When The Moon Calls

7 Investigations

The group was later driven home by James Wood the personal man for everything inside the Greyshaw family.

The next day was a bit weird for Claudia, she was sitting with the pack in the canteen eating. Her senses become way too sharp and she still needs some time to adapt to all the changes.

She could feel the hateful and envious stares from the other students after she joined the pack and sat down on the same table.

Especially from Jenny and her friend, they were literally staring daggers into her. She felt somehow bad for them because she knew how desperate they are to get in touch with the group.

She came back to her senses when Michael started to talk about something important to her.

"....so Thomas was taken care off. You and your mother are save now Claudia." Michael's eyes wandered to Claudia. "And it seems a bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire."

"WHAT?" Shouted Rachel and Michael beckoned her to lower her voice, "Why are you saying that? Did you bite a vampire?"

Michael nodded, "Right I forgot to tell you that the perverted creep that tried yesterday to make Claudia his slave was in fact a vampire. From what I know he killed her father and threatened to kill her mother if she didn't become his personal slave. That's why I stepped in and saved her."

The group was flabbergasted after listening. How could he forget to mention something this important.

"Son of a b*tch! You did right by killing him." Ceddy clenched his fist in anger.

The group looked at Claudia with pity andStacey stood up and hugged Claudia from behind, "You are not alone anymore, we are here for you." Said Stacey while hugging her.

Everyone nodded and even Rachel stood up and hugged Claudia, caressing her hair softly.

Claudia was overwhelmed with emotions and tears rolled down her cheeks.

It was only yesterday that she learned from Thomas that her father was killed and didn't die a natural death. The official story was that he had died from a heart attack.

Michael signaled a boy with half black and blond hair to come to them. The boy rushed over with an excited expression. Michael patted his shoulder, "Larry my man tell them what you told me earlier."

Larry nodded, "Yes of course, well yesterday my dad came back way too late home and it made me wonder what could keep him up so late. So I asked his deputy who is a good friend of mine and he told me a secret. They found strange traces ofblood in an alley northwest of Palmer Falls. This matter is huge because it seems someone was killed there, but my dad didn't find any other clues."

Leroy frowned while looking at Michael, "Someone was killed? We didn't have a murder case for over 19 years."

Larry lifted his finger like a teacher, "That's why I said that this matter is huge, the news about this are kept secret so please do me the favor and don't tell anyone else or you know what my dad would do to me if he finds out."

They all fell silent.

A serious glint flashed through Michael's eyes for a second.

"Larry my man these are some shocking news, thank you for sharing them with us. I think everyone agrees to let Larry join our group if he keeps telling us such incredible news."

Everyone nodded their head approvingly and Larry felt his heart skip a beat, he he felt like heaven's gate opened to him.

Chris moved to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder like they were best friends, "Not bad Larry haha."

The rest of the school time passed and Michael told the pack that they would meet inside his mansion at 6pm.


Sheriff Dawson was sitting inside his office, going through some papers when a man entered. Sheriff Dawson looked up and threw a questioning look at the man.

"This is really strange, from what I found out, the substance you found is blood.....but I can't tell why it turned black. It appears to me that a new kind of poison was used in this case.....very bizarre. I can't use the blood to find out from whom it is."

Sheriff Dawson frowned deeply, "These are bad news, if we can't find out whose blood it belongs to....*sigh* what a mess. A new kind of poison you say? I can only think of one person who has the wealth and means to produce such a thing....."

The man wearing a doctor smock frowned too, "You mean..."

"Yes I mean Richard Greyshaw, I need to question him about it, even though it will likely result in nothing."

"You need to be carefull the Greyshaw's are...."

"Yes I know *sigh*."

Sheriff Dawson took out a cigarette and lit it up, taking a deep puff before breathing the smoke out.

"Ah right I almost forgot forgot to tell you the most important thing, the blood clearly belongs to a vampire." Said the man.

Sheriff Dawson's cigarette fell on the ground the moment he heard those words .


The pack were currently in the middle of the forest behind the Greyshaw mansion.

Michael was looking down on his phone and put it back into his pocket.

"Larry send me a message that the Sheriff arrived at an dead end in the case."

Everyone expressions became relaxed but Claudia felt terrible, 'This is all my fault....'

"It's not your fault Claudia!" Said Michael.

She looked up to him with a shocked expression.

Michael smiled lightly, "I can't read your thoughts but we all are connected, everyone here can feel your emotions. It was bound to happen sooner or later that we clash with vampires.You don't need to worry about Thomas anymore, he is dead."

Claudia's pupils grew wider, "But, how?"

Michael stayed silent and everyone understood that he wouldn't share that information with them. A mysterious air surrounded Michael at that moment.

"Maybe this matter is over but, we can't became sloppy. If somehow Thomas death draws more vampires to Palmer Falls then...." Michael's eyes turned black and his pupils became moon like, he grinned fiercely, "We will hunt! But before that I will start training you now." Said Michael while licking his lips.

The way Michael said it sent a chill through their spines.

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