The pack stopped training, paying attention to Michael.

"I had an interesting conversation with Leroy's little sister. I approved of her creating her own pack."


It was Leroy who cried out in surprise, the rest were stunned too.

"Let me explain, she is part of a group that will work together with us in the future."

"Wait, what the hell are you talking about?" Asked Leroy agitated.

'Poor guy...' thought Michael.

"It is for her to tell you, what I can say is that their group will provide us with important informations about the Sanguine Council. Next is that there exist another pack beside ours."

Everyone felt like a bomb exploding inside their heads.

Michael turned to Chris and Stacey, "You both remember my cousin Dino right?"

Chris and Stacey nodded silently.

"Well I turned him three years ago into one of us and he is currently leading a pack in Germany. We will work with them together in the future."

Michael observed their reaction everyone was shocked by the news, well everyone beside the ever silent Stacey, she had always a perfect poker face.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Asked Chris.

"Well everyone has their secrets right? I wanted to wait and tell you guys if the situation requires it. Like now with all those vampires coming to Palmer Falls. We still don't know how the death of all those vampires will affect us."

Chris felt a bit bitter inside but nodded reluctantly. He was Michael's best friend since he could remember and thought that he knew everything about him.

They calmed down slowly, digesting the shocking news. They all felt a need to get stronger and they continued to train, with Michael joining and directing them.

The time flew by and it started to get dark. They were all sweating, sitting on the ground catching their breath when they saw a girl emerging from the woods, it was Odette.

She was being followed by three robust build man in suits.

The group recognized one of them it was James Wood, the other two were unknown to them.

Michael stood up, "Good everyone is here, guys let me introduce them, you all know James. Well these two here are Aiden and George, they are my subordinates and part of the pack. Aiden and George are the ones who cleaned your apartment Claudia.

Claudia was surprised and thanked them.

"Nothing to thank about, it's our honor to work for the young master." Said Aiden and George at the same time.

Chris already knew about them, they were people who would have died if Michael didn't turned them into werewolves, they swore to serve Michael after until their death.

Leroy was talking to his little sister. Everyone could tell that he was being dominated by her, he was indeed a poor guy.

The sky was already dark and they all looked up. They all felt something deep inside them beginning to surge.

Raw berserking power shot through their bodies. The older pack members were already used to it, But for Claudia, Ceddy, Rachel and Odette, it was their first time. It was an intoxicating feeling, never did they felt this strong before.

The moon was still hidden behind some clouds, Michael started to take off his clothes. The rest followed him and started to take off they clothes too. Odette felt awkward but followed suit, it was good that Leroy provided her with elastic underwear.

They waited for the clauds to reveal the full moon and they felt their power grow every second. Their eyes turned pitch black and golden rings appeared around their black pupils.

It was then that the full moon behind the clouds was fully shown.

Cracking sounds could be heard and everyone started to transform into their werewolf form.

The pain that came with the transformation left Odette breathless. She had never felt so much pain in her live. Every single bone inside her broke apart and started to change. It was a hellish experience. Odette gritted her teeth hard, somehow managing to stay conscious.

After some time the pain started to fade away, being replaced by a feeling of absolute power.

She looked down at herself and saw dark fur all over her body. She moved her claw like hands in wonder.


A mighty roar echoed through the forest.

It was Michael who roared out and the pack members joined him.




Michael was still staring at the full moon and noticed how it started becoming bigger.

His lunar pupils became small and he turned around to see if the others saw what he was seeing.

Michael froze in place, he stood alone in the forest, the rest of the pack were nowhere to be seen. He looked around and realized that he was standing inside a different forest.

He looked up and saw how the moon became so big that he could see every detail on its surface. The full moon seemed to cover the whole sky.

Countless little specks of light started rain down from the moon, illuminating the whole area.

Michael felt that they looked rather familiar.

The specks of light began to gather near Michael, starting to take shape.

He was just too shocked and stood rooted, watching everything unfold.

The specks of light shined too bright, so that he needed to put his hands in front of his eyes.

The light dimmed slowly down and he took a peek.

A woman clad in a white dress was floating above the ground. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her beauty was just too unreal.

The woman opened her eyes slowly and stared straight at Michael. She had the same eyes as him. They were pitch black with a lunar ring surrounding the black pupils. She had a pair of cute,silver wolf ears on her head.

She smiled faintly, "We finally meet child." Even her voice sounded otherworldly, with an unique mesmerizing tone to it.

Michael knew from the first moment that this woman, was without a doubt a God. He gulped hard, "Excuse me....who are you?"

"I am Lupa, you answered my call after you died and I gifted you your current life."

'Ah! I remember now....'

"The moon at that time...?"

"Yes it was me."

She was still smiling like a mother would smile at her child.

It was strange but he felt at peace in her presence.

"How can I thank you Goddess Lupa?"

Her smile grew bigger, "Why would you need to thank me my Child?"

Michael fell silent, 'God what am I thinking? I really feel like a child now.'

Goddess Lupa became rather amused, "Destiny, Fate, can call it however you want, it was natural for you to become my Child."

Michael was left stunned and he smiled back at her, "I still want to thank you so much for this second chance. I remember back then my brother in arms Jonas stood there with me....."

Goddess Lupa expression changed into a sad one, "Yes he was answering my call too....but my sister interfered, you don't need to worry about him, like you he became an immortal being."

"Wait I'm immortal?"

"Of course, my silly Child."

"Wow I didn't expect it, how come we only meet now?"

"Because you reached adulthood, you are about to awaken your true power my Child. Countless years may pass until we meet again."


Goddess Lupa stayed silent, the meaning behind her silence was obvious.

"Can I ask you another questions?"

"Of course."

"Why me? I'm nothing special."

A faint glint flashed through Goddess Lupa's eyes, "Exactly because of that, you know who you truly are, that makes you special."

Michael pondered about her words and closed his eyes in peace, "I understand."

"It is time to awaken my Child, become the Alpha."

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