"Come again~!!"*2

  Clenching their fists, Sikong Xuan and Feng Jian Youxiang simultaneously bullied them, and the eyes of the onlookers twitched when they saw the fist-to-meat fight.

  At this time, no one else was watching.Ibuki Suika directly transformed herself into a giant by manipulating the density level, then jumped into the sky and slammed her fist down at Sikong Xuan who was fighting with Kazami Yuka.

  And Xingxiong Yongyi tore off his collar and compresses his strength to the extreme.Then, I saw her take two steps forward, and when she took the third step, she saw that the absolute power she had accumulated that seemed to be able to destroy everything was released, and it was—

  "Four Heavenly Kings Profound Truth, Three Steps to Kill~!!"

  He kicked Fengjian Youxiang away with one foot, Sikong Xuan watched the two ghost kings attack one by one, and his eyes behind the mask couldn't help but congeal slightly.

  Then, he saw an aurora shield on his right arm, and the armour of his arm also extended.Afterwards, I saw him raise the aurora shield and hunched over in a defensive stance.


  First, the Four Heavenly Kings of Xingxiong Yuyi, the three-step kill, and then Ibuki Suika's fist fell with a bang.


  The violent shock devastated the bodies of Sikong Xuan and Ibuki Cuixiang. After this ultimate strength and indestructible defense met, it was the ultimate strength that was defeated.

  Even though Sikong Xuancai was hit with Ibuki Suika's fist immediately after enduring Xingxiong Yongyi's three-step kill, Sikong Xuan, who had the Aurora Shield, managed to kill Ibuki Suika in a clean way.

  The latter directly withdrew from the giant form under the counterattack of Sikong Xuan, and the petite ghost king Loli flew out like a rag doll.


  With a skillful use of strength, a green figure in the air removed the inertia and shock of Ibuki Cuixiang, and then hugged the ghost king Loli in her arms.

  Ibuki Cuixiang vomited a large mouthful of blood, then opened her eyes with a pale face and saw that it was Hong Meiling, who was wearing a green cheongsam and a green hat, who rescued her.

  "Watermelon, are you alright?"

  "Hmm~ The injury is a bit serious, but it doesn't matter. It's just you..."


  Facing Suika Ibuki with a surprised look, Hong Meiling showed a smile full of sunshine.

  "His Majesty the Dragon Emperor face to face, if you don't risk your life to challenge, it would be a pity."

  Saying that, Hong Meiling gently put Ibuki Suika down, and then looked up at Sikong Xuan, her longing eyes (are you okay) hot as if it could melt people.

  "The five-clawed golden dragon is the absolute emperor and the absolute king even in the dragon clan. I never thought that a little carp like me who failed to leap to the dragon gate would be able to see the noble dragon emperor. Even if I die now, I have no regrets."

  "However, great Dragon Sovereign, please forgive me for the following crimes. It's just trivial. My little unwillingness drives me to come to you and tell you about the injustice and regret of my fate."

  Under the suspicious gazes of Sikong Xuan, Feng Jian Youxiang and other girls, Hong Meiling, who was still unwilling to the fate of her failure to leap from the Dragon Gate, sang and apologized to Sikong Xuan first.

  Then, the carp monster from Huaxia clenched his fists at Sikong Xuan, revealing the already ignited fighting spirit in his heart:

  "Provoking your majesty, I am willing to punish you afterwards to apologize to you. Now, please let me use my actions to tell the unwillingness in the hearts of the losers of fate, and my respect for you and the dragon family~!"

  After saying that, Hong Meiling resolutely challenged Sikong Xuan, the emperor's hero who symbolized the emperor and the five-clawed golden dragon, as a carp monster. .

Chapter 134

  "This is Heaven?"

  "This is your house?"

  When Hong Meiling and Sikong Xuan fought, all the melon eaters in Gensokyo who knew Hong Meiling showed dumbfounded expressions.Especially Remilia, she bit the handkerchief in distress when she saw her sister being beaten, with a tearful expression on the verge of crying.

  After wiping away his tears, he looked up and saw that his family, who had been detained by Sakuya Izayoi for an unknown amount of time, was able to fight back and forth with that powerful perverted armored man.

  The exquisite martial arts displayed during the battle with Sikong Xuan really blinded the 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of the lord of the Red Devils Pavilion.

  "咲咲咲咲咲夜, is our family's Celestial Dynasty so powerful?"

  "Should...it's okay?" The perfect and dashing maid was also a little confused at this time, "Anyway, I've already inserted some flying knives into her forehead, but she has always been alive and kicking, and she is still alive and kicking. Dare to stand and doze off at work every day."

  "Why were you defeated when that abominable shrine maiden and thief (referring to Reimu and Marisa) invaded my Scarlet Devil Mansion that day?"

  "Hmm~ Have you forgotten?" With a speechless expression on her face, Izayoi Sakuya bent down and whispered in Remilia's ear: "Before the mutation, you and Yakumo Zi-sama were not too early. Is it just negotiated? Otherwise, even if the Celestial Dynasty is defeated, it is impossible to lead the way for the Hakure Miko and the Black and White Mouse after being threatened."

  Not far away, a black and white mouse... ah no, it's Marisa, looking at Hong Meiling, who was showing her great power, she obviously reacted, and immediately grabbed Reimu's hand and said angrily:

  "Haha~! That Heavenly Dynasty actually released water before, but I thought we defeated her with strength~!"

  "Ahh~~ Is it bad to let the water out? Do you still want to be beaten by her, Marisa?"

  "Of course not~! It's just... just... hey~~ Forget it, when she comes back, I'll let her teach me Celestial Kung Fu. Speaking of which, Celestial Kung Fu looks so handsome~~ Reimu Reimu, do you want to learn kung fu from the Heavenly Dynasty with me?"

  "Eh~ I don't want to."

  Hakurei Reimu, who yawned sleepily, almost had the word 'lazy' written on her face, how could she have followed Marisa to learn some Celestial Kung Fu?

  During this time, she hid under the quilt to sleep, isn't it fragrant?

  "Well~ I don't have anything to do here anyway, I'll just sleep here. You guys, don't disturb me, or Yin Yang Jade will greet you, you know?!"

  Saying that, Hakurei Reimu found a good position, and then lay down directly, looking at the surrounding Gensokyo girls quite speechless.

  "This year's Boli Witch is considered a waste."

  "Zi, do you want us to train another Hakurei witch trumpet?"

  "Yayunzi, you are the lazy monster who ruined Reimu, right?"

  "Well done, monster sage, it's better to be lazy, Hakurei Miko."


  The melon eaters looked at Hakurei Reimu, who was lazy to a certain level, and started talking about it, and some monsters even pointed their finger at Yakumo Zi.

  And Yakumo Zi, who was shot for no reason, of course quit, and immediately retorted:

  "Why are you so filthy monsters out of thin air?"

  "What is innocence? Don't you, Yakumozi, sleepy in spring, sleepy in summer, slumber in autumn, and hibernate in winter? Those who know think you are a monster in the gap, and those who don't know think you are a pig monster who knows to sleep every day~~"

  "Pig, pig demon..."

  Yakumo Zi blushed immediately, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, arguing:

  "Hibernate or something, can't the interstitial monsters hibernate?"

  Then there are the hard-to-understand words, such as 'sufficient sleep is good for the skin', 'I eat a lot and sleep a lot without gaining weight, people who laugh at me are jealous of me', etc. When he got up, his surroundings were filled with joyful air.

  Yasaka Kanako also mocked Yagumo Zi with everyone (demon), and when she turned around, she saw the frog... No, it was Yuya Suwako staring blankly at the big barrier. water mirror.

  "What, Suwako, do you want to go out and join in the fun too?"

  "...Forget it." With a lonely expression on his face, Yuya Suwako said in a low mood: "We who have been forgotten by the times and even the world, if we leave Gensokyo, it is estimated that we will perform better than those two. The kotengu is even worse."

  That's right, the indigenous gods who survived in this world relying on their beliefs, after the advent of the scientific age, the world outside Gensokyo has no place.It is precisely because of this that Yasaka Kanako recklessly moved the shrine into Gensokyo for her sake, because if it were a little later, Suwako, who had completely lost her faith, would really disappear.

  In fact, not only indigenous gods like Yuya Suwako, but most of the non-human beings in Gensokyo regard this place as their last shelter in this world.

  When mankind occupied the world and ignited the fire of science, all non-scientific existences were regarded as superstition by mankind and then rejected.

  Yakumo Zi is aware of the tragic encounters that monsters may face after humans rule this world, so from a thousand years ago, she led some monsters to move to the uninhabited border areas of the East Country, and established a paradise for monsters - fantasy Township.

  But even so, the explosion of human population and the expansion of the world still make Gensokyo's monsters overwhelmed.To this end, five hundred years ago, Yakumo Zi launched a monster expansion plan, by creating a realm of fantasy and reality around Gensokyo.Set Gensokyo as the real world, the fantasy world and the outside world.It automatically attracts and accommodates the yokai whose power in the outside world has gradually weakened, thereby restoring the power of the Gensokyo yokai who have been oppressed by humans.

  The genius of this plan is that the monsters in the outside world will disappear and the monsters in Gensokyo will grow stronger.The outside world is the world of humans, while Gensokyo is the world of monsters.

  Then about a hundred or so years ago, Japan entered the Meiji era, and the fire of science began to be ignited on this archipelago in the Far East. The sages of Gensokyo united with the Dragon God and opened the Hakurei Great Barrier to protect Gensokyo. In order to ensure that a corner of the world can avoid being rejected by humans and become the last pure land of non-human beings.

  And the price is the inversion of common sense of the world inside and outside Gensokyo.

  Because in this world, monsters are creatures that exist based on the fear of humans, and the strength of their power depends entirely on the level of human fear of monsters.

  In Gensokyo, a world where common sense has been subverted, youkai become stronger because humans respect science and lose their awe of youkai.However, in a world outside Gensokyo where common sense has not been subverted, if humans lose their reverence for youkai, the power of youkai will become very weak, and there is even a danger of disappearing like indigenous gods like Yuya Suwako.

  PS: I will put the extended knowledge of this chapter in the relevant chapters.To be honest, I was originally an Oriental chef, but I was blown away by those Orientals, and I got out of this pit because of the college entrance examination.Now that the novel is written in the East, I have also checked a lot of knowledge, and I have seen a lot of Dongfang blowing everywhere to harass the Oriental circle, and I am also in a complicated mood. .

Chapter 135

  When I was writing this chapter, I had a headache looking for information.

  Look at the picture, this is a schematic diagram of the Red Devils Pavilion rocket landing in the capital of the moon, hand-painted by an UP at station B.

  In the Touhou Project world, although Gensokyo is physically separated from the outside world by a 'wall', it is actually much easier for Gensokyo to reach areas that are not recognized by human technology, such as the Moon City.Gensokyo in a broad sense is actually not only the area covered by the Boli Great Barrier, but also the underworld, the capital of the moon, the underground, the other shore, the heaven and other areas, which are located on the fantasy side or are not recognized by the outside world's human technology. Area.

  Gensokyo is separated from the outside world by the enchantment that surrounds Gensokyo. The inside of the enchantment is the fantasy, the illusory part, and the outside of the enchantment is the real part.The illusion and reality in this are relative to the cognition of the scientific and technological civilization of the outside world.

  Science is exclusive and will deny all unscientific things, including fantasy things that are accepted by Gensokyo.

  Five hundred years ago, Yakumo Zi established the realm of illusion and reality and began to recruit monsters and things that were excluded from the outside world, until the establishment of the Hakurei Great Barrier more than one hundred years ago, after clarifying the relationship between Gensokyo and the outside world, fantasy The township always takes on the responsibility of absorbing what the outside world has forgotten or has become a fantasy.This includes not only monsters and gods denied by science, but also animals, plants and other things that are no longer used by outsiders.

  Well, in a sense, Gensokyo is just a recycling bin.


  In the setting of the Touhou Project, humans are a very strange race, feared by almost all non-human races, and they dare not be enemies of humans.

  Specifically, the capital of the moon:

  In 1927, people on earth began to notice the coincidence in the quantum state, Heisenberg came up with the uncertainty principle, Bohr came up with the synergy principle, and Yue Ye Jian was surprised.

  (PS: This is actually very strange. Long before the Moon City was established, Yue Yejian discovered that the world in the East is a world made up of possibilities, so she led some gods and followers to the Moon to establish the Moon City. Gao Tianyuan. I don't understand why humans are surprised that such a existence has been discovered thousands of years ago)

  On July 1969, 7, the Apollo 21 mission of the United States planted a flag on the moon. In 11, Apollo 1970 failed to land on the moon, and only the people of the moon knew why.By 13, the United States had successfully landed on the moon six times.

  (PS: The moon doesn't like humans landing on the moon, but for some reason they dare not explicitly destroy the Apollo program of the US imperialists, but only dare to do it secretly. On April 1981, 4, the United States successfully launched the world's The first space shuttle Columbia, however some Moonlings did not know about the space shuttle, apparently this was deliberately covered up for unknown reasons.)

  On March 2003, 3, the Celestial Dynasty started the Chang'e plan, and the people of the moon felt panic.

  (PS: In 03, my big flower planter could actually make the people of the moon panic. Very good, very awesome)

  In 2015, Pure Fox and Hekatia Labis Lazuli attacked the Moon City and instructed Klauenpis to lead the fairies of hell to the Sea of ​​Tranquility to play.In order to prevent the foul erosion caused by the pure fox's attack, the sages of the people of the moon froze the capital of the moon.The rare detective girl entrusted Doremi Suit to assist in the relocation of the capital of the moon, and reproduced the false capital of the moon in the dream world, and sent all the people of the moon who did not know it to the dream world.Anyone who wants to go to the Moon City will be sent here.However, staying in the dream world for a long time is easy to erode the spirit.For the sake of insurance, the sages formulated a plan to move the capital of the Moon City, aiming to purify Gensokyo, annihilate all the creatures on the ground, build the capital there, and sent the EagleRabbit troops composed of moon rabbits such as Linghu and Qinglan to Gensokyo for execution. Task.

  (PS: This is very strange. Obviously Gensokyo is so small, but Moon City is aiming at Gensokyo and is not willing to grab the chassis of human beings. There is no hidden reason behind this, I don’t believe it)


  When I was looking for reference materials before, I had referred to "Fantasy Territory", but later I found out that the thing was eaten by Zun's book (well, in fact, Zun added a low-credibility to "Fantasy Territory". buff).

  Then I looked for "Oriental Qiuwen Shiji" as a reference material, which refers to the works from the time period after the release of Cui Meng to the Diling Hall.Since the release of Cui Meng, the setting of the East has entered the stage of systematization and systematization.Discussing the set, during this time Zun added a series of representative settings to Gensokyo, including:

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