When The Moon Calls

5 First Time Hurts A Lo

'Why didn't I hear him come?' Thought Thomas slightly wary.

Claudia lifted her head up in shock and saw the handsome boy with different eye color standing there.

Thomas saw Claudia's reaction and grew angry, "Boy, you better f*ck off if you don't want to die!"

Michael's expression didn't change after hearing his threat and Thomas cold blue eyes became sharp with killing intent almost radiating out of them.

Michael finally moved and his eyes turned pitch black and his black pupils were surrounded by a bright lunar ring. Four sharp fangs grew and peeked out under his lips, his fingernails became black and grew into claws, he had a beast like smile on his face, "Don't get cocky you perverted creep!"

Witnessing Michael's semi-wolf form, both Thomas and Claudia were shocked.

The most shocked was Thomas, he had never seen or heard of such a creature.

"You! What are you?!"

Michael's savage smile became more bestial, "Dead man don't need to know!"

He pounced fast at Thomas and aimed his claw at his head.

Thomas reaction was super fast and he dodged Michael's strike by moving his head away. Michael was waiting for it and his strike changed abruptly the direction, hitting Thomas shoulder.

A sharp pain assaulted Thomas right shoulder, Michael didn't give him any chance to react and bite his shoulder.

Thomas felt the sharp pain and panicked, he kicked Michael away from him. The powerful kick send Michael flying, slamming against the wall, leaving some cracks behind. He stood up like it was nothing and smiled at Thomas, "Your blood tastes disgusting!"

Thomas thoughts were chaotic for a moment, he could feel that his wounds weren't healing. His cold blue eyes widened to the extreme and fear overtook him.

But he wasn't 47 years old for nothing, he calmed down took Claudia as a hostage.

Thomas held her throat, ready to rip it apart if needed.

"Take another step and she dies!"

Michael halted his steps and looked at Thomas like he was retarded, "I don't give a sh*t if she dies, if you don't kill her now, I would kill her anyway to silence her."

Both Claudia and Thomas thought they didn't hear right.

Thomas couldn't believe it, "If you don't care about her then why even bother what happens to her?"

Now it was Michael's turn to tilt his head amused to the side, "Do I need a reason to kill?"

'A lunatic! This guy is a f*cking lunatic!'

He pushed Claudia with all his might at Michael.

Michael was surprised but still catched Claudia, he looked at the direction where the exit was, Thomas had ran away at a neck breaking speed.

Michael sighed, 'He escaped!'

He looked down at Claudia who was looking at him fearfully.

"You have now two choices, one die or second you became one of us!"

More and more tears flowed out of Claudia's eyes and she asked, "What are you?"

Michael grinned at her, "I'm a Lycanthrope!"

"Lycanthrope? What is that?" Asked Claudia confused.

"We are humans that can turn into beast, we like to call ourselves werewolves!"

Claudia thought hard and the might that Michael showed earlier appealed to her, if she had that kind of power she wouldn't need to fear Thomas and the choice between death or power was obvious. She nodded slowly.

Michael didn't hesitate to pick up her arm and bite her.

She screamed in pain.

He let her go and she saw how the bite mark healed at a speed that shouldn't be possible for a human.

"The wound!" Exclaimed Claudia, she still felt the pain but the wound healed fully after 40 seconds, not even leaving behind a scar.

"Pick your things, I will escort you to your home."


"Why? Because that creepy vampire is still out there!"

Claudia realized it and she felt a bit stupid, she nodded and took her backpack.

Both of them arrived at Claudia's apartment and were greeted by her mother. Claudia introduced Michael as her classmate and they ate some snacks before leaving.

Michael had called James Wood and he picked them up, driving them to the mansion.

When they arrived at the mansion, he saw Claudia's shocked expression and he became smug.

He introduced Claudia to his mother as a new friend he made today at school and his mother observed Claudia silently before nodding her head, approving of her looks. Michael simply rolled his eyes at her.

Claudia was very quiet through the whole time.

They entered Michael's room and there were Stacey, Leroy, Chris and Rachel already waiting.

They were really surprised seeing Claudia with him. Leroy gave him thumbs up.

They sat down and Michael started to explain what happened at the school and the others reacted shocked.

Claudia was confused and asked, "Are they..?"

Michael turned to her, "Yes we are all werewolves."

Claudia's eyes grew wide and let her eyes wander around the group.

They heard the house bell ring and Michael stood up, "That should be Ceddy, get ready everyone."

They all head down and exited the mansion through the back and went into the forest behind it. Claudia was again shocked when they told her that the whole plot of land was owned by the Grayshaw's. They walked deeper into the woods and waited for Michael and Ceddy.

After three minutes, Michael and Ceddy arrived. Ceddy was surprised to find them all here, even more to find Claudia with them.

The group faced Ceddy and Michael turned to him, "Cedric we all think very highly of you, we would like it if you became part of our family, what do you think?"

Ceddy was grinning from ear to ear, of course he wanted to be part of them they are the coolest group in the school, everyone would love to join them but it was almost impossible.

"Yes I would love to become part of the family!" Answered Ceddy seriously.

"Good, normally we would do this when the full moon is out but, we don't have the time to wait."

Michael nodded to Leroy and he took out some spare clothes from his backpack. Ceddy grew confused.

Michael smiled at him while taking off his clothes, "Don't worry Ceddy, the first time hurts a lot but it's worth it."

Ceddy paled and sweat started to appear on his forehead, "Errrrr why are you taking off your clothes?"

Everyone apart from Claudia laughed out.

Michael stood there, only wearing his underwear, suddenly his eyes changed their color and all over his body started to grow out silver colored hair. His muscles bulged and cracking sounds could be heard. He fell down on all four and everyone was watching his transformation.

Ceddy stood there rooted in front of Michael like a statue, he eyes were bulging out to the extreme.

Claudia was already shocked so many times through the day that she became somewhat numb to it.

Michael finished his full transformation and stood up on his hind legs, towering over everyone. His height reached staggering 2,60 meters and the might he radiated out, put everyone under pressure. His wolf like head smiled menacing.

Ceddy's jaw almost hit the ground and Claudia somehow became excited.

Michael held his claw like hands to Ceddy.

Ceddy mind was blank and he stood there without moving.

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