are being held in the hands of the Admiral. Can we still be saved?

  Answer [-]: No help, wait to die, and say goodbye.

  Answer [-]: I have two good coffins, do you want to?Cheaper if you want.


  "Ah~ Nami-chan, before I die, I have a request."


  "Please let me get rid of my virginity, please. If I leave this world with a virginity, then I will be in vain."

  "...Go away~!"

  Then, just under Kisou's eyelids, Nami, who was being carried by Kisou, punched Sanji, who was also being held by Kisararu, to the point of bruising her nose and face.

  "...It looks painful, Nami, the little thief cat in the Straw Hat gang, is really scary..."

  And the Straw Hats and the members of the Frankie family who were still in the room didn't notice that Nami and Sanji were blown out.I saw Luffy protecting Chopper, Zoro and Franky protecting Robin and the square sisters of the Franky family, and everyone stared at Sikong Xuan and Garp who were fighting each other.

  Looking at the battle between Sikongxuan and Garp, the aftermath of the battle was about to raze the Carrera company's premises to the ground. This was only when the two of them consciously closed their hands.Except for the heartless Luffy, everyone else only felt that their worldview was collapsing little by little.

  "It's so fast~! What's going on with this speed? You can't see it with the naked eye~!"

  "Forget Luffy's grandfather, that new boy is so strong and perverted? And he's still so young..."

  "It's so strong~! What the hell is that black thing? It feels so hard. My three generations of ghosts can't stop slashing."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Sikongxuan write a note to Garp for the Lushan Rising Dragon, and Garp leaned back and opened up in time, and everyone saw a cloud at a height of a thousand meters. stunned.

  "This, this... What kind of monster is this?"

  "These two perverts...such a fierce battle can control their strength without destroying the town...a real two-headed monster!"

  Another round of fierce confrontation, Sikong Xuan and Garp finally separated.

  Blood seeped between Sikongxuan's fingers, Garp's palm became bruised, and the two of them were covered with bruises and scratches caused by the punching wind.

  Although it looked a bit miserable, neither Sikong Xuan nor Garp paid any attention, but their eyes became brighter and brighter.

  "Boy, it's not bad, I like it~!"


  Seeing the happy smile on Sikongxuan's face, Garp nodded, not at all being off-line and nonsense as usual.

  Now, after a fight with Sikong Xuan, the blood in his body is boiling~!

  He took off his dog hat and tossed it to Kirby and Belle Maber, along with the cloak and tie of justice.

  "Life is back~!"

  Seeing Kapu make a horse step, sultry steam came out of his wound, and then the wound on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Sikong Xuan glanced curiously, the fire of origin burned from his body, and burned all the wounds on his body.

  "This fire...are you a devil fruit person?" Looking at the fire of origin that was gradually extinguishing on Sikong Xuan's body, Garp could feel the horror in it, "Amazing, this flame is better than the immortality of the Whitebeard Pirates. Bird Marco's flame is only strong but not weak!"

  "Forget it, it doesn't matter what the devil fruit is. Boy Si, have a good fight with me, let's have a manly contest~!"

  "My surname is Sikong, not Si~!"

  First a rant.Then, facing Garp, who was full of fighting spirit, the fighting spirit and blood in Sikong Xuan's chest were also boiling.

  This time to rescue Kizaru, Sikong Xuan originally came with the idea of ​​having an exciting battle.

  It was only after the previous battle with Blackbeard that he was terrified by Blackbeard's remnant blood's record of fighting against Kizaru, and hearing from the system that he had the blessing of the world's will, so cautiously, he turned into an Emperor Xia directly, but he didn't expect it to be so. Directly give Blackbeard a second.

  Because of this, when he just met Karp, he couldn't wait to directly add his punches and kicks.And the real man fighting with his fists to the flesh just now made Sikong Xuan follow his blood.

  "Master Garp, don't fight here, let's go to sea to fight~!!"


  In the face of Sikongxuan's suggestion, Garp agreed immediately, and the bold two rushed towards the sea without any hesitation.

  The Straw Hat Pirates, the Frankie family, and the navy (Kapp's subordinates), who had not yet recovered, just stared at the back of the two leaving in a trance, and then heard the direction of the sea. The fierce battle of the two of them, the violent sound resounded through the entire Seven Waters like a storm, and even everyone felt that the earth trembled.

  Swallowing his saliva, Zoro's hand tightly held the hilt of Hedaoyi's knife, looking at the direction in which Sikongxuan and Garp were leaving, a frenzied smile gradually appeared on his face.

  "Is this... the real powerhouse in this sea? So strong! Really too strong! Now I'm probably not much stronger than an ant in front of them!"

  He decided: in the next journey, his exercise volume will be doubled~!

  Luffy, who has always been heartless, looked at Sikong Xuan, who could compete with his terrifying grandfather, and pressed the straw hat on his head, and said to himself in a solemn tone:

  "Is this... the powerhouse of the new world? I really want to see Shanks...the four emperors of the new world, how strong are they~!"

  Just when everyone present had different thoughts, suddenly, a Gundam figure passed through the wall penetrated by Sikongxuan's fist style, and said in his iconic wretched tone:

  "Oooh~~ Are Brother Sikong and Mr. Garp gone?"

  "Huh? Who is it?"

  Hearing the voice, everyone looked curiously, and saw Nami, who was still angry, and Sanji, who was beaten into a pig's head, behind the speaker, and the speaker...

  "Admiral Haihai Haihai, Kizaru?!!!!!"*n

  "Oh~~ First meeting, the Straw Hats. It seems that you all know me, so I don't need to introduce myself."

  "Ah no, I don't know you, who are you?"

  At this time, who can say such silly words, but Luffy whose brain has been rubberized.It's just that ignorance also has the happiness of the ignorant, and the current Straw Hat Pirates are sweating coldly when they look at the 3-meter-high Kiwi.

  Gan, we are a cute new pirate group. Although the Judiciary Island incident was a big deal, it hit the World Government in the face, but as for sending the Navy Commander to crusade us?

  PS: Fourth, the pirate chapter has come to an end.

  PS: By the way, is the pirate article I wrote so unpopular?The subscription is about 20% less than the previous one-day subscription. qaq.

Chapter 78

  With a 'swoosh', Sikong Xuan returned to his original world.

  "What, is it evening already?"

  Standing on the rooftop dyed yellow by the setting sun, Sikong Xuan stared blankly ahead for a while, then turned his head to look at the sun that was about to go down through the iron net on the rooftop.

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