When The Moon Calls

29 On another level

Gianluca was inside his hotel room, enjoying the blood from his servant. He was deeply engulfed, drinking the blood from the neck of his servant, that had started twitching.

He opened his eyes abruptly, letting the servant fall on the ground. His unusual actions alarmed the woman that was reading a book on a chair, "Young Master Gianluca?"

Gianluca stared at the wall, "Lara, we aren't in Atlanta anymore, you can stop the act."

The woman nodded, "Of course Master Pazzini."

"I sense, magic power, a huge amount....are there witches from the Northern Chaos Circle here? If they have anything to do with Elena's disappearing...Oh boy."

"Why would the Northern Chaos Circle even bother about a High Vampire."

"I don't know, we need to find out, let's go!"

"Yes, Master Pazzini."


The roar shocked Elder Pelion, he canceled his magic, turning to the direction from which the howl came from. Both women behind him took fighting stances.

Six werewolves arrived at the scene. Surprising everyone aside from Michael.

"By the great chaos, what are those abomination?" Asked Elder Pelion surprised.

The werewolves came to Michael's side, forming a ring around him.

Elder Pelion's brown pupils dilated seeing it.

"Don't tell me....you are a summoner?"

Michael stood up, walking past Leroy and Odette in front of him.

"Summoner? Old hag I already told you that I'm not a warlock."

Elder Pelion's gaze wandered from the werewolves to Michael and back.

"Don't tell me..."

Michael started to transform right under everyone's gaze.

Elder Pelion felt for the first time threatened when he stared into Michael's white eyes with a strange black ring in the middle.

Michael's towering figure stood proudly in front of everybody.

Elder Pelion showed an unnaturally excited face, "Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. The second Original after the Undead of Blood has appeared. I will be promoted into an Archmage after bringing you back with me."

Michael emotionless eyes glared at Elder Pelion, he shook his head.

A voice so rough and otherworldly came out from Michael's wolf-like snout, "You are a poor old woman, return back to the Northern Chaos Circle. Tell them that I'm not part of them if they want we can work together in the future."

Elder Pelion dismissed what he said, licking his lips, "You aren't either old nor strong enough, we will tame you to be a good dog."

Something inside Michael's mind snapped.


His howl shook the air itself, making everyone aside Elder Pelion kneel.

"Hoh? Impressive." Elder Pelion unleashed his own magical power. Overpowering Michael's Aura.

Two small, red dots appeared inside the middle of Michael's eyes. He crouched down, glaring at Elder Pelion like a hunter.

Runes started to float around Elder Pelion, "Kill the others."

Both women lifted their hands, aiming at the group.

Firing fireballs at them. All of them were much faster than they had expected.

Every single werewolf avoided the fireballs with easy.

Elder Pelion was stunned, "They are even faster than vampires, switch to Vampire Slaying Magic!" Ordered Elder Pelion.

It was at that moment that Michael pounced at him, destroying the floor with his claws.

It seemed like he vanished from his spot.

"Freeze!" Said Elder Pelion.

Michael reappeared only one meter away from the old man. His eyes widened in shock when his body suddenly froze on the spot.


Michael started to float.


Michael felt his body being hit by an invisible power, he shot through the area, crashing through some trees.

Every time Elder Pelion said a word, a rune would lit up and vanish.

He started to float himself, heading to Michael.

Meanwhile, the whole group fought against the two women. Susan fought all alone against one while Odette's pack, with Leroy at the front, fought against the other one.

Smilla didn't know what to do and only howled all the time at the woman, faking to make a move. The D Brother's circled around her, waiting for a moment to attack. Izu was scared and stayed at the back, observing while worrying.

Odette and Leroy attacked the woman all the time, but she was just too slippery. They only managed to rip some parts of her robe away, revealing her slender skin underneath.

"Fuse!" Ordered the woman, over 10 runes attached themselves to her skin. She grabbed into the air and a blade made of air appeared inside her hand.

"Kill!" A bright red rune attached itself to the wind blade,changing its color to a red one.

"Form!" Another rune entered the ground, parts of the street floated up swirling around her, protecting her body.

Leroy bright golden pupils squinted. The air around the woman had changed, he sensed danger.

"If you don't come, then I will!" Said the woman while kicking the ground hard, creating cracks.

Her speed had at least doubled and she slashed at Leroy.

He roared out in anger, dodging the slash. The woman used the momentum from the miss, changing her target to Odette, taking her off guard.

Her blade cut deep into Odette's right shoulder, making her howl in pain. Blood splashed out, tainting her black furred.

Leroy pounced madly at her, she aimed her free hand at him, making his eyes widen.

"Punish!" A lightning bolt shot right at Leroy.

He was too close to her to avoid it, it hit him right on his chest, sending him flying backward. Odette used that moment to retreat, he golden eyes seeming to spit fire at the woman.

Leroy landed heavily on the ground, lightning arcs dancing around his body. He felt his body was numbed, decreasing his speed by a great deal.

The witch noticed it, dashing straight at him.

Izu felt something inside her stir when her best friend Odette was hurt. And now her best friends big brother was about to get hurt too. She closed her eyes for a second. When she reopened them...Her golden pupils turned bright yellow. She took an over 10-meter leap, hammering both of her firsts down at the witch who was dashing to the paralyzed Leroy.

The witch felt her magical sense scream danger at her and she jumped abruptly to the side.


A huge crater was formed when Izu's fist hit the ground, sending stones flying everywhere. The impact shocked everyone. But the person most surprised was Izu herself, she stood inside the crater, looking blankly at her claws.

The witch who was in the air lost her balance after the shockwave hit her. It was exactly this moment the D Brothers aimed for. Both of them pounced at her at the same time.

"Don't even think about it!" Shouted the witch, she hacked sideways at Daniel.

Everyone stopped breathing, they thought for a moment that he would lose his head. A clever glint flashed through his golden eyes. He ducked, only touching her legs slightly with his shoulder. But it was enough to flip her over.

The witches saw the other brother Domenik striking his claw, aiming for her throat. She reacted quickly, "Punish!" Another lightning bolt flew straight at Domenik. He gritted his fangs, preparing for the impact.

When the lightning bolt came into contact with his dark-purple fur, it strangely dissipated.

"Wha..." Exclaimed the witch in shock.

Domenik didn't know why he didn't feel anything, he didn't care, pure madness burning inside his eyes. His claw flashed seamless across the witch's throat.

The witch wanted to speak but felt that she couldn't say a word, 'How? My Shield Rune?' Those were her last thoughts.

The whole place descended into silence after the witch crashed lifeless on the ground, blood streaming out from her missing throat.

"ALLURAAAAA!!!" A devasting high pitched scream penetrated the silence.....

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