Mid-DecemberYukoku Cervical Castle County Haruhi Village Haruhi Yamashiro Uesugi Scenic Victory

"Read it."

"May I?

When I nodded, Chisaka vs. Horse Watch Parents dropped their gaze on the sentence they received from the Uncle of Decaying Wood and looked at me again.

"Where's your hideout?

"The Decaying Wood family is getting almost the same thing as that."

The contents are almost identical. The big difference is the end. Take care of my daughter and my adoptive father.

The horseman guard looked around at everyone. Lieutenants Naoke and Seibei, Shimano Saito, Right-handed Takemata, Komie Sweet, and his father Nagato Yoshie. That's all the heavy ministers are packing in Haruhi Mountain Castle right now.

"The sentence from the former Uchi prefecture states that the engagement of the two princesses, Himetsuru and the former Minister of the Interior, Kitami, was reconciled."

Everyone raised their voices.

"Congratulations. Now the Uesugi family became son-in-law through the Kingsguard family and the Decaying Wood family."

Everyone chanted "Congratulations” when Lieutenant Righty Takemata celebrated. Everyone has a smile.

"Anti-Horse Watch, what time should the wedding be?

Shimano Saito asks, everyone found out about the look on his face.

"This sentence states that the Kyushu expedition will take place next year, so it will be around next year."

I got a blur.

"Kyushu attack at last"

"Well, how much force do you move?"

"Shimazu, I hear Ryuji Temple is gaining momentum."

The Horseshooter saw me while everyone was making a scene. Nod.

"Quiet. Dear Akiri Left Horsehead, the treatment of the tabernacle ministers has been decided."

Sin. The glorious air we had earlier disappeared.

"Due to a plea for help from the Morning Court, Mr. Left Horsehead will leave the house and be deposited in an equal hospital. The Tabernacles are hungry."

Everyone looked at each other.

"You've earned it."

No one disputes the words of Lieutenant Yoshio Nagae. Beyond working with Shimazu and aiming for the life of his uncle, the treatment of his abdomen has become necessary. Instead, you should be thankful for not beheading. My honor as a samurai was preserved.

"And you were in danger."

"Um, I heard you spared a place of danger with your cladding. Strong luck."

"Otherwise, the heavens will be won."

"I heard you slashed the side of Mr. Left Horsehead."

"Decaying trees will also be at the mercy of the former Uchi government. And you're pretty good at slashing sidelines."

Everyone is nodding. I hear it's a steel slaughter or a work by Sekiyoshi, but I'd like to see it for once. It was a sword that my adoptive father possessed as a master of concordance and conversion, but it certainly made me feel amazing and lustrous like the blade crest smelled beautifully. Do I do people upstairs to get some credit too? Then let me buy you a kettle. According to Natsu's story, Dr. Otani polishes the kettle from time to time? Take care of the knife and everyone will laugh at you. It's not bad to try out what a kettle is like.

"Is this the end of the Shogun?"

"I guess so."

"There's an official Hirajima family in Awa, but I don't think there's anyone in charge."

"What will happen to the Kanto administration?"

Everyone looked at each other. And turn your gaze to the anti-horse guard. He gave a look like he was having trouble guarding his horse.

"There is nothing in this sentence about the matter."

Everybody saw me.

"Shall we open a new shogun and leave Kanto to the Kanto public?

"If so, Kanto will remain in charge..."

"But do you want to put the Kanto public?

Lieutenant Yoshio Nagae, Shosho Saito Shimano, Shosho Katsumoto Omi, all with confusion in their faces. The Kanto government often rivaled the Kyo generals. There have been battles. I would have thought of that. Besides, there is no guarantee that the Kanto administration will be entrusted to the Uesugi family.

"It's better not to expect too much. It is not necessarily the case that Kanto will be officially placed in Kanto, and it is not known whether the Kanto administration will be entrusted to the Uesugi family. Fortunately, the Uesugi family has strong ties to the Decaying Wood family. Build a new position on that, shouldn't you think so?

Father, everyone nodded at Echizen's words. The House of Uesugi and the House of Decaying Wood are connected to each other. That means a lot. Oh, boy, don't make a scene with my mother again. Hurry up and make a couple contracts, and make money on the kid.

"I'll tell everyone. Your uncle doesn't think about opening a shogun."

"Is it true?

Lieutenant Yoshio Nagae raised his voice of surprise. Others are surprised. My father was among them. You're a raccoon, you're pretty good at waving surprises.

"The fold I received the sentence before, and such a thing was noted. Of course, Lord Yoshiaki was alive by then. It may seem difficult to hold the Tabernacle and open the Tabernacle. But you may have thought of another form of heaven, not the Shogun."

The heavy ministers are nodding. “I see," “I do," I heard such a voice.

"As Father Echizen said earlier, we will build a new relationship with the Decaying Wood Family, so we should think about it."

Everyone is nodding.

"Once the Kyushu offense is over, Kanto and Okinawa will be the only ones left. Unification under heaven will proceed at once. Make sure you know that. Good."

Everyone was in awe. We have to hurry up with the asparagus attack.

Mid-December (1582) Hachigi Castle, Hachima-cho, Hachima-cho, Hachima-chon, Kogae

"Coming in, little night"

The Great Hall came into the room with his voice.

"Well, are you back yet?

"Um, I'm back now. I'm not the star of the day, the dead. If you stay too long, you'll be worried about rejecting it. I left early."

The Great Hall lowered its back. You must be thirsty, I ordered the lady to hurry and prepare your tea.

"Was it a good law?

"Oh, it was good law. The people of Imagawa, Kitajo and Takeda gathered. Oyamada, Maida, Mitsujuku and Ashida also participated. Because I spoke up, I guess it's easy to get in. By now, he must be mocking the deceased."

"You're the one on the left."

Today there was a joint law between Imagawa, Hojo and Takeda at Nagayuan Temple. at this time of year. There are many Takeda family affiliates in the Decaying Wood Family. And Imagawa, Kitajo and Takeda are complicated and mixed with each other. And many of them died in battle at the same time.

"The former master and minister serve the same house. We'll have to take care of that."


The Great Hall compliments Lord Shingen Takeda from time to time. Other decaying tree pseudonym inventories follow the example of Imagawa pseudonym inventories, and people say that they have the same idea as themselves as Kitajo-Jia's Jen's government and Oda's Bullet Chung. I will never be spoken of as disparaging. That's the same for the Hexagons. I can talk to you about your entrance. But there is nothing to say about Director Rightmen or Dr. Left Kyokyo, who came in from the Hoshikawa family.

A woman brought tea. Must be hot, the Great Hall took a slow sip as it breathed and cooled. I'm thinking of something.

"It's time to bring Chishoumaru from the Hojo family back to work. If you're aware, you're fifteen years old. It's early."

"Well, that's it already"

The Great Hall was nodded.

"My body is not too big, so I was sending it forward, but I'm sixteen years old when I'm older, but I have to go to Kyushu next year. What time will the return be...... Before I go to Kyushu, I have to get him to do it."

"You're busy"

The Great Hall nodded. And another bite.

"The Dragon King Maru of the Imagawa family is also thirteen years old. I'm trying to get him to serve me when the Kyushu expedition is over. I've been asked to do so by the Ridge Matsuen Temple."

"Really, … you must be anxious"

"Right, you'd feel really anxious compared to the Hojo family"

There are no adult boys in the Imagawa family. And connecting him to the Great Hall also failed once. I can tell you that Evening Princess is in an extremely precarious position when she enters the side room again but has no children.

Disturbed circulation, I really do. Hokujo, Takeda, and Imagawa are trying to maintain their homes by losing momentum and connecting with decaying trees. By the time they wielded their power, the Decaying Woods were only small national lords...... Back then, no one would have guessed it now. By then, the world has shifted dramatically over the last twenty years.

"By then, Chiyo Tortoise will be in his uniform."

"Well, I'll have to get him to take it back."

"Princess Tsuru will marry you, and the celebration will continue."

"Right.... I forgot about Hojo's pawn princess. That's a crane. You're not going to be the same age. You'll have to figure out where to marry her next year."

The Great Hall exhaled, and looked at me.

"Why don't you think about it?

"Where is Princess Pawn's dowry?


"I don't mind that..., thank you."

"I know, please"

From the Hojo family, Lord Gui is in the side room of the grand hall, and Temple Daisy is married to the Cold Springs family. With that in mind, I can't let my daughter-in-law anywhere.

"I hope you find some candidates without thinking too hard. Mix it up with the public, the martial arts, as you see fit. When I let you marry me, let me marry you as my adopted daughter. It's not supposed to be approximated."

"The Great Hall is full of children, it's going to be tough."

The Great Hall gave a strange look when teased lightly. You shouldn't!

"I'm gonna have a hard time doing that."

"That's not what I said. I have trouble being taken badly. I thought it was a little funny."


The Great Hall nodded at the injustice. If you're not careful......

If you are as good as the Great Hall, it is only natural to have a large number of side rooms and children. No one can accuse me of anything. But the Great Hall was born in the house of a national lord named the Decaying Wood Family. I'm not aggressive about putting the side chamber in. It is recommended by the surrounding area to put in the side chamber, but every time it does, it seems to me that I am sorry.

"Were you born yet in Sun Fu?

"Well, I wonder. I think it's time for the reward..."

I changed the subject but not the look on the face of the Great Hall.

"Is there anything to worry about?

I missed my gaze.

"A child is all I worry about, be it near or far.... I yelled at that the other day..."


"Maybe that just wanted me to comfort you. I don't think he'll admit it, but I think he missed it somewhere. I'm doing good, shouldn't I have told him not to cry? I guess I should have stroked his back and cried with him rather than yelled at him...... I don't even think about it. That's stupid."

The Great Hall laughed low. I laughed as if to mock myself.

"I have heard more about how the Great Hall feels than my father. I don't think you've done anything wrong. We'll have a baby soon enough, and the big butcher will be a father too. If you don't have time to cry, you'll know what the Great Hall feels like."

"I hope so..."

The Great Hall shrugged. The gaze looks far away. It was an indelible gaze.

Early January (1583), Hachigi Castle, Hachigi Town, Hachigi County, Kogae

The drums and whistle sounds easy. And the men on the stage sang it out.

"How dare you? Tara, Rara, Rara."

"Chiya Tatarara. Tara, Rara, Rara."

I have no idea what you're talking about. I think it's some kind of spell... But, other than me, the audience, Aya Mama, Xiao Night, the women are watching the stage with a serious look, starting with Snow. The same applies to the audience such as the uncle, the counsellors such as Heavy Zao, and the appraisers such as Lin Sa Jiaoshou.

"I won't go as far as Chiyo."

"We are also Chiaki Samura"

"At Crane and Tortoise Age"

"Let it be my heart."

This place is in Japanese. I know a little about it. The age of a crane and a tortoise, or longevity, I suppose. As far as I can see.

Now playing on the Noh stage is one of the performances of Noh called Ong. This ability can be played first. It's not a sidekick, it's located in front of it. In short, they are treated differently. Ong is said to be capable and incompetent, but only able to dance as a ritual of prayer for Heavenly Tahei, Homeland Security, and Goya abundance. There is no story. I guess this spell is some kind of prayer too.

I mean, I don't know much about the monks for me. They just cast spells and dance. I said it to Aya Mama once, but she stared at me with white eyes. I suppose you thought he was a punishing son. When this guy is finished, Sidenang's Takeshi Island, and Shura continue on to Yashima. I prefer to have a story. Especially Yashima.

I had a baby last year. It's a boy, eye-catching. Sometimes, however, it is not obvious. It was the twins who were born. In this day and age, the twins were abhorred for being said to be animal bellies. Modern times make me laugh that it's ridiculous, but this era involves the inheritance of houses. The twins, who are likely to cause domestic strife because of it, have been hated as abominable beings.

Naturally, the twins were kept secret. The caterer couldn't even reward me or Little Night. One of the twins was reportedly named Takenaka Maru. The problem is the other baby. In this case, the attentive minister deposits it in a house his parents don't know about. And I won't tell you who I left it with. Make it a situation where you can't see him even if you miss him. You might think it's terrible. But by doing so, I try to break the bond between my parents and my children. That will be the cause of the future.

But naturally, the mother didn't like Natsu letting go of her child. And I asked for help in the night. They have more trust between Natsu and Konight than I think. Little night surprised me with the reward, and talked to me. I was surprised when I heard the story, too. I didn't think that was gonna happen.

I can't talk to anyone. We talked alone. I said I should go outside. There is one under heaven, and one under heaven. Factors such as a housekeeper dispute in a decaying tree house must be eliminated. We shouldn't do anything to confuse the heavens. Little night agreed to that too. I've been suggesting that I can raise a child born on it as my child and as a decaying tree person. I was wondering if Natsu would be convinced if he could at least be raised as a decaying tree person.

To be honest, I was surprised. You're absolutely right, it makes sense. He's a child of a butcher, so he becomes a source of strife. My child will not be a source of contention. I thought that would be a good idea. I also have the idea that it's nonsense to hate the twins from a modern feeling. I may not get the affection of my parents, but I get the affection of my grandparents. Natsu will be relieved.

The baby was named Toyochiyo. A little night followed with the desire to be able to live a rich life. My mother died of poor postpartum fatigue in a child I made outside. My mother was a Kyo woman and had a relationship with me at Tsushima Castle. When you see you're pregnant, it's a setup that you did a lodging and had a baby. From now on, it will be picked up by Hachinojo Castle and the night will grow.

Toyochiyo grows up as one of the common sons of the Decaying Wood family. The metaphor is that even if Takenagamaru grew up unhappy and died, he would never go back to Natsu with Daikyo. I can raise you as my child. Natsu is convinced of that. The only people who know the qualities of Toyochiyo are me and Konight, Daikyo and Natsu, Kazama Takeshimi, Kurono Reizo and Kobai, and the only other women who serve near Natsu. Thanks to you, I have been told by a woman that I am a quick guard man and a good concealer. I don't mean it, but I've got it.

"How dare you?"

"Chiya Tatarara. Tara, Rara, Rara."

Well, you're back in the spell.

"The ringing is the water of the jar. Ringing is the water of the jar. The sun shines."

"Take it for now. Yes, how about that?"

"Take it for now. For now."

Let's just take it. I don't know how to dance. But eventually, you'll see how good Ong is.... That's a low expectation.

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