In front of Michael stood his Father, Richard Greyshaw. He was in his mid forties but still looked like in his early thirties. He had a similar dark blond hair like Michael and a pair of green eyes stared straight at him behind glasses.

Richard was taller than Michael and was wearing an expensive blue suit.

"Tell me what happened."

Michael eyes wandered to Anna who was in coma, "She collapsed two days ago and is since then in coma, the doctors found that she has an evil brain cancer and she doesn't have much long to live.....4 months at best.

Richard nodded stiffly and walked to the bed and held his wife's hand.

"Father we are very rich, isn't it time time for you and mother to be turned into vampires? It would save her live."

Richard's body froze and his face showed complicated emotions for the first time. It didn't escape Michael's sharp senses. He had been wondering for a long time now why both of them haven't been turned into vampires yet. It seemed some sort of secret was in play.

Richard looked over to Michael, "You are 17 years old now I think it's time to tell you the truth.

'Oh? Will he tell me now that I'm adopted?' Thought Michael secretly.

"What truth?" Asked Michael while acting ignorant.

Richard took a deep breath, "The truth about you and our family. You are not our biological son, we adopted you when you were 9 months old. There are no records from you real parents, they left you in front of the church when you were only a few days old."

Richard was observing Michael who played the shocked and sat down on the chair wide eyed.

".....I didn't expect that...."

"You are and will forever be our son. I know I wasn't the best father but, it's just that your mother spoiled you too much, you needed a hard hand from time to time."

Michael laughed inwards, 'Yeah she really spoiled me too much.'

"But what does this have to do with the reason you and mum aren't vampires yet."

Richard sat down and started to explain, "Because our Greyshaw family is cursed."

Michael eyebrows shot up, "Cursed?"

"Yes, cursed."

"How is that possible?" Asked Michael confused.

Richard looked outside the window, seemed lost in thoughts, "It was my Ancestor Peter Greyshaw 214 years ago that caused this curse. You see witches were being hunted by the vampires. My ancestor sheltered a witch and she helped him to become rich. His greed is the reason for the curse. He betrayed her and sold her out to the Sanguine Council. She was so furious that she killed herself on the spot, cursing our family before dying. Since then no one that shares our blood can be turned into a vampire. And what makes it worse is that the curse affects those close to us."

"Wow this is a lot to digest." Michael was surprised, 'Witches exist? Well it makes sense, vampires, werewolves why not witches?'

"So the curse is the reason why both of you can't become vampires, what is with me then?"

"You too can't become one." Said Richard with a guilty expression.

'That's not possible anyway since I have been born as a werewolf.'

Michael grew curious and thought about striking while the iron was still hot, "Are there other beings aside vampires and witches?"

Richard observed Michael for a while before shaking his head, "No there aren't any other."

'Maybe he is right or there are others, it's just that they didn't show themselves or the information about them is being kept secret.' Thought Michael.

"And all the year long talks about me becoming someone great to be turned into a vampire was....?"

Richard smiled guilty, "Just to motivate you."

"I see....I need some time alone see you later dad."

Michael walked out of the room and signaled James that he wanted to got home.

Claudia wrote inside the chat group that her mother is alright, resting at home. Aiden and George did a good job to let all evidence disappear.

Michael arrived later at home, ate something and went straight to bed.

The next day was saturday and the pack met inside Michael's room. Everyone was there sitting on his couch, bed and chairs. Michael frowned and turned to Leroy, "Where is your sister?"

Leroy's body stiffened and one could see how pearls of sweat started to appear on his forehead.

"Well you see...the thing is...errrr..."

Michael grew irritated and his gaze became sharp, "Spit it out!" Leroy flinched back and avoided eye contact with Michael. The rest of the greup were confused and curious.

"I explained everything to her and turned her yesterday night into a werewolf....I told her earlier that we will have a pack meeting but...she told me that she never said she would join our pack and I can't do anything to see she has a copy from the video." Said Leroy with his head down.

Michael was speechless. He felt his brain cells literally die out, listening to Leroy's story.

The pack members looked at Leroy with pity, Leroy was normally very reliable, only his little sister could fool him like this.

"Do you know where is she right now?" Asked Michael.

Leroy's body shook and he lifted his head up with a horrified expression.

"Relax, I won't do anything to her. I will only show her, her place."

Leroy breathed out relieved, "She should be at Aunt Molly's Store."

"Good, I will leave now. Stacey and Chris, you both will train the others in my stead." Michael turned into a blur and took off at a neck breaking speed after saying his part.

Ceddy watched Michael's departure wide eyes, "How can he be this fast in his human form?"

"He is the Alpha I guess, Leroy is the fastest in his werewolf form but, he can't control it fully yet. Michael is an allrounder with vast fighting experience, sometimes I ask myself where he fought so much to reach his standards."

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