Odette was walking through the streets of Palmer Falls. Hey eyes were on her phone, she was exchanging messages with other member of Unknown. Two months had passed since that night and everything had changed. She lifted her head, seeing her best friend Smilla being surrounded by a bunch of boys. Many thing had changed indeed.

Smilla was a little beauty, but she was too much into pretty boys, her attitude scared them all away. She changed after becoming a werewolf. Now all those pretty boys couldn't enter her eyes.

Smilla saw Odette and jumped in delight, she made her way through the crowd of boys. The boys shot angry looks at who ever dared to steal her princes. They paled when they saw that it was Odette. This was another thing that had changed, ever since everyone in Palmer falls became werewolves....

Yes you heard right every single resident of Palmer Falls were turned into werewolves. An that wasn't all.

The one who managed everything was surprisingly Richard Greyshaw. He came back from New York after the news of his wifes miracle recovery reached him. Anna Greyshaw explained everything to him and he decided to become a werewolf too. He sold his Research Company, earning an even greater fortune. He kept Anna's recovery hidden and used it as excuse to leave the business world. The Sanguine Council didn't suspect him, they knew that it didn't matter how much he earned the curse that haunted his family made it impossible for them to become vampires.

Susan created talismans that hid the true form a werewolf from the other witches. The Northern Chaos Circle had dispatched a group of Great Witches to Palmer Falls, they left empty handed after a week.

Jonas was allowed to leave the circle, he was a waste in their eyes, so it didn't matter if he lived his life as a normal human. He went afterwards with Gianluca and Lara to Atlanta, putting some other young High Vampires under his control.

Michael gave Unknown a profile of people he wanted to turn into werewolves all over the USA. He aimed at the old influential people who didn't manage to become vampires, and their heirs turned out to be a disappointment to them.

It was easy to sway these people. He had the idea from Richard who convinced the old family heads from Palmer Falls Founder Families to become werewolves. Everything became easy afterwards. They turned one family after the another into werewolves, until everyone was a werewolf. The ones who did it we're James, Aiden and George.

Michael stayed in the dark, letting Richard and Anna become the so called "Alphas". Only a handful of people knew who the real Alpha was.

Smilla reached Odette, hugging her.

"There you are, perfect timing I was getting tired of these trashes." Said Smilla arrogantly.

Odette didn't know if she should cry or laugh at Smilla, "Weren't you all over them two months ago?"

"Haha that was before I became a werewolf, what I want is a true Alpha." Stated Smilla while licking her lips.

Odette sighed, 'Well some things never change I guess.'

"You know that he is out of you reach." Said Odette.

A cunning smile appeared on Smilla's face, "Not really, we are part of his pack. We meet each other quite often hehe I will steal his heart."

Odette laughed at her friends ambitions. It was true, it was about one month ago when her friends urged her to join Michael's pack. They had been training every day after the great fight happened. They felt that they were already part of it, only Odette was still stubborn. She gave up in the end. She was happy that she became a Sub-Leader together with Stacey and Chris.

"Come on let us go the moon will appear in one hour and Izu is waiting for us."

"Yes, yes I know." Said Smilla while striking her tongue at Odette.

Michael was sitting with Stacey inside Aiden's Bar drinking some cocktails. Aiden was cleaning a glass behind the counter. He was smiling at the pair.

"Are you sure about it?" Asked Stacey softly.

"Yes I won't be there, it would expose me as the Alpha. Mother and you should be enough to take care of the one that go on rampage." Explained Michael, enjoying his cocktail through the drinking straw.

Stacey nodded silently, she too enjoyed her cocktail. She was happy to spent some time alone with Michael, even though she had to force the others to stay away.

"How is your family? I heard your father fought with you grandfather over the family head position."

"Mmm grandfather won, he wiped the floor the with father." Answered Stacey happily.

"Hahaha never underestimate the old generation, your grandfather served in the army right?"


"Your father had never fought in his whole life haha it's no wonder he lost."

Both of them laughed together.

Suddenly the door opened, a youth entered the bar with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Am I interrupting your date?"

Both turned around, facing the youth.

"Brother! Haha you made it back." Said Michael in delight.

He stood up giving him a bear hug.

"Of course, how could I possibly miss such a huge event?" Jonas bear hugged Michael back.

"Ahh hi Stacey, you look stunning, it won't be long until Michael falls under your charm."

Stacey blushed, stealing some glances at Michael.

Michael punched his right arm.


"Come sit down." Said Michael

Jonas rubbed his arm and took a seat.

Michael looked at Stacey, "Stacey I..."

"I know, see you later." Interrupted him Stacey. She stood up, "You too see you later Jonas, Aiden thank you for the drink."

Aiden smiled at her, "Every time, Miss Adams."

Michael nodded to Aiden who then left the bar too.

"How did it go in Atlanta?" Asked Michael while lighting up a cigarette.

"It went really well, I have now 7 High Vampires under my control. They formed a group and are resisting the schemes of Gianluca's elder brother Mauri. That fellow is really capable, he plays the game really dirty."

"Hm he is an obstacle in our plans...can you handle him or do you need help?"

"I only need some time, I'm getting stronger."


"What are you gonna do about Stacey?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on don't play the idiot you know what she feels for you."

"Yeah I'm not blind."

"I know that she is you type, what is holding you back?"

"I'm not a leecher like you. She is only 17 bro, I'm 44...."

"Will you say the same in 10 years? We are immortals brother, give it a go. If it doesn't work, so be it."

Michael leaned back, "F*ck it, you are right!"

"What are you still doing here? Go get her!"

Michael stared at Jonas in disbelief.


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