A red haired youth sat in front of a table, he was elegantly drinking his tea from a golden cup.

He observed the peaceful lake not far from him, lost in thoughts.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the sun rays fall on his pale skin.

Ten beauties, wearing maid uniforms stood far away behind the grand castle, only waiting for his commands. He looked otherworldly beautiful, despite wearing a casual white shirt and black shorts.

"You have big balls to appear right in front of me." Said the red haired youth.

Another youth with a pair of round glasses appeared out of nowhere, he sat down on the empty chair, across the table.

His messy brown hair hung down.

"Come on, are you still mad at me?" Said the unknown youth.

His sudden appearance alarmed the maids, they wanted to rush over but stopped when the red haired youth lifted his hand.

"You should have brought the Original here to me but you hid him from me, if that isn't treason what then?" Said the red haired youth, his eyes still closed.

The other smiled, "I'm your best friend, not one of your slaves."

"Your words doesn't make any sense."

"Because you don't appreciate free will, you moron."

"I'm your Progenitor!"

"I don't give a sh*t!"



"You are testing my patience."

"Try me."

The red haired youth finally opened his dark-red eyes, staring straight into the dark-red eyes of the youth wearing glasses.

"Why are you here?"

"Amora showed herself, the world has now three Originals and three Great Circles." His eyes behind his glasses revealed excitement.

"Can you blame her? Two Originals pairing up is no joke, no matter how young they are. The most annoying thing about us is that we are able to create many followers in a short time." The red haired youth's mood improved just by thinking what a big headache the Witch of Chaos had because of that matter.

"Right, will Roland make a move?" Asked the brown haired youth with concern.

"Roland won't do anything he is immersed in his huge project. But his subordinates have been on the loose for a long time now, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get rid of them."

"A bunch of hypocrites, and Roland is just a weirdo, he creates the Sanguine Council and doesn't give a sh*t what they do, he keeps catching witches for no reason."

The red haired youth nodded, "Roland is weird and no one understands him, but Aimee is far worse."

"Aimee, the Fate Cursing Witch?"

"Yes, she is the only one that scares me. Roland is strong and he is annoying to fight against but Aimee...." The red haired youth shuddered, just thinking about his first and only encounter with her scared him every time.

"We are lucky than the Cursed Fate Circle never leaves Africa."

"Yes we should be really thankful that they don't care about the world."

"What are your plans for the two newcomers?" The brown haired youth wearing a long black coat asked curious.

The red haired youth leaned back on his chair, "Nothing, they will have to deal with everything on their own."

"I understand your point, but I as his Godfather will give him a helping hand." Said the youth with glasses proudly.

The red haired youth who was drinking his tea, spurted it out, "You?! His Godfather?!" He stared wide eyed at his best friend.

"Of course, I rescued him and watched over him for 18 years. I'm his Godfather."

The red haired youth fell back on his chair, "Whatever...."


"Two Originals at the same time?" Asked a rough voice. The man who asked the question observed the other 18 people sitting around the huge round table. Every single one of them released a very powerful bloodthirsty aura.

"It is true, they are the twins that slipped through our hands 18 years ago." Said a woman.

"Any news from Germany?" Asked a little kid with blood-red eyes.

"Nothing, he doesn't care...."

"Good then let us vote, kill or capture?" Suggested an old man.

"Why so violent Rudolph? We can offer them an alliance, it won't hurt to have two Originals as our allies. We could crush the Undead of Blood with their help." Said the kid.

The old man snorted, "Naive, they could also side with the Undead of Blood, we need to get rid of them as fast as possible before such thing happens."

The room became silent, only the candles were flickering.

"The Northern Chaos Circle have already made their intentions clear. They allowed them to stay inside their territory, the Fallen won't stay silent if we go on war against the two Originals. They would use the opportunity to attack us." Said a woman.

Everyone became silent again, thinking about the pros and cons.

"What information do we have on them?" asked a youth.

"Not much just their names and location, Michael Greyshaw and Jonas Millenio."

"Let's send out the Sacrosanct Department Force, they should kill them both quickly."

"How many?"

"All of them, we are dealing with two Originals." Said the kid.

"I agree!" Said the old man.

"Me too." said the woman.

The rest agreed.


Michael had a lot to deal with right now. The people that had returned to their human form started to ask him questions. They weren't stupid, Michael had clearly forced them to transform and somehow influenced them to attack the witches. All of them felt the deep connection with Michael. Anna tried to lie but Michael stopped her. He told them that he was the first werewolf, the cat was already out of the bag why keeping lying?

He explained what happened and that they should stay alert because of possible attacks from other forces.

He returned afterwards to the Grayshaw Mansion with his mother and Jonas.

Jonas was followed by a bunch of female vampires.

Michael gazed at them and shook his head, "Why do they all have such horny expression?"

Jonas shrugged, "That happens when they are near me, I can't do anything against it. Right I need your help with something."

"With what?"

Jonas clasped his palms together, purple clouds appeared around them and more woman started to step out from them.

Michael was speechless, "No way! What have you been up to all the time?"

Jonas revealed a pervy smile, "A lot of things hehe, I need you to turn them all into werewolves."

"Michael face twitched, "You! Alright but only this time because we need every power we can get."

Jonas laughed, "I knew you would understand hahahaha."

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