Chapter 10 – Part 1


Leon’s voice, which had sunk to a low level, was clearly brimming with dangerous energy.

What about the eyes? It was cooler than the glaciers of the North Continent. Even though his tone was polite, it was impossible to even think of it as a servant’s face looking at the Emperor.

Frightened by Leon’s face, the attendant glanced at Eric’s eyes.

“What do you mean?”

Nevertheless, the Emperor was the Emperor. Despite the bloody gaze, Eric smiled and looked down at Leon. He even crossed his legs.

“Is it because you don’t know?”

“It’s because I don’t know.”

“Olivia Claudel, where is she?”

Eric frowned and asked back.

“Why are you looking for that person to me?”

“Didn’t Marchioness Philistines take her? When I investigated the Marchioness’ whereabouts, there was no other place than the Imperial Palace. I called the Marchioness because I wanted her to take care of Miss Claudel, not to steal her away.”

“Then, why didn’t you ask the Marchioness?”

“She said she shouldn’t speak of it unless it was in Your Majesty’s name.”

“Hoo, Gosh. Jane always uses the fact that I am the Emperor at times like this. How cute.”

Hearing his words, Eric smiled and continued, “Well, Duke, I thought you should treat her well when she was there. Huh?”

Leon furrowed his eyebrows at that sarcastic attitude of knowing everything.

“I regret that I was drunk and told the truth to Your Majesty.”

“What, aren’t we good friends? You are stupid enough to drink alcohol even though you know your drinking habits are like that. Leon.”

Leon stared at him with a scorching gaze at that smile.

Meanwhile, Eric was still relaxed.

“If you think that because you forcefully held her, you mean that the relationship wasn’t normal, but didn’t you mean to bring her back to normal?”

Hearing these words, Leon hardened his mouth and clenched his fist. He furrowed his eyebrows and lowered his eyes with a painful expression.

“It could not have been normal. Because I wanted her, and she didn’t want me.”


“That is what happened between us.”


“So, where is she?”

“What if I don’t want to tell you…?”

“I have to make you want to tell me. Your Majesty will lose me. And, I will be Your Majesty’s most powerful enemy.”

At that, Eric glanced at those words and shook his head, clicking his tongue. Has he ever seen Leon get so angry? He wasn’t even that angry when he was nearly killed by an assassin who came to Eric.

“Hey Leon, are you really crazy about a woman? Wake up.”

“How long do you think I can endure, Eric?”

As Leon’s tone changed, Eric shook his head excitedly.

“Now, that’s not normal. Would you like to have a relationship with someone who doesn’t want you, then take her back and lock her up? That’s really crazy.”

“Shut up.”

“Yes, if you want to lock her up, you should treat her preciously.”

“I have treated her preciously. I have always treated her preciously! I couldn’t even touch her properly because I was afraid she would break if I touched her!”

“The guy who couldn’t even touch her properly… Isn’t it time to admit it now? I didn’t force Miss Claudel to hide. Miss Claudel ran away from you.”

At those words, Leon widened his eyes. He froze for a long time as if in shock.

Eric clicked his tongue and said as if shooting a confirmation.

“Jane didn’t say it, but she told me everything. I don’t think she even cried properly in that mansion. Did you know that?”


“What did that foe-like brother of yours do to Miss Claudel?”

“I thought it might be! No, I thought it would, though she denied it! If he had forced to hold her, why didn’t she ask me for her help?! I could have been willing to kill him! The conclusion is simple. She tried to protect him from me. Therefore….”

Eric smirked. He understood where Leon had misunderstood.

First of all, Leon was ignoring the shame and betrayal that Olivia must have felt at Leon’s question, ‘Can’t you live without a man?’ In anger, she believed that it was the truth that she answered ‘yes.’

Furthermore, Leon thought that Olivia liked Kevin, so she was covering up his flaws.

Even though Eric tried to clear up the misunderstanding, but he bit his mouth instead. It was natural for the wrongdoer to suffer.

“Love her and cherish her? Whatever your reasons, you should have considered the plight of Miss Claudel, who had been neglected for five years. What she was thinking, and what choices she had to make? Why did she have such a relationship with Kevin Deorc, that scumbag?”


“That’s all I can give you, Leon.”

Leon, who heard his words, was immersed in thought.

He uttered with a painful expression.

“Yes, so I understood her. It was Kevin, not me, who had been with her for five years, and since the two of them were close from the beginning, of course, she had no choice but to like him.”

‘Wow, look at this guy. He really didn’t notice anything. Besides, he was mistaken.’

At the first stupid sight of his friend, Eric had to resist the burst of laughter despite the serious situation.

“Though he is going to die now. Because I will do that.”


“I’m going to take Olivia’s most precious person.”


“She will resent me. She’ll hate me, too. So I’m trying to keep her hidden and locked up without knowing anything because I don’t want her to resent and hate me.”


“Five years, no, I drew it for a longer period of time than that. I will never give up. No, I will not give up.”

If Olivia truly loved Kevin, what could be a more terrifying man than this…?

The dark obsession and deep possessiveness revealed for the first time.

For Eric, who has a twisted personality, seeing Leon like this was very interesting. What kind of expression would he make if he knew that the end of that agony was destined for a happy ending?

“Leon, let’s talk about Miss Claudel after we’ve finished ‘the job’.”

“…Right now!”

“You say you value Miss Claudel. Then, wait until she finds some more stability. You can relax. Because she is in the Imperial Palace, and she has the best protection.”


“You know it’s the best way to get the job done. Wouldn’t Miss Claudel be terrified to see the soldiers brutally imprisoning Princess Grande in your mansion?”


“If you have been patient for five years, be patient a little longer.”

“But, if she runs away…”

“Leon, I always think Jane might run away. Jane is enjoying this palace now, but she will soon get tired of this disgustingly dirty and rotten place. I’m crazy for wanting to lock her up, though I don’t. I’m afraid I’m going to hurt Jane.”


“You have to accept the running away. It’s up to her to choose whether to stay or leave. Otherwise, a weak person like Miss Claudel will be ruined. Do you really want that?”

At that, Leon said nothing. Instead, he only made a painful expression on his face.

“Even so, I wanted to be by her side…”


Even though he was a really good friend, he was foolish and immature.

Miss Claudel, who had run away to end her broken relationship, seemed more mature, at least in love. On the other hand, this guy who was trying to forcefully hold on to the relationship because he couldn’t even let go of it was foolish and immature.

Leon asked in a calm voice.

“Is she having a hard time? How is her condition?”

“After crying all day, I think she just fell asleep. Her body is fine.”


“Jane will be with her all day. She said she’ll call the seamstress tomorrow. She must have been excited to decorate her properly.”


“If she sees good things in the Imperial Palace for a few days, she will feel better.”

What stood in Leon’s eyes was a dark feeling of guilt.

Seeing that miserable expression on his face, Eric opened his mouth again.

“I’m not talking as the Emperor, I’m speaking as a friend. It would be best for you to leave Miss Claudel now.”

Leon did not respond to Eric’s words.


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