Chapter 6 – Part 2

“The Young Lord…?”

“Because I don’t really dance much.”

“But, you are so good with swords. Dancing must be moving your body…”

“It’s a little different. It’s similar to how sewing and making clothes are different from embroidering.”

At that, she nodded her head. When he said that, it struck her. Olivia asked as if she had suddenly thought of it.

“Then, how was your coming-of-age ceremony?”

“The coming-of-age ceremony was held modestly. Because I don’t want to dance.”


Really? That person? It was funny to do something like that because he didn’t like it. Her lips curled up, and as she burst into laughter.

Because of that, he stopped his feet.



“Isn’t it so natural?”


As she talked with him, Olivia realized she was actually dancing, but she wasn’t even nervous about it anymore.

“Did I not step on your foot?”

“You never stepped on it, and you even danced well. You seem to have practiced a lot.”

Olivia’s eyes widened and twinkled at Leon’s praise. Another blush appeared on her face.

Seeing this, he added in a rare soft tone, “And, you don’t have to worry about that. Even if you try to step on my foot, I will dodge it.”

“But, you said earlier that you can’t dance.”

“Dancing and dodging attacks are two different things.”

‘Could he say that as a joke?’

She smiled broadly again. It felt like her troubled heart was fading away. When Leon praised her, she gained confidence. She was really confident she was going to do well now.

“Thank you, Young Lord. I really think I can dance well now.”


“Thank you for your valuable time. Now, I think I can do it on my own.”

At those words, he made a subtle expression. She said, unaware of the meaning of that expression.

“Thanks for your kind help.”

“No. Let me know when you need help.”

He was a really kind person. She glanced at his hand as he faced him. It would be nice if she could dance like this one more time. Nevertheless, greed had to be pushed to this point…

Olivia pulled away from him.

She doesn’t talk to him often, but sometimes when luck comes along, he’s so considerate of her. She didn’t know if this was just a small favor for the one he lived with or a good deed for the needy, but he was so precious to her.

She liked him from the beginning, but it’s even more now.

These memories will never be forgotten. She will remember it for the rest of her life.

Olivia laughed shyly.



As she awoke from her sleep, Olivia slowly blinked her eyes. A chirping bird could be heard through the window. Wiping her long, frizzy hair, she got up and looked out the window. A bitter smile crept across her lips.

She had a dream. She remembered dancing with Leon. She had kept it alone in her chest. But, the man doesn’t remember it. It was natural. To him, it was just a small favor that would not remain in his memory.

The emotions she felt at that time, the happiness, still haunted her.

Why is she not as happy as she used to be, even though she mixes his body with him all night and kisses him…?

Tears began to well up in her eyes.

Moments later, a knock was heard. Olivia thought it was the maid who came in again this time.

“Can you get me a towel? I want to wipe my face.”

Then, the white towel on the side table was held out to her. She buried her face in it for a long time.

After wiping the tears from her eyes, Olivia took a deep breath.

“Did the Duke leave the mansion?”

“I haven’t entered the palace yet.”

She flinched at the sudden sound of the man’s voice. It was Leon who was standing by the bed.

“Du, duke!”

“You always seem to be surprised when I come in.”

“Tha, that’s…!”

This time she was embarrassed. This was because it was time for him to be outside. The sun rose so high…

Realizing the situation, she looked at herself.

‘Thank God!’

Come to think of it, since their act yesterday, she changed clothes and fell asleep properly. On a bright day, she didn’t want him to see her naked.

As Olivia put her knees up and looked away from his gaze, he stared at her for a long while before cautiously opening his mouth.

“You have no energy. Are you sick?”


“Are you in a bad mood?”


With the expression on her face, she couldn’t lie that she was in a good mood, so she bit her mouth. He let out a low sigh at her affirmative silence.

“Is there something you would like to have?”

“Thanks to Your Excellency, there is nothing lacking.”

“I’m not talking about what you need. I am asking what you want.”

What does she want to have? Actually, there is this person in front of her. It is this guy. If she said so, what expression would he make? She just thought she was like a little girl with a tantrum. Even knowing this, she blew out her resentment.

“Your Excellency will not give me what I want.”

“How do you guarantee I won’t?”

“Because you will never want to give it.”


Hearing this, Leon didn’t say anything for a long time.

She regretted saying that.

Kevin said he was sick of seeing such gloomy faces. A woman should always be smiling, but she’s gloomy and unattractive, so no one will like her. Olivia agreed. How could this man have a crush on her who is so depressed?

There was no room for him to have a crush on her, who in the first place believed Olivia couldn’t live without a man.

Olivia thought that Leon would leave with sighs at her own wretched melancholy and grumbling.

“Then, is there anything you want to do?”


At the completely unexpected words, she raised her head and peered at him. He didn’t seem annoyed or angry.

“Aren’t you in a bad mood?”

“…Your Excellency, do you care about how I feel?”

Leon didn’t answer, but it was definitely positive. It was as if half of the feeling of depression was blown away by that alone. He takes care of her like this.

Her heart warmed.

“Thank you. Though I don’t know what I want to do, I’m really sorry.”

“You don’t know?”

“I don’t know what to do or what I can do to feel better. Sorry for ranting. It’s because I really don’t know.”

When depressed, she didn’t know what to do. Olivia just gasped and grabbed her chest, waiting for the feeling to subside.

“I’m sorry you took care of me, I’ll take care of my feelings. When I see you again, I will never be like this.”

It was an honest answer. She thought that Leon was going to give up now. Meanwhile, he quietly watched her face, keeping his silence.

“Have you ever ridden a horse?”

At the sudden words, she opened her eyes wide and shook her head flutteringly.

When she was a kid, she used to go to a stable at her home. However, the maid was terrified and stopped her, and she never went again. Horses were strange and special animals that lived there. A large animal that pulls wagons and carries people.

“I ride my horse when I’m not in a good mood.”


“Would you like a ride?”

At his suggestion, Olivia widened her eyes.

…To go horseback riding? Horseback riding was something she never thought she would be able to do.

She asked if she could do it, and she was curious.

“Bu, but I, have never ridden a horse before?”

“I’ll watch you, oh, if you want, I’ll call another teacher.”

With those words, another half of the gloom was blown away.

“Then, someone else…”

“Are you reluctant of me too?”

“Yes? But, you must go to the Imperial Palace. I cannot take away your precious time.”

“The time is not very precious, and even if my time is precious, I do it because I want it, so Miss Claudel need not be so sorry.”


Where did she hear it? What he once said. The same consideration was coming out of his mouth.

Is this person not disgusted or despised? Why is he so nice to her?

The innocent Olivia Claudel is no longer there. Her heart was aching. Yet, on the one hand, her heart pounded.

“Your Excellency, are you really okay? If I may… you are good at riding.”

Again, his expression changed.

“Hmm,” He sighed.

“I’m not a very good rider, but I’m good enough to take care of you.”

He told her to get ready, and after coughing a few times, Leon went out of the room.


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