Taking off the white beret on her head, Megumi Kato stared at the hat in her hands with tears in her eyes, held it in her arms like a treasure, and closed her eyes gently.

  "Sikong, do you know?

  On that day, I wondered why a classmate I didn't know remembered my name.

  On that day, I was very happy, besides my father and mother, there was another person who praised me as a beautiful girl.

  The man also told me that he wanted me to rely on him as a friend.

  The guy also told me that this beret is perfect for me and I hope I don't lose it again.

  That day seemed to be the beginning of my liking for my boss Sikong.

  Like Prince Charming in a fairy tale, Sikong suddenly broke into my world, and forcibly dyed my original world, which was somewhat monotonous, with his own color. "

  "Really... think about Sikong, it's really too much~~"

  Recalling the encounter with Detective Poe that day, Kato Megumi couldn't help showing a warm smile.

  For her weak sense of existence, before she met Sikong Xuan, her life lacked bright colors.

  She was always teased by Zhihui and Sikongxuan. Her face and expression did not have any emotional fluctuations. It was not because she was calm by nature, but because she was used to such a monotonous and lonely life. Her face had already engraved this monotony and loneliness, so she It seemed so joyous and indifferent.

  It's not just that she has the determination to keep her face unchanged when Mount Tai collapses in front of her, but also because she... has already accepted her fate towards a lonely and ordinary life, and her facial expressions have long since become numb.

  However, things changed when Sikong Xuan broke into her world.

  "I met again, on the day when the new semester started. It was also the first day I met Zhihui and became friends with Zhihui."

  Hearing this, Zhihui suddenly turned her head.

  She was not as sad or even crying as Kato Megumi had guessed, but instead showed a pity expression, her small hands hugged Kato Megumi's slender waist and comforted her silently.

  In this regard, Kato Megumi's heart warmed, and at the same time, she also felt deeper guilt towards Zhihui.

  However, to make her ignore the accumulated feelings for Sikong Xuan, she really couldn't do it.

  Therefore, Kato Megumi could only force herself, temporarily forgetting Chi Hui who was silently comforting her by her side, and went to recall the bits and pieces of Sikong Xuan.

  "After meeting with Sikong again, my impression of Sikong was not very good. Although I was lucky to be in the same class as Sikong, the performance of Sikong who met again was too frivolous. And..."

  Bulging her cheeks slightly, Kato Megumi said with some jealousy:

  "The relationship between Sikong and Zhihui is too close, and the look in Teacher Xiaochun's eyes always feels wrong."

  "Wait~! Leaving aside the frivolity for a while, what's wrong with the look in Teacher Xiaochun's eyes?"

  "Don't interrupt, classmate Sikong."

  Completely ignoring Sikong Xuan's doubts, Kato Megumi continued to fall into memory on her own.

  "Although I don't have a very good impression of Sikong, but... it's too much, Sikong. I thought about keeping my distance from you again, but why can't I get myself into it in the end?

  Why did Sikong never ignore me?Why does Sikong keep complimenting me?Why is the Sikong classmates... so kind to me?

  He blatantly confessed to others and kept attacking them.He actually took me to meet Chi Hui, and let me insert into the two of you in this third-party way.

  Really... so sly. "

  "How can I tell myself not to fall in love with you? How can I endure this, so I can't fall in love with you?!"

  In the shouting like venting, Kato Megumi broke free from Chi Hui's arm and hugged Sikong Xuan crying.

  "...Mei-chan's tears are salty~~"

  Tears ran down the girl's cheeks, and the figure that accompanied the girl's departure accidentally drifted into Chi Hui's mouth.Looking at Kato Megumi holding Sikong Xuan, Zhihui couldn't help thinking of the famous scene of "White Album 2" that she once watched with Kato Megumi.

  She is Xue Cai; Hui Jiang, is it East Malaysia?

  So, will the three of them part ways like Chunxi, Yukina, and East Malaysia did?

  Zhihui thought to herself.

  She couldn't help looking at Sikong Xuan, who lightly patted the crying Kato Megumi on the back... ...... With his back facing the setting sun, he looked like that under the afterglow of the setting sun. dazzling.

  'No, with Xuanjun around, we won't be like the three of Chunxi, Yukina, and Anime.Even if Xuanjun can't do it, I'm still there~! '

  Thinking of this, Ji Hye walked towards the boy and girl hugging each other.Sikong Xuan noticed her action and couldn't help but wink at her, signaling her to calm down.

  Then, he supported Megumi Kato's shoulder with one hand, and gently lifted Megumi Kato's chin with the other.Admiring the girl with pear blossoms and rain for a while, just when Miss Kato Megumi was stunned, she lowered her head, gently kissed the tears on the girl's cheek, and then showed a gentle smile to the girl.

  In this regard, Kato Megumi was stunned again, and then suddenly laughed.

  "Pfft~~ Really. Sikong-san, he's still so frivolous~~"

  "So, why do I like the frivolous classmate Sikong? Mingming...I know that Zhihui also likes the frivolous classmate Sikong; Mingming...I don't want to hurt Zhihui at all."

  Saying that, Kato Megumi raised her head, looked at Sikong Xuan with tearful eyes, and said softly:

  "Hey, classmate Sikong, I already guessed it, you will confess to me or Zhihui today~~

  I once imagined that if Sikong chooses Zhihui, then I will stand by and bless you all.If classmate Sikong chooses me, then I will reject classmate Sikong's confession and give you to Zhihui.

  But... hehe~~ why?Why can't I control myself, why can't I refuse classmate Sikong's confession? "

  "Now, I've figured it out. Feelings, the harder they are suppressed, the stronger they will explode."

  As she spoke, the original smile on Kato Megumi's face gradually disappeared, and tears overflowed from her eyes again, and she couldn't stop it.

  "I will feel jealous when I see classmate Sikong and Zhihui in close contact; I will feel sad to find out that there is a secret between classmate Sikong and Zhihui hiding from me; even just now, Teacher Yamada Goblin tried to hide his feelings for classmate Sikong and said openly and honestly. If I want to fall in love with Sikong classmate or even get married, I will feel jealous."

  "Ah, classmate Sikong, look, my heart has long been influenced by classmate Sikong, and has become the shape of classmate Sikong.".

Chapter 112

  Facing the sobbing girl, Sikong Xuan gently wiped the girl's tears with his fingers.It's just that Megumi Kato's tears were like pearls with a broken thread, and they couldn't stop flowing out.

  In this regard, Sikong Xuan was silent for a while, and suddenly said to the girl:

  "Hey, Megumi, do you still remember the promise I made to you on the first day of school?"


  "Didn't Megumin ask me why I fell in love with you? I still remember when I told you that I would use a special way to tell you Megumi Kato in my eyes."

  Hearing Sikong Xuan's words, Kato Megumi couldn't help but stop crying and looked up at Sikong Xuan blankly.

  In this regard, Sikong Xuan smiled mysteriously, and then in front of Kato Megumi, he took out...a painting from the system space.

  Kato Megumi didn't know whether she should be puzzled by Sikong Xuan's behavior of taking objects from the air, or whether she should be curious about the painting in Sikong Xuanzhi's hands.It's just that Sikong Xuan didn't mean to explain at all, just smiled and handed the painting in his hand to her.

  "Take it apart and take a look."

  "...This is..."

  Taking over the words of Sikong Xuan, Kato Megumi took a deep breath, and then slowly unfolded the painting in her hand.

  The content of the painting is the detective Po, who first encountered him. The painting style is extremely stunning and full of aura, which makes people unable to watch.

  However, looking at the person in the painting—the girl standing on the ramp, stroking her hair with one hand and pressing the skirt of her skirt with the other, and standing in the middle of the dancing cherry blossom petals, Kato Megumi couldn’t help but blurted out:

  "Is this... me?"

  I was... so beautiful back then?

  It's not narcissism. Looking at the self in the painting, even Sage Hui couldn't help but be moved, and his eyes showed shock.

  This may be the first time that a girl has discovered her own beauty, a suffocating beauty.

  Facing the girl who stared blankly at the painting, Sikong Xuan smiled.

  Seeing Kato Megumi's shocked appearance, it's not a waste of time for him to spend 800 points to buy a tasteless master-level painting ability in Qun Mall.

  Extending his right hand, his thumb and index finger gently lifted Kato Megumi's chin, making the girl look at him, Sikong Xuan said in a frivolous tone:

  "Now, does Megumi understand why I fell in love with you?"


  "Haha~~ Actually, I'm just pure ecstasy."

  "Classmate Sikong... bullying people~~"

  After pursing her lips for a while, Ms. Kato Megumi replied with a blushing face.In this regard, Sikong Xuan just recklessly admired the beautiful and delicious girl, and then laughed loudly:

  "I am attracted by such a beautiful Megumi, and I can't help but fall in love with you. What makes me even more happy is that this beauty of Megumi is only me aware of, only I can appreciate, and it belongs to me alone. Beautiful view~~”

  "Sikong... classmate..."

  Hearing Sikong Xuan's words, Miss Kato Megumi became more and more shy.She put away the picture that Sikong Xuan gave her, and was carefully held in her arms together with the white beret, her heart was wrapped in a deep happiness and sweetness.

  However, in the next second, this happiness and sweetness were dispelled by Sikong Xuan's words.

  "But, Megumi, I hope you can refuse my confession."


  Suddenly raising her head, Kato Megumi looked at Sikong Xuan with blank eyes, her body trembled slightly.Then, she noticed that Sikong Xuan's eyes were looking behind her.

  "... Chie?"

  At this time, the girl remembered that there was another person at the scene.She turned around quickly and saw Zhihui looking at her with complicated eyes.Seeing her turn around, an embarrassed expression suddenly appeared on the other party's face.

  By the way, and Chi Hye...

  "Because, there's also Chi-hye~~"

  Kato Megumi thought to himself, and Sikong Xuan said it directly.He crossed Kato Megumi with a smile, walked to his childhood sweetheart, and said to Zhihui in a sincere tone:

  "Jihui, I like you, please get in touch with me~!"



  She couldn't help but twitch her lips. Although she guessed that Sikong Xuan would do this, Zhihui couldn't help but laugh out loud.

  "Jun Xuan is really... do you think you are Lord Key?"

  (PS: Mr. Key, referring to Key Sugisaki, the protagonist of "Opinions of the Student Union", a male protagonist who is more attractive than the four heroines, I recommend everyone to make up for this)

  "Xuanjun, do you want to bring me and Huijiang into the harem together?"

  The embroidered eyebrows were curved like a crescent moon, and Chi Hui glanced at Kato Megumi, who had a nervous look on her face involuntarily, with a smiling expression on her face.

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