Usually the shrine maiden also needs an 'official sequence' to summon the gods, but Mianyue Yiji does not need this sequence process at all, and can quickly summon the gods, borrowing part of the power of any of Japan's eight million gods, and even Mikiko's Amaterasu The Great God can do it.

  The most important point, Mianyue Yiji, who borrowed the power of the gods, didn't need to pay any price.In other words, confronting her is actually equivalent to fighting eight million gods.

  So when a new member of the chat group, the silver-haired girl saw Mianyue Yiji as a god at first glance when she saw the live broadcast.

  Because at this moment, Mianyue Yiji, who is entrusting the power of the gods, is even more powerful than the superior gods in Japanese mythology in terms of comprehensive abilities.

  "Atago-sama's fire~.'!"

  The two wrists turned into flames, and then the flames suddenly expanded.The hot flame mixed with divine power directly turned the ground into scorched earth, the forest ignited, and countless animals fled in panic.

  Seeing this scene, Mianyue Yiji was startled and was about to withdraw the flame.But at this moment, she suddenly saw Sikong Xuan snap his fingers, and the world changed accordingly.

  "Don't worry, I have divided the world into two channels, you can just use your power, the battle in the mysterious channel cannot affect the reality channel."


  Looking at Sikongxuan again, Mianyue Yiji is really curious about this armored man who jumped out of nowhere.

  However, now that both of them are fighting, she is serious and does not allow herself to release water in the battle, even if she is grateful and admired for the other party.

  (PS: Of course, if the person fighting is Bayi Yonglin, let alone release water, there is no problem in letting Mianyue Yiji release into the sea)

  Changed to hold the Tiancong Cloud Sword with one hand, and slapped the ground with the other hand.In an instant, columns of fire erupted from the ground, covering the ground with a layer of flames that seemed to burn everything up.

  "Flame? How about trying my flame?"

  With another snap of his fingers, crimson flames descended from the sky, and the ground around where Sikong Xuan stood was ignited.

  It's just that compared to the 'Atago-sama's fire' borrowed by Mianyue Yiji, the flame that was created by the fusion of the fire of origin and the flame of the phoenix was full of vitality.Where the flames burned, the forest ignited by Mianyue Yiji's flames suddenly regained its vitality, and the trees that had been burned to the ground suddenly grew tender seedlings, and the damaged soil became fertile.

  Seeing this scene, Mianyue Yiji couldn't help being stunned.

  "what is this?"

  A flame full of such vitality, even the well-informed Mianyue Yiji, who has lived for thousands of years, has never seen it before.

  When she saw that the 'Atago-sama's fire' she borrowed was extinguished by Sikong Xuan's flame, this made her even more confused.

  Shaking her head, Mianyue Yiji forced herself to regain her fighting spirit.

  Then, seeing her right hand held high, the sky suddenly accumulated a thick layer of dark clouds.

  "Fire God of Thunder, make Qizhu's brothers obey me and defeat the enemy in front of me~!"

  Borrowing the power of the God of Fire and Thunder, a heavy downpour first fell in the sky, but such heavy rain could not extinguish Sikong Xuan's flame.

  Then lightning flashed in the sky and thunder sounded; the thunder turned into an eight-headed flaming dragon, just like the eight-headed snake in mythology, opened its bloody mouth and bit at Sikong Xuan.

  "Incarnate outside the body~!"

  Facing the eight-headed flame dragon swooping down from a height, Sikong Xuan simply and rudely divided into seven clones, and then the seven clones together with the main body each threw an emperor fist at one dragon head.

  Immediately, the eight giant fist shadows collided with the eight-headed flame dragon, and the eight-headed flame dragon let out a roaring sound, and then dissipated in the air unwillingly.

  "What other god's power is there, just use it."

  Until now, Sikong Xuan, who had not used the Aurora Shield or Aurora Sword, nor the Meditation Seal, the Five Elements Kill and the Ultimate Kill, was honestly a little disappointed with Mianyue Yiji in front of him.

  So, after a pause, he turned to look at Mianyue Fengji who was watching the battle:

  "Or... can you ask your sister to come with you?"

  Mianyue Yiji: "...create"

  She was not reconciled, but the warrior's intuition told her that she was no match for the armored man in front of her.Perhaps, I should follow the advice of the other party and let my sister cooperate with her to fight the enemy?

  Mianyue Fengji: "..."

  Eh?me?Can I say no?Such a fierce battle, my small arms and legs can't bear it. .

Chapter 129

  When Sikong Xuan and Mianyue Yiji were having a lively fight outside the Great Barrier, the entrance and exit of Gensokyo also became lively.

  First, Yakumo Zi's good friend Yuyuko of Xixingji Temple hurriedly came with his court teacher, Yaomeng, after learning that there was a problem with the Hakurei Great Barrier.

  Then there is the ever bright red baby moon in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. After the little vampire Remilia noticed the movement here, she took Paqiuli, Hong Meiling and even her sister Flando under the umbrella of the head maid. Lu ran over to join in the fun.Afterwards, Sanae, the sorceress of Moriya Shrine, was also pulled over by the two gods Yasaka Kanako and Shiya Suwako, who also served, along with Kaguya's good friend Fujiwara Meihong and her good girlfriend. On Bai Ze Huiyin.

  Instead, it was Gensokyo City Management, and Hakurei Reimu waited until even Kazami Yuxiang, who lived in the sunflower field, arrived, before bringing the harem king, Wuyu Marisa, too late.Looking at the drowsy look of this witch, it was obvious that Marisa, who likes to join in the fun, was pulled out of the bed.

  Ignoring Marisa and Reimu, who chatted and greeted a group of monsters, Kazami Yuka, a loner, went straight to Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Lan with a sun umbrella.

  "Who's fighting outside?"


  The corner of Yakumo Zi's mouth twitched as she looked at the excited face of the Four Seasons' Flower Lord.

  Thanks to the Boli Great Barrier, which isolates the inside and outside, except for Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Blue, who repaired and strengthened the Great Barrier daily, no one else could see the scene of Sikong Xuan fighting against Mianyue Yiji outside through the Great Barrier.

  Even so, the two guys outside the Great Barrier were fighting so lively that the big monsters inside the Great Barrier could obviously sense it.No, this Feng Jian Youxiang in front of her rarely went out the door, and then rushed over excitedly, obviously wanting to participate in the battle outside.

  "...It's Yongting Pavilion's concubine fighting with the messenger of the moon."

  "The concubine of Yongyong Pavilion?!"*2

  Hearing Yakumo Zi's words, the two girls couldn't help exclaiming.Among them, Fujiwara Meihong was obviously shocked to death (hao) and quietly found a good relationship with (ji) head (you), and shooting life Maru Wen was simply smelling the breath of big news.

  "Hey, Yakumo-sama, can you introduce us in detail about the concubine of Eternal Pavilion? Of course, if possible, the messenger of the moon who suddenly appeared can also introduce us to us."

  "...You are a crow who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, why don't we just send you out and let you interview little brother Sikong in person now?"

  The veins on his forehead jumped, and Yakumo Zi threatened Sheming Maruwen with a bad look.The latter naturally understood the meaning of Yakumo Zi's words, and muttered, 'This is a crow, not a crow', and shrank back from his heart.

  And other big monsters, such as Kazami Yuka, such as Xingxiong Yuyi, and even Remilia excitedly want to go out and have a good time, of course, Remi was finally punished by the head maid Sakuya Izayoi, and she could only Covering his small head, he suppressed the thought of death with tears in his eyes.

  Facing the expression of "hurry up and open the Great Barrier, or we'll tear it down" from the fighters in Gensokyo, Yakumo Zi didn't get angry, but showed a thoughtful expression.

  Finally, just when Feng Jian Youxiang was about to hold back, she finally nodded:

  "Also. The last time on the moon, the monsters I waited for were defeated. This time, the messenger of the moon came to the door, and it is indeed time for the capital of the moon to see the strength of the monsters we waited for."

  After that, I saw Yakumo Zi open a gap, then turned around, opened a small folding fan and said to the monsters and gods:

  "Let's do what you can. There is no need to go out and be ashamed of a weak existence."

  "Tsk~~ Wouldn't it be enough to open it earlier? Otherwise, I'll use the magic cannon to blast away the Great Barrier~!"

  Seeing that Yakumo Zi finally nodded and agreed, Feng Jian Youxiang tutted angrily, and then flew into the gap first.

  Then, Xingxiong Yongyi laughed a few times, and while drinking, he followed Fengfeng to see Youxiang.Fujiwara Meihong and Shemeimaruwen were really curious about the eternal concubine who appeared out of nowhere, so they followed Bai Zehuiyin and Ji Haitangguo's obstruction.Flanders, who finally came out of the Scarlet Devil Mansion once, took advantage of holding an umbrella for her and Hong Meiling ran over without noticing, so frightened that Hong Meiling hurriedly followed.

  "Fran, don't go, it's dangerous~!"

  Seeing Flanders and Hong Meiling running into the gap, Remilia was about to follow in a panic, but Sakuya Izayoi tried her best to stop her, while Paqiuri and Alice held her back together. The restless Kirisame Marisa.

  "Marisa, with your strength, it's not enough to be involved in the battle outside~! There's no protection from spell card rules outside!"

  Naturally, Remilia and Marisa were very unhappy about this.However, at this moment, Yakumo Zi suddenly used the water mirror technique on the Great Barrier to broadcast the battle outside to everyone present (yokai gods).

  Looking at the earth-shattering scene, Remilia and Marisa, who were still there just now, suddenly lost their voices.

  After a while, Kirisame Marisa said in a trembling voice:

  "This is... the battle between Yongting Pavilion's concubine and the messenger of the moon?"


  Outside the Great Barrier, facing Sikong Xuan who easily broke Mianyue Yiji's offensive, Mianyue Fengji finally joined the battle and faced Sikong Xuan with her sister.

  With the addition of Mianyue Fengji, the ability to possess the body of a god and the ability to connect the sea and the mountain finally made Sikong Xuan feel a little pressure.

  "The power of Gion-sama~!"

  The official name should be 'The power of Gion-sama who seals the goddess'.I saw Mianyue Yiji thrust the knife she was holding to the ground, and Sikong Xuan immediately surrounded him with countless knives.It's just that this move can only be bound. As long as the bound object doesn't move around, it won't cause any damage at all.

  However, Mianyue Yiji just wanted to play its restraining role.

  "Kenyu Thunder God, let the enemy in front bathe you under the thunder~!"

  Immediately, the dark clouds summoned by the power of the previous Eight Fire Thunder Gods kept dropping lightning strikes from the sky, turning into lightning and attacking Sikong Xuan from all directions.And the sealed sword of Lord Gion, who imprisoned him around him, was an excellent weapon for guiding thunder, making Sikong Xuan finally show a solemn expression.

  First of all, he wanted to escape the loyalty of the lightning strike by changing the scene, but Mianyue Fengji once again predicted the position of his teleportation and connected the start and end points of his teleportation, making Sikongxuan come back again. ground teleportation.

  At this time, the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky had already struck the surrounding swords that imprisoned him.Seeing this, Sikong Xuan made a gesture calmly:

  "Fighting around the stars~!"

  Immediately, the lightning strikes from all directions were directly bounced back by Sikong Xuan.The sword of Gion-sama, who had imprisoned him around, was blown to pieces by the bombardment of the rebounding lightning.

  Not only that, but the lightning that was chopped down one after another was also moved by Sikong Xuan and returned directly to Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji.Unpredictable, Sister Mianyue was electrocuted and her hair stood on end.

  However, before Sikong Xuan could take a breath, he saw a magic cannon suddenly shot from a distance.

  Sikong Xuan dodged backwards, avoiding the sudden magic cannon, and then looked at the owner of the magic cannon.

  "The wind sees the fragrance?".

Chapter 130

  Lives in sunflower fields, likes to enjoy flowers, prefers seasonal flowers, and the ability is the ability to manipulate the degree of flowers.

  Regular life, elegant demeanor, hardly doing anything special and eye-catching, and rarely disturbed by others, straying outside the main line of the story that happened in Gensokyo, living a peaceful and stable life like a free-growing plant .

  It is this kind of Feng Jian Youxiang, but there is a big and no small problem: he likes fighting, he likes fighting each other, and he likes fighting in close quarters and crushing everything with strength.


  "Let's fight~!"

  With an extremely trembling S and a slightly twisted smile on her face, Feng Jian Youxiang put away her parasol, and then directly used the parasol as a weapon to draw it towards Sikong Xuan.The scarlet eyes, if ordinary people look at them, I am afraid they will be lost in the madness and killing in an instant.

  Blocking Feng Jian Youxiang's parasol with his arm blade, and then facing Feng Jian Youxiang's accompanying punches and kicks, Sikong Xuan also took it with ease, and even took the time to ask:

  "You are, Hua Mama... No, Feng Jian Youxiang?"

  "Flower mother? Interesting."

  Hearing Sikongxuan's words, Fengjian Youxiang froze for a while, and then laughed. Sikongxuan was a little flustered by that smile.

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