"Then don't cry, I want to try to punch you in the face and see if I can punch you and cry."

  "Uh-huh... I was wrong, Sikong, don't slap in the face, the wound on my face is not healed yet."

  Seeing Sikong Xuan staring at him with a bad face, Kaguya smiled awkwardly and guilty, then held the clutch and said:

  "I'll drive back to Earth now to find Fengji and Yiji. I'll never race again."

  "This is the best way. If you dare to race again, I'll throw you into the sun~!"

  Under the threat of Sikong Xuan, Hui Ye suddenly put away his playfulness, and honestly drove the Emperor Colt towards the earth.

  Because neither of them was in a hurry, and Kaguya had just been racing faster than the speed of light was almost too cool, so they both focused on the beautiful space scenery around them on the return trip.

  Driving in a dead space with no business, no life, and only a dead space, and admiring the hazy and illusory scenery in the distance, Kaguya seems to have changed back to the noble princess who admired herself under the moon. Can't help but stare at it.

  Then, I heard Kaguya say softly:

  "Speaking of which, it's the first time I've seen this vast universe in this way."

  "How do you feel?"

  "Sending a mayfly in the sky and the earth is a drop in the vast ocean. Su Zi and his friends are boating on the red cliffs, and the concubine can feel the same."

(Yes) "Indeed. Compared with the universe, any living thing is too small."

  After nodding lightly, Sikong Xuan laughed suddenly, looking at the distant star shining brightly, and said softly:

  "Of course, the dead are like this, but they have never gone there; the empty ones are like that, and the dead do not grow or grow. Even if you look at them from the changes, the heaven and the earth can't be seen for a moment; from the unchanged ones. , then things and I are endless, and what is there to envy!"

  "...Pfft~~ What an interesting person, Sikong~~"

  Hearing that Sikong used Su Shi's poems to comfort himself, Hui Ye couldn't help laughing out loud.She looked back at Sikong Xuan, and saw that the latter had taken off the helmet of the ultimate emperor's armor, smiling and looking at the scenery of the universe with his naked eyes.

  So, perhaps playful, perhaps emotional, Hui Ye suddenly said to Sikong Xuan:

  "Hey, Sikong, do you really want to become the concubine of Yongyongting?"


  "Hee hee~~ It means, do you really want to have a vigorous cosmic love with Ben Gong?"

  After saying that, he saw Hui Ye kneeling on the Emperor's colt, turning his body around, then hugging Sikong Xuan's neck with both hands, and kissing Sikong Xuanzhou firmly like this.

  Immediately, speechless at the moment.

  PS: Haha, do you think Kaguya is inexplicable?But I can tell you that Kaguya has not really liked his boss Kong Xuan, the above. .

Chapter 124

  Outside Gensokyo, in the sky above the mountains of the Eight Mountains, Mianyuki Toyohime and Mianyue Yihime are sorting out their messy hairstyles and clothes.

  Brushing the ends of her hair on her forehead, Mianyue Fengji asked Mianyue Yiji in surprise:

  "Just now... Yiji, did you see something flying by us?"

  "...I didn't see clearly."

  Compared to Mianyue Fengji, who was in shock, Mianyue Yiji's inner shock was also not small.Although Kaguya passed by Sister Mianyue on the Emperor Colt, the speed of the Emperor Colt was only a few dozen times the speed of sound, but it was only a few dozen times the speed of sound, and the storm it set off almost missed Sister Mianyue. Roll up to the sky.

  And this kind of pure speed without exerting any spatial ability, even Sister Mianyue couldn't help feeling heart palpitations.

  "The situation has changed, Yiji, maybe we've taken so-called Gensokyo too lightly."

  "...Indeed, all the information that can be obtained comes from the manga and setting collections of humans, but these manga and setting collections do not represent the whole of Gensokyo, maybe there is something really hidden in Gensokyo. ."

  "In that case, Yiji, or..."

  Mianyue Fengji didn't finish speaking, but the meaning was self-evident.

  In this regard, Mianyue Yiji was naturally unwilling to leave in such a dismal manner, but, thinking about the speed at which he couldn't even see the taillights of people and cars just now, even Mianyue Yiji felt a little palpitated.

  So, after struggling for a while, Mianyue Yiji compromised:

  "Wait a little longer, wait...an hour. If we can't find Gensokyo in an hour, we'll go back to the Moon City and ask those sages to come and help~!"


  So, when Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Lan returned to the entrance of Gensokyo, the two big monsters saw Sister Mianyue who had already sorted out their clothes and hairstyles, and kept observing back and forth with their naked eyes and mental perception, hoping to Find out Gensokyo hidden by the Hakurei Great Barrier.

  Not knowing that Sister Mianyue has retreated, Yakumo Zi looked at Sister Mianyue who was guarding the gate of Gensokyo like two wolves and was naturally worried.

  Even so, she did not panic, but slowly fanned her precious little folding fan, looked around with purple eyes, and asked Yakumo Lan in a strange tone:

  "What about Princess Kaguya and her consort?"

  "I don't know... But just now, Princess Huiye and her concubine really walked from this way, and the Boli Great Barrier was indeed broken through from it just now. Where are the two of them going? already?"

  Yayunzi and Yayunlan searched up and down several times, but they still couldn't see Hui Ye and Sikong Xuan.Looking at Sister Mianyue, who was staring at him, and the already somewhat unstable Hakurei Great Barrier, Yakumo Zi couldn't help but put away the small folding fan, with a serious expression on her face.

  "If you have to, let me go out and lead them away."

  "Master Zi, this is too dangerous, or I should go."

  "No need. Don't worry, with our ability, if something goes wrong, I can escape through the gap. Lan, you can continue to stay here, strengthen the Boli Great Barrier, at least don't let it fluctuate erratically all the time. down."

  "It's... all right."

  After the two big monsters discussed it, when the Hakuli Great Barrier was about to fluctuate again, Yakumo Zi opened a gap and went out to lure Sister Mianyue away.

  But at this moment, Yakumo Lan suddenly grabbed her and stared at the sky above her with wide eyes.

  "Blue, what... eh?!"

  Just under the gazes of Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Blue, as well as the Mianyue sisters outside Gensokyo, a stream of light fell from the sky and flew straight down toward the Yakumo Mountains.

  That streamer was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, the streamer had already fallen from space, and then...

  "call out--!"

  Seeing the streamer falling from the sky and hitting Sister Mianyue straight, the panic-stricken Mianyue Toyohime hurriedly escaped the trajectory of the streamer's fall with the ability to connect the sea and the mountain.And Mianyue Yiji was in bad luck. Although she avoided being hit by the streamer in time, but without the space ability like her sister, she couldn't keep the distance at all, so she was sucked by the wake generated by the streamer. He went in, and then followed the streamer and plunged into the ground.


  With a huge roar like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, a mushroom cloud slowly rose from the mountains of the Eight Mountains.Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Lan did their best to reinforce the barrier, and Mianyue Fengji, who managed to avoid it, was sprayed with dust by the mushroom cloud, like a big rural girl who had just returned from the field.

  "Cough cough cough~~ Yiji, Yiji~! Are you all right?"

  "Ah...that...it should be fine."

  Just when Mianyue Fengji panicked and used her mental power to perceive the center of the explosion, Sikong Xuan suddenly appeared behind her and said to her in an uncertain tone.

  The sudden appearance of Sikong Xuan made Mianyue Fengji's heart tremble.So without thinking about it, Fengji Mianyue picked up her fan and turned around to face Sikong Xuan.

  It was a fan that could blow the wind that purifies the forest into elementary particles, and with a slight wave of Mianyue Fengji, the beautiful forest with an altitude of 1543 meters behind Sikong Xuan was leveled directly.And Sikong Xuan...

  'Transform view. '

  The ability to transform space with people and objects to move instantaneously is also the ability possessed by the Emperor.I saw Sikong Xuan appeared behind Mianyue Fengji, frowned at the princess of the moon who was waving a fan, and said:

  "It's too messy. It's such a pity that such a beautiful scenery is destroyed like this."


  He turned around again, but this time, Mianyuki Toyohime also cooperated with the attack of the fan to activate the ability to connect the sea and the mountain.

  The so-called ability to connect the sea and the mountain is not the ability to 'fill the mountains with sea water and fill the mountains into the sea', but the ability to connect the moon and the earth, the moon on the surface and the moon in the interior, and the moon and the Between the ground and even more distant distances, they can be connected in an instant, and they can move freely between them, and they can also jump and teleport others and objects.

  After realizing that Sikongxuan also has the ability to move in space, Mianyue Fengji did not hesitate to activate this ability, which is said to have been learned from the quantum theory taught by Yayi Yonglin, in order to cooperate with the fan's attack and turn the fan The wind that blew was told directly in front of Sikong Xuan, not giving Sikong Xuan a chance to dodge.

  Facing Mianyue Fengji's direct face-lifting attack, Sikong Xuan finally showed a serious expression.When he opened his right hand, a space door appeared directly in the palm of his hand.

  At the same time, another space gate appeared behind Sikong Xuan, and Mianyue Fengji's wind attack, which was enough to purify the enemy into particles, blew a loneliness directly.

  Then, when Sikongxuan stretched out his index finger, an aurora from his fingertips, Mianyue Fengji's arm was immediately penetrated by the laser attack that Sikongxuan fired with his fingertips.

  The fan that could blow the wind that purifies the forest into elementary particles also slipped from the girl's (woman?)'s hand and fell from the sky to the ground. .

Chapter 125

  "So strong~!"

  Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Blue in the Hakurei Great Barrier that hides Gensokyo, watching Sikong Xuan who defeated Mianyue Fengji cleanly, the two big monsters couldn't help showing solemn expressions.

  From their eyes, it was natural to see that such a one-sided battle was not because Mianyue Fengji was too weak.

  No, quite the opposite.

  Not to mention the destructive fan, the ability that Mianyue Fengji showed to connect the sea and the mountain, the two big monsters could vaguely feel that it was a space ability higher than the gap.Even Yakumo Zi secretly deduced it, and the result was Mianyue Toyohime's ability to defeat her.

  But I didn't expect that such a powerful messenger of the moon would be so vulnerable in front of this concubine of Yongting Pavilion who jumped out from nowhere.

  "Sikong Xuan...? This little brother Sikong is really strong and unparalleled~~"

  He opened the small folding fan and gently fanned the wind for himself, Yakumo Zi stared at Sikong Xuan, who had transformed into an emperor:

  "And that armor is definitely weird~!"

  "I don't know whether this prince-in-law of Yongyong Pavilion is stronger or weaker compared to Lord Fengjian Youxiang and the Four Heavenly Kings of the Ghost Clan."

  "It's better not to think like that."

  Hearing what Yakumo Lan meant, Yakumo Zi shook his fan, then shook his head gently:

  "You also said that little brother Sikong is Yongyongting's consort. If you rashly encourage others to test it, it will easily lead to wars between different forces in Gensokyo."

  "Boli's Great Barrier, it can't stand the destruction now."

  "Sorry, Master Zi, I was the one who didn't think well."


  Putting away the small folding fan, Yakumo Zi looked at Sikong Xuan outside the Great Barrier, with a faint smile on his face:

  "At the very least, it would be a good thing if Brother Sikong could settle the troubles in the Moon City for us."


  Using the aurora with his fingertips to injure Mianyue Fengji's arm, forcing the opponent to lose the dangerous fan, Sikong Xuan appeared in front of Mianyue Fengji with a change of scenery, and then said with great interest:

  "This should be... General."

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