Former Turtle Four Years (1576) Mid-August Soba Himeyama Himeji Castle, Himeido County, Kuroda Takataka

When I visited my father in the safe house, I had a visitor. My uncle Humensai is talking to my father about the kettle. It's been a long time since they came out of Masayama's vault. It looked interesting, so I was allowed to interrogate you in the hallway for a moment.

"Tampa baking is a soft color."

"That said, the tambourine pot that Taipei received from the Major General felt softer than the Oda and Pearl State pots."

My uncle's voice has a satisfactory color.

"Um, that was a good pot. Non also tried to get good things from the Tampa grill, but there was nothing to be convinced of. I don't think we're gonna make it to the grind."

"Maybe he'll still go to Kyo, Omi"

"Right, maybe you should ask for it over there"

I see, things sell better in Kyo and Omi than in Soya. It is quite possible that the kettle will go over there as well.

"The refreshing adulthood of the Tampa grill, the reddish brown of the Oda grill, the deep black of the Pearl Grill, each has its own flavor. I envy Tai Wei."

Recently, my father seems that Tai Wei is no longer enough for his spokesperson. He frequently explains the virtues of the pot to his uncle, Yoshisuke, and the right guard of Kyuro. Sometimes I talk to you, too. In time, pots may become popular at the Kuroda family. In that case, the kettle will also flow to the grinding.

"Why don't you ask the Major General first?"

"Dream on, say good things."

My father's voice is playing. If you do that, this castle will be full of pots.

"Father, uncle, I will disturb you."

I walked into the room with a voice.

"Official Guard, did the guests leave?

"Did you know?

"I came to visit you in my dreams, but I came here because I was visiting."

I thought it was urgent, but my uncle had a grin on his face. Maybe you're in a good mood. I haven't been here for a while.

"I'm sorry for what I did."

"No, I hadn't been here in a long time, so I stopped by. I didn't need anything in particular. I could also talk about my brother's pot. Pretty fun."

I'm still asking if you're in the mood, and my uncle is apparently becoming a pot buddy, too.


"I'm Shifang Castle's brother-in-law."

"Shinji Sakagyo"?


My father and uncle looked at each other. They both look complicated. Toyoko Takahashi of Shifang Castle was attached to the Maori side in an earlier battle. Most of the Maori people either perished or fled. It may be said that the only one allowed is the Tsubashi family. It was my wife's home. But after the surrender, Toyoko Sho is dominated by his hidden wife's brother, Shinzai Sasakyo.

"I was forgiven, but only the Tsubashi family was forgiven. He still seems sick."

"I guess so"

My uncle nodded.

"The wise lord of your arrival treats our brother-in-law independently of us. Your style didn't seem too concerned..."

"Well, if you raise your martial arts somewhere, you won't get sick."

"You're right about the rest of your dreams. Attention, Kunigami, don't rush your kung fu."


My brother-in-law's depression has other reasons. I was never cut off for hostility. But everyone around us is getting more. Separate locations: Sun Rigamen, Shinoji Temple, Yoshiro Akashi, and the Kuroda family. Each was increased by around 10,000 stones. Those things will also not be a cause of my brother-in-law's depression. It just didn't scrape, I wish I thought so but I looked alienated.

It was the Cold Springs Samurai who received the one-of-a-kind award. He was assigned to be the guide of the singing lane at the Decaying Wood House instead of receiving it because he could be the target of other priests. The guide fee is five hundred pieces per year. That and a promotion to the Subordinate Third Senate. I'm glad that Cold Springs samurai was entrusted with the role of singing guide of the Decaying Wood family rather than receiving territory. He seems to think that being able to spread Japanese songs and connecting with the Decaying Wood Family will yield greater benefits in the future.

"By the way, Princess Takeshi's queue is with 30,000 people, but it seems true. You think it was an unprecedented noise in Omi, full of spectators? I hear the innkeepers and the shopkeepers made a lot of money against them."

My uncle changed the story for me. I honestly helped because it was a topic I didn't really want to talk about. My father has a horrible look on his face.

"There were 30,000 or 10,000 queues when Takeda made Hojo daughter-in-law. I remember being surprised..."

"Brother, in Takeda's case, Kofi to Sagami and Short, but Kogi has long gone from Omi to Echigo. In between, there are Echizen, Kaga, and Echizen. I have no idea how much money you're going to need."

My uncle is right. I have no idea how much it will cost. And decaying trees have money to pay for it. That money would be more threatening to those hostile to decaying trees than to 30,000 queues.

"Well, so is the money, but decaying trees seem to be used to expeditions. I remember I used to bring Ise back and forth with the army from Ise to Noto and Noto."

"There's a role for us as soldiers."

My father and uncle saw me.

"He seems to be in charge of keeping food, weapons, gunpowder, etc. ready for war from time to time. You have considerable authority in the Decaying Wood family. We're building streets with sowing now, but that's also a soldier's job. In Decaying Tree Territory, we are able to move quickly on streets that have been developed by soldiers."

My father and uncle sighed.

"They don't think the enemy's coming at us."

"I'm not an easy target to attack..."

"I asked Lord Akechi that the streets of Hanoi, Wazumi, Yamato and Kii would also be maintained."

“Oh, my God," my uncle raised his voice and looked at my father.

"Accept it, do you?"

"Father, Takayama returned his position in charge. I can't refuse now. Little by little, your style has strengthened your dominance in the kitchen."

My father and uncle sighed again. Wake up a soldier and seek a Japanese song, make 30,000 queues in a cage. It gradually takes away the power to resist even in the inconspicuous while letting it look flashy around you. That walk never stops.

"What will happen to the public, Gobi and Shogun?


I couldn't answer my father's question. The power of decaying trees becomes stronger, which means that the power of foothold becomes weaker. Footfall is slowly dying. Will the public accept the death, or...

Former Turtle Four Years (1576) Late August Kogae Guopusheng County Hachima-cho Hachima-cheng Sequoia

"August is almost over."

"Right, I'm done right now"

Snow is giving up 10,000 generations. He's my first boy and he won't get cute. I hope it's not overprotective.

"It's been cool this summer"

"Well, you didn't notice."

I don't know, it's cold summer to say it's cool this time of year. Rice may not do well this year. I had no idea, Lord disqualified.

"Do you care about bamboo?

Snow asked with a pranky grin.

"Naturally. Doesn't that bother you?

"There's nothing you can do about it. That's what I'm saying."

"Well, that's true..."

Women are quick to split. August is coming to an end, it would be nice if the wedding was all right......

"It's okay. She's a big, unconstrained character, similar to your style, so even the Uesugi family can be adorable."


I'm not a big man, I'm not a nobody. I'm just playing the Lord who is as easy to serve as I can. You look like me? I can't even rest.

"Take another sigh, from earlier on, and let your stall just sigh."


Snow asked the crane to agree, "Right?” The crane snorted and looked at me. I don't know, I didn't even notice. When I stroked the head of the crane, the crane gave me a happy look. After Bamboo disappeared, she came to my side to see if she missed me. I used to be with bamboo a lot...

"It's time for the Sun Festival."

"You're right."

"Is Otomori next time?"

"What will the performance look like?"

Snow came to me asking if it was floating. I guess I'll try to make you play my mind. Or are you serious? The women of the Decaying Wood family love to see things. I don't know what's good about that. I have no idea.

"I don't know, Sidenang said Pelican Wings."

"Well, may I?

"Yeah, what?

Snow looks surprised. Is there something about pelican feathers?

"It was performed when the Orthodox Duke, said to be an evil place, was assassinated by Master Akamatsu. It's not an extra good act. Some people hate it."

I see, foot-rich proselytism? It's Kaji's mess that Manyu Akamatsu killed while he was welcoming proselytism at his residence. Were you playing Pelican Wings then? What about this, is there harassment of me or something? Wait, didn't they say proselytism is the Sixth Heavenly Demon King or something? I feel like I've been fighting with Mount Bee. Similar, harassment of me, no curse, I guess.

Snow looks worried. I wonder if you thought the same thing about me. Let's dare go bright.

"Never mind."

"Is that so?

"Yes, I am."

Let's not worry about it. It's troublesome. It's a problem if you make a weird noise. I just need to enjoy the fun. But when you're done, you better say something, because you know about proselytism. I don't care.

"Dear Mr. Oyato,"

I heard a voice like I pushed him to death. Little soldier. He's giving himself up at the entrance to the room. He approached and bowed down in the same way and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There's movement in Kyo."

"Did you wake up the soldiers?

Little soldier nodded. We whisper to each other, it doesn't sound like Snow or Crane.

Waiting, did it finally work? I was upset because there were signs but it didn't move inside.

"Ise, Ise, Daisuke Hosokawa,"

"What's up?

He was murdered by the public.


When I inquired, the Little Guard nodded. What do you mean?

"Stupid, I told you to let me go before things happened. They would have agreed. What happened to Sasuke Ceremony, didn't he get paid?

What do you mean? I knew there was movement in Kyo. But there must have been no movement to kill Isesho or Fujikata. If there had been such a move, Sasuke Ceremony would have rewarded it. How's it going?

Xiaowei stared at me.

"Dear Mr. Oyato, Mr. Sasuke Ceremony is a messenger to Maori."

"Maori?... What time is it?

"It's the day before it happened. Nothing will make you feel dangerous until then."

The day before? Ise, wasn't the killing of Hosokawa decided at that time? Suddenly decided? But Ise, when it came to killing Hosokawa, it would have been necessary to prepare and prepare for it. Is that something you can easily do? Funny, how's it going?

No, it wasn't decided suddenly, suppose it was already decided... Did Sasuke Ceremony betray you? I don't think so, because...

"Please, Sasuke Ceremony will be killed! They did it! Little soldier!"

I would have shouted if I had noticed. The crane gave a frightened expression and the tens of thousands of generations began to cry as if it had caught fire. He left the room apologizing to Snow, who blamed him for his strong voice.

"Let's go! Give me the touch!

I called out aloud. The lower names, who had refrained from taking it, moved out as they spoke out that they were in the line of mouth. All right, now everyone starts moving.

"My apologies, Master Oyato."

"Don't say it, little soldier. I'm the one who pulled it out. I was distracted by the wedding and I saw that letter formula sweetly! They did it!

When I went back to my room yelling, Sakichi Ishida and Sun Liu Kato had their armor ready to wait. You must have heard the noise, Shosho Kamato and Shigezo Kurono came too.

"How did you do it?"

"The letter public raised a soldier. Ise Ise Shou, Daisuke Hosokawa, was killed."

"Little soldier!

When Heavy Zao reprimanded him, the Little Guard bowed his head "I'm sorry”.

"Heavy Zone, don't blame Xiaowei"


"I was the one who caught my guard. They made it out so well!

Wear armor while Sun Liu and Saki help you. It took a lot of work.

"Where's Mr. Sasuke Monochrome?

"The day before yesterday he turned to Anjin as a messenger to Maori. I think the letter says that if this man becomes a decaying wooden dog, he will make a petition to dispose of it. I'm afraid I won't make it. I'm on the boat by now."

When I answered, Shimono shrugged, "Oh, my God." It's with the Kuroda official guard of historical facts. Somewhere, Yoshio suspected me. And suspicion turned to certainty. The guards were not killed, because they had knowledge of Araki. But it will be difficult for Sasuke Ceremony.

"My attention became too distracted to be obsessed with the wedding. They poked me there. And it's very vibrant. Heavy Zo, don't blame Xiaowei. This time he went over here."

"Dear Mr. Oyato,"

Heavy Zuo is biting his lips off. Must be harder than your own faults.

"When this happens, the subordination of Sanoko, Matsunaga, Uchido and Toyama is also suspicious. We need to hold Kyo down immediately and control their movements. Hurry up!

Heavy and Shimono bowed their heads and left.

"Dear Mr. Oyato,"

Little soldier looked like he was going to cut even in the stomach. Trouble guy.

"Little soldier, it's war. Even if I try to draw, I can get behind it. But we didn't lose, the battle is coming. Hurry up! If you're going to cut your belly off, after the decaying tree dies, it's the role of Yamen who's going to make my mistake!


Xiao Wei graciously left. I won't let you cut your belly off easily. I'm not nice enough to let you die for nothing. Live in shame, but you'll work for me.

"Dear Mr. Oyato!

"Lord Migoro."

Xiao Night and Snow, Aya Mama came in.

"I can do the fire, I'm heading to Kyo. Little night, ask for some hot water."


As soon as the night answered, the three of them left. Those three, I guess they're sticking together to make hot water.

Yoshiaki, Ise, you're prepared to kill Hosokawa and make the beginning and end of Kosuke Hoshinagawa Maori. I guess I've been aiming for opportunities. I was fooled well. Nevertheless, Ise, Hosokawa is discerning with this hand as far as Sasuke Ceremony. Sharper than I thought.... those eyes, those eyes that were staring at me. He was probably looking around himself with those eyes.

Sanoko, Matsunaga, Uchido, Takayama, naturally they are speaking up. How far are you gonna go with Yoshio? Not so far, assuming it sucks! Kii, if Yamato has become an enemy, Ise, Iga's soldiers must not move. And it's awkward to move soldiers from the South Omi too. When that happens, is it Kitakomie, Echimae, or Tampa that can move immediately in this emergency? Let's hurry up and send a messenger to the Chinese people. Gather them in Kyo. And you must send a messenger to your uncle and the Ten Guards. Hanoi, Wazumi, and Yamato can't move either if I go into Kyoto and the Regent and the sowing are stable. Not so much confusion in Kichinai. We have to hurry......

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