Dingwu Hirai Marui, Kanyin Temple Castle, Pusheng County, Omijiang, late October, Yonglu 8 years (1565)

"Oh, my God! True?

"It's true."

Yataro's face was tense. My hands are gripping tightly. Let's keep my face as strong as Yataro's. I feel like my cheeks are cramped.

"Mt. Bee is likely to have offered to transfer five hundred fines, as well as Kenda territory. But Lord Yagoro didn't accept it..."


Yataro nodded. Five hundred pieces will be more than five thousand pieces. I didn't know you wouldn't accept that...... I exhaled unexpectedly.

Kenda was always in tune with Echimae and hostile to Decaying Tree. There seems to have been a request from the main prayer temple, but you have also seen that the winner always wins. In fact, the strength moved by the two armies varied greatly from 13,000 in Decaying Trees and 35,000 in One Tree. Overall, I can't blame Kenda for being short on his judgment. But in the sprouts of the trees, all the power was lost. It seemed like such a defeat that I had to withdraw from Nanjo County. Kenda's thoughts came off.

Naturally, Kogi didn't leave Kenda alone. Turning the soldiers south from Echimae, they headed straight for Shiga County. Kinda seems to have tried to apologize for offering 200 fines, but Lord Yagoro did not accept them. I guess it was unexpected. The hasty Kenda asked Mount Bee for help. Mount Bee moved three thousand soldiers accordingly. After some glancing, I thought we would make the sum by discussing...

"I'm surprised I burned Hiyoshi Taisha, but I didn't expect to burn Bee Mountain..."

"There is no forgiveness."

Yataro said yes and nodded. The face has a colour of awe. The 3,000 soldiers of Mount Bee quickly lost before the decaying trees. Hiyoshi Taisha, who hid the monks, was burned. Thorough. Whoever is hostile will be crushed? How did the people of the South Omi see it...

"What about Kenda?

Yataro looks anxious.

"I don't know.... What happened to the Lakers in Kinda?

"Already attached to decaying trees."


Kenda's navy was attached to a decaying tree. In other words, Naokai Akami belongs to decaying trees... Kenda can't resist. If so, there will be no baking. But the disposition will be severe.

Dear Dead Chengzheng Inlet, Decaying Tree strengthens its forces to the north. It was seen that there could be no further west than Mount Bee. According to Seung-gi's idea, Decaying Tree was only suppression of Echimae Asakura. In fact, Lord Yagoro headed north. But Kazuda was always the instigator. That thing turned the decaying tree's eyes to the west...

But Hiyoshi Taisha, is it something that can burn Mount Bee? Did the ministers follow their promises to that end? I have incredible thoughts. Can you do it yourself? Can you order me? Can you obey orders?... I can't. I can't do it. You won't be able to leave Mount Bee alone, even if you know it's dangerous. There is a wall there that cannot be crossed. People's eyes, common sense, mind, is it? Lord Yagoro crossed the wall. Lightly crossed. It's not like me, it's different somewhere.

"God's strength."

Yataro nodded at my words. Yes, it's strength, not people. Not martial arts, mind. I have the heart of a god. Maybe Lord Yagoro's strength is the strength of his heart. When everyone moves in the hearts of men, only Lord Yagoro moves in the hearts of gods. You can't attack Hiyoshi Taisha and Bitsuyama this time.

"It's going to be a pain in the ass. Be prepared."


"Let's leave the Hexagons alone."

Yataro nodded after giving him a surprised look. Have you noticed?

"Ever since we left, Nanjo County has become a decaying tree. Tsuruga County is now safe. That's where we need to be."

"... you mean the flow of things from Tsuruga has stabilized"

"That's right. And we got Shiga County, and the Lake Clan of Kinda attached to the decaying tree. Naokai Akami is a decaying tree."

"... more decaying than hexagonal,"

Yataro's expression had a bitter colour. It totally made a difference. The north stabilized and the Awami Naokai became a decaying tree. The power of decaying trees completely outstripped hexagons. Hirai is connected to the decaying tree. Always be seen with suspicion.

"I also say that it moves a wave and tens of thousands of waves follow. Let's keep moving from the Hexagons to the Decayers."

Yataro nodded. First, Otsu, Komai...... Those people are dissatisfied with Dr. Sasakyo, who is not interested in commerce. What they want is a master like Lord Yagoro. It will definitely move to decaying trees.

"We'll be in a difficult position."


I didn't say any more. Either way, the Hirai family may leave the Hexagon family. Let Yataro feel it too......

Yonglu 8 years (1565) Early November Sutra Inguchi, Shimizu Yamashiro, Yanaigawa Village, Takashima County, Omi

"It was a tough fight, tea is delicious."

Everyone nodded at Noun's words.

"Not at all. From the tree bud to the castle. I avoided the wild and dropped Teak Ojo Castle, Kiyama Castle and Tea Mountain Castle. My lord is a rough servant."

"There are no enemies in Teak Tail, Tatsuyama, or Tea Mountain, Lord Fujisaro."

Kobayashi Left Horsehead chills out the blurry young Miyato Saburo. Fujisaro laughed karakara as if to hide the tele.

"I don't know, the muddy road was terrible, the mud flying up to my face. That's worse than the enemy. It's in my mouth, but it doesn't taste good."

"Reminds me of bad things. The tea in the corner will be bitter."

Everyone laughed at the conversation when the left horsehead glanced at them. Both laugh. Non laughed, too. The same thing happened to Noon who ate the mud. They will all be the same. But I won, and now it's a good memory to laugh at.

On his way home from Kinda, he's taking a break at Shimizu Yamashiro. I was able to gradually take off my armor. This sense of liberation is indescribable. And hot roasted tea. You'll get some rest tonight. That's a life wash. Mibuei Akamori, Sanro Anyatsu, Nishiyama Battalion, Iwasaki Shisuke, Kobayashi Left Horsehead, Saburo Ayamito, Shinsuke Kobori, Akushi Awaji, Nakajima Prefecture, and Yoshihizo Miyabe are all generous together. They were all men who once served the Asai family. And now he serves the Decaying Wood family.

"You won, you always win."

"Oh, I won. I've destroyed Asakura."

Laughter stopped at the words of Aku Awaji guard, Yabuki Rainforest.

"To be honest, I was anxious. Almost triple the strength of the army. I thought it would be a good draw to ask for a tree bud insurance policy."

Everyone nodded as Sanro Yasuji shrugged while sipping tea. It was only since Sochi Asakura that he had always won a great victory. It's a rough opponent by then.

"But I won. What a resolute man, I don't think we're gonna hit it out there."

“Surprised" and “Noona" agreed with Noona's words.

"Thanks to the mud eating feathers,"

Everyone laughed at Fujisaro's words. Fujisaburo seems to have been snuck by the mud for a long time.

"We must have been rushed because there was Kinda."

"Probably would be"

Shinsuke Kobori, the seat settled on the words of Aku Awaji guard. Everyone is looking at each other. There is no busy air until just now.

"I don't think we're really going to burn down Mount Bee."

I'm surprised Hiyoshi Taisha is here.

Everyone nodded at the words of Nakajima Prep Nakamitsu and Miyabe Seixiangfang. We both had lower voices. None of us have ever talked about it before. I suppose you have feelings of awe and awe. I feel the same way about Non.

It was said to crush Mount Bee. They said they would slap Kenda. He was also said to win Shiga County. I'm pretty sure you need to stabilize your back in order to get ahead. To do this, it can be said that the attack on Mount Bee and the attack on Kinda are natural. So I thought your idea was to put Mount Bee under the control of decaying trees by threatening Kenda with force or beating him with some combat. That's what everyone thought. But it wasn't.

“I'll take the divine punishment and the Buddha punishment. Follow my life. It is my life for the decaying tree to fear. If you can't obey, leave the decaying tree!"

The words of the Lord before Hiyoshi Taisha, who hid the monks of Mount Bee, come back to life. And the lord ordered us to bake Hiyoshi Taisha. Now I know. Sometimes in turmoil, the top tries the bottom, like the bottom tries the top. That must have tested our readiness. Can you follow yourself or not...... Everyone nodded when I told them about it.

"Spectrum generations are hesitant to burn."

"Let's see. Whatever you say, my lord has grown decaying trees in one generation. There's no hesitation."

Everyone nodded at the words of Nishiyama Battalion and Iwasaki Shisuke. The spectrum people moved as they hesitated to burn Hiyoshi Taisha. I rushed after him. I thought you would really bake it. Really baked. I did not hesitate to bake. That was more of a shock than a burn. I also ordered the soldiers to burn in a hurry.

"See you, Shinanoma. In the sprouts of the trees, they fought ahead and followed the momentum. It's crazy to die."

And Takanose.

"Fujisaro, Seixiang Fong, they have nothing left to do. We'll see."

Everyone nodded at Noun's words. Soldiers from Aiki-shi, Sozaburo Koizumi, Shiro Ashida, Shigehiro Muroga and Shinanomo lost their territories and were chased after the country. Takanose Shimamoto also lost territory. Here, we have to stand on decaying trees. Work hard, risk your life to get a place. That would be what a samurai would be.

"The spectrum crowd may be the same. If you lose, you go back to the original eight thousand stones. So..."

Everyone nodded at Yabui's words. You have to keep winning. And there is a general who will let me win. Then I will follow without hesitation. I guess that's what this is about. I know very well. Losing means losing everything. Can't Asakura see the shadows and shapes now that she's so prosperous? Asai is gone, too.

"Kitakomie, part of Echimae. Together, it exceeds 400,000 stones and is close to 500,000 stones. There's no reason to hesitate."

Shinsuke Kobori said over a cup of tea. You're right, it's now more than twice the size of Asai once was. I grew up because I didn't hesitate. If I had hesitated, there wouldn't have been any decaying trees now.

"And you're strong. It's not a war, my heart. His Highness has the strength of no man to retreat. Your chest is strong enough to tremble. I'm still shivering."

Nishiyama Battalion said as he rubbed his chest. Everyone nodded at the words.

"Wouldn't that be nice? It's scary if you turn to your enemies, but if you say" Admiral, "you can count on it. You can't fight in a hipster general."

Iwasaki Shisuke said as he looked around at everyone. I agree, you can't fight with a hipster. Everyone agreed “Exactly." “Agreed.” Both enemies and allies would have recognized the horrors of the Lord in this series of battles. Don't insult me because I'm young. Even then, the people of the country we follow will be safe.

I thought it might be a young momentum, but it's not.

"Did Lord Yabuki think so, too, Noona?"

There were other voices who agreed that Nakajima Prefecture would agree with Yabuei Rainforest's words.

"It's not just to tell you the horrors of decaying trees. Don't you think, Lord Yabuki?

When Noon asked, Mibui said "I agree” and nodded.

"A hundred years after the turmoil of response, there is constant war in the chaotic world beneath the heavens. However, the mountain does not look at the awe of heaven as it speaks of a patronizing nation, eats sluts, fish birds, and sprinkles them with gold and silver bribes. This time Kenda commits outrage, but it's like a mess in the mountains. Was the mountain no longer a useless thing to harm the heavens, and I could destroy it instead of heaven?

Yabuei asked us. Some nod.

"My lord hates them. No, you think I'm interrupting."

"Lord Yagami, who are those people?

When Fujisaro asked, Yabui exhaled one thing.

"It's always about Mount Bee and the Gatekeepers. You can tell by the way you treat Kenda."

The roar rose.

Kinda. Kinda was literally trampled down when he was in tune with Echimae's usual tone. Hiyoshi Taisha, Kinda was utterly powerless in front of the palace that burned down Mount Bee. And the temple was destroyed, and he that was the LORD of the gatekeepers was decapitated. The gatekeepers begged for their lives, but the lord made them snap their necks without giving a damn. Kenda bowed to his knees in front of his lord. But how would it have been if Mount Bee had stayed? Would Kenda have succumbed? Yabui is right. There is not only momentum, there is a cold calculation of the Lord's actions.

"I've been after you for a long time."

Everyone looked at the words of Sanro Anyatsu's left guardian. When he saw us like that, the samuro left guard made a slight laugh.

"Don't you see? His Highness was told that he would build a castle in Sakamoto to suppress Shiga County to the west. I think you had that idea for a long time."

“I see," he said, "Indeed.”

"I always broke the gatekeeper. Maybe we can get Echizen. In that case, Kitakomie, Echimae, if you put young and narrow into it, you won't say a million, but there will be 900,000 stones. Don't cross the hexagon."

The roar rose. Certainly samuro left guard is right. Now it's not my dream to win over. Decaying trees won.

"Does Lord Saburo Sagamento say his lord wants to go to Kyo?

Saburo left guard shook his head to the side when Nakajima prep Nakamitsu inquired.

"I don't know. But when I grew that big, I didn't think Sanko would leave my lord alone."

“Sure," he said, "as Lord Sanro left guard was told."

"Leaving Mount Bee and Kenda alone, the battlefield will go from Shiga County to Takashima County. I wonder if my lord hated it. Besides, you can't let those guys scratch you in the middle of a showdown with Sanho. Maybe that's what you thought."

Sin. I see. Did you have it? Everyone is looking at each other.

"Fortunately, it's weird, but the public is beaten and the hexagons are like that. No one complains that the lord has captured the young and narrow. Wouldn't it?

Sanro left guard looked around at us. Everyone is silent.

"I thought it might be a crisis, but the Advisor may have been waiting for this day to come."

On the other side, the roar rose and the left horsehead murmured, "Are you the best military man of our time?"

"... maybe. Both Mount Bee and the traditional gatekeepers of Kinda were relentlessly crushed. If you look at that, hexagons can't easily be hostile to your lord. Build a castle in Sakamoto to prevent the west. Echizen, if you acquire a young narrow..., you will see the heavens"

Everyone nodded at Yabui's words.

"I'm scared, I can't see the bottom. But it's good there, as long as it's reliable."

Sanro Left Guard Gatekeeper laughed. Everyone laughed like they were caught.

"I don't hesitate. We have to work crazy to death."

Everyone nodded at Noun's words. He burned down Mount Bee and smashed the gatekeepers of Kinda. He has gained Shiga County and is still fighting for his advantage in Echimae. Heaven, or indeed, but I may have seen heaven...

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