The large black blur arrived almost instantly in front of the two man in suit and a pair of black furred, strong claw like hands gripped both of their heads. They couldn't react at all and they were smashed into the floor, the sound of breaking tiles and skulls echoed through the living room, leaving Claudia, Ceddy and the old man staring wide eyed at the over 2 meters tall black furred creature.

The old man was the fastest to realize what happened and made a turn at an incredible speed, he jumped through the window, breaking the glass in the process without effort.

When Ceddy and Claudia ran to the window and looked down at the parking space, only to seea few pieces of broken glass on the ground. The old butler wasn't to be seen anywhere.

They heard a familiar voice behind them, "It's too late, he escaped...." They turned around and saw a bare chested Leroy standing there. Leroy's chest looked especially well trained and his six pack were almost perfect, his hands were stained with blood and other stuff that made Claudia's and Ceddy's stomach turn around.

"Good that you send me a message Ceddy."

Leroy smiled faintly and asked where the toilet is, Claudia showed him the direction and Ceddy helped her to tend her mother's wound.

Leroy came back after cleaning himself and looked around the demolished living room, "We need to take her to the hospital, we will tell them that she was assaulted by robbers."

Claudia nodded while holding back her tears, she felt so useless and angry at the same time.

Ceddy wrapped his arm around her, "It's okay, the most important thing right now is that we get your mum to the hospital." Claudia leaned on him and nodded.

Ceddy looked at the two corpses and turned to Leroy, "What about them?"

Leroy looked at the mess he left behind and scratched his head, "Well, Michael will take care of it."


Michael was inside the hospital, waiting for the doctors results to tell him what happened to his mother.

Suddenly his phone vibrated and he read Ceddy's message on their chatroom, he was surprised but, relaxed after reading Leroy's answer.

Michael was sitting with Rosa in the waiting room when he got another message, "F*ck!" He cursed and stood up and went outside the hospital to call James.

James picked up immediately, "Sir?"

"James tell Aiden and George drive to Claudia's home, there are two dead Vampires inside her apartment."

"What about the High Vampire Sir?"

"F*ck that b*tch, first take care off the mess at Claudia's place, I don't have time right now, mother collapsed and is in the hospital right now."

"WHAT? What happened to Miss Greyshaw?"

"I will tell you later, you know what to do right?"

"....Of course, we will take care of it Sir!"

Michael ended the call and headed back into the hospital.


Johannes arrived at the hotel and headed quickly to the room Elena Morner was currently staying. Two man in black suits made way for him and he entered the room, Elena was lazily half lying on the couch watching tv.

She turned around, her eyebrows arched up in surprise when she saw the pale butler.

"What's wrong?"

Johannes hair was messy and parts of his clothes were cut at some places.

"I know now what happened to Master Thomas."

"Oh? Tell me!" Ordered Elene who was wearing now a revealing dark dress.

Johannes took a chair and said down, "Strange creatures are living in this town Mistress. I met three of them earlier. We had full control over the situation at first but....That girl Claudia Diaz is one of them. We arrived at her place and questioned her mother, she was stubborn so I had Number. 27 beat some sense into her. She was too frail and fainted after one hit. Her daughter arrived later with a youth....I asked her about Master Thomas and I could tell from her reaction that she knew something, so I threatened her and she snapped.....Mistress I have never seen such a transformation...and her eyes....." Told Johannes.

Elena was frowning, "What about her eyes?"

Johannes looked into her blood red pupils, "Her eyes became pitch black, she had no pupils in the beginning, until a golden ring appeared around the place where the pupils normally are. Her teeths and nails grew sharp....she resembled more a beast than a human. Has Mistress ever seen or heard of such a creature?"

Elenas visage was ice cold and she shook her head slowly.

Johannes continued after taking a deep breath, "She became many times stronger and faster than regular humans. From what I observed, her strength could be placed between a Blood Servant and a Lesser Vampire."

"Ridiculous!" Exclaimed Elena shocked.

Johannes shook his head, "I fear not Mistress, Number. 12 was able to kick her two times because she lacked fighting experience and was clouded by rage.....but she wasn't hurt at all."

"Are you telling me the truth?"

"Yes Mistress and this isn't the worst part, the youth that accompanied her went through the same transformation as her, I ordered Number.12 and 27 to knock them out to bring them back with us but....before they could act an incredible fast creature arrived and killed both Number. 12 and 27 on the spot."

Elena's shock grew every second while listening to Johannes.

"You mean that creature...?"

"Yes Mistress, that creature was over 2 meters tall with black fur and a wolf head, it smashed Number 12 and 27 heads the moment it appeared, I reacted fast enough and escaped through a window."

"If what you are telling is the truth...then this is a major discovery, a race that can contend with us....we need to inform the Sanguine Council of this." Stated Elena.

Her hand rested on her chin, "You will drive to the next Sanguine Consulate and tell them about this."

Johannes stood up abruptly , "But Mistress, it isn't safe here, we don't know how strong these creatu..."


Johannes mouth closed from itself and he couldn't open it anymore.


An invisible force crashed down on him and he fell heavily on his knees.

'Bloodline Suppression!' Johannes knew that his Mistress could use this ability but, knowing something and experiencing it are two different things.

"I allow you to speak. Now tell me who am I?"

Johannes was sweating buckets while the invisible force crashed down on him.

"Mistress is the esteemed Elena Morner, 3th Rank High Vampire."

Her bright blood red eyes were staring coldly at him and he couldn't help but gulp down hard.

"I allow you to stand. Go now, and inform the Sanguine Council."

"Yes Mistress."

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