Yuanliang Kodama, Hachima-cho, Hachima-cho, Fusheng County, Omijiang, early July, 2015

"By the way, Ee-jung, do you hear anything about Mr. Soo-san?

"No, especially"

When Ee-jung answered, he nodded, "Well." There is something about being spoken of on purpose.

"Can I help you?

When asked, the other country snorted “Hmm." And I saw the ministers of the chilling decaying trees. There was a snort inside.

"Right, I guess we should talk about it. I hear there are people in Soo-san's house who go to the Dragon Temple."

"Holy shit!"

"No way!"

When I raised my voice, Ee-jung also raised her voice. Ee-jung seems sincerely surprised, not to be acting. But he shook his head to the side and said, "I have a report like that." Iga, or Yamen. Are you saying you are searching without alarm? You took the back.

"But the praise guardian was said to obey the other country..."

Aiki-kun smiled slightly when he tilted his neck like Ee-jung was unconvinced. Bitter laugh.

"I am not a praiseworthy man, he who is in the house. And there are verses where praise is thought to be a disease."

“Oh, my God!" Yee-jung leaked again.

"So there's confusion all over the house, right?

Aiki-kun shook his head sideways at Ee-jung's inquiry.

"I don't know. It is only speculation that the disease of praise and observance is also a disease. Either way, it's not funny."

My country was exhaled in a thick breath. The disease is false? In that case, it would mean that Zanzhou himself went to the Dragon Builder Temple. It's certainly not funny.

"But why? Is it still the North Korean thing?

"Maybe, I can't think of anything else"

"Your country can't treat Mr. Soo-san in a bad way."

Ee-jung is right. Aikoku doesn't treat Soo-san badly. Rather understand the position. Come. But the other country was laughed at again.

"In my heaven, I may have thought that there was no hope for Mr. Soo's future."

"... you think there's hope for Dragon Temple?

When I questioned him, he knocked on his knees and laughed. And when I finished laughing, I looked at me with a more serious face.

"Sanro, the right guard, for Mr. Soo, it's good as it is now. I don't care who's in heaven unless you say something about Korea. Even if it's good enough. No, you might think that no troublemaker like Heavenly Man has to be here."


The other country laughed at the couscous.

"Dealing with North Korea is more important to those people than anything else. Maybe I'm a troubled man who talks about that important thing.... You're in the way."

Sin. Neither I, Ee-jung, nor the ministers of Decaying Wood can say anything. In the meantime, only the other country is smiling at us. It's a soothing dark grin. There seems to be a strong dissatisfaction with Mr. Soo. Am I interrupting you about yourself from Mr. Soo, or about Mr. Soo?

"Ee-jung, tell Lord Right Horsehead to pay attention to Mr. Soo's movements. If you feel something's wrong, don't hesitate to give me the reward."

"Ha, not necessarily"

When Ee-jung answered, he said, "Please," and he nodded.

When I stepped back in front of you and went back to the mansion, Ee-jung said, "Can I talk to you for a second?" He has a serious look. Something seems to be on my mind at the current meeting. The two of us faced each other by preparing tea for the Rokkiro prime.

"What did you think of the earlier case of Mr. Zong?"

"I don't believe it. It is true that there may be some of Mr. Soo-san who disagree with the other country. But working with the Dragon Temple..."

Impossible. Ee-jung nodded as he shook his head to the side and answered.

"That's what the foolish monks thought at first. It's reckless, you can't win, you can't think about it. But......"

Word broke off.

"Do you think it's possible?

Ee-jung nodded slowly.

"It would be reckless if it were just Mr. Sousuke and Ryuji Temple. You have no chance of winning. What if North Korea were added to it?


When I inquired, Ee-jung nodded.

"Don't forget that Mr. Soo-san is subordinated to Korea."

Have you ever been subordinated to North Korea?

"Mr. Soo is trying to use Korea as a back shield against the other country. You think we're trying to connect Ryukyuji to Korea?

Ee-jung nodded.

"You think there's no way out?


At some point they looked at each other and whispered.

"Neither do the foolish monks think so. But..."

"Lord Ee-jung?

Ee-jung stared at this one.

"Why not complain that the other country has ambitions in the land of Korea?"

"... that North Korea would believe that?

Is that all you'll believe? I don't think so very much. But Ee-jung nodded. Ee-jung sees North Korea as believing or possibly believing.

"Aikoku is looking to subordinate Ryukyu. An Ryukyu messenger is now coming to Japan. How about appealing to North Korea, including around there? North Korea can smile absurdly, don't you think?


I don't have a voice. Ee-jung is staring at us. I felt like I was being tangled up.

"It's not a bad story for Ryuzukuji either. If it happens, the other country will have to put down soldiers to suppress Korea. Dragon Temple wins more for that matter. If you sue the area, Ryuji Temple might be interested in it. Korea, paired with an anti-horse and headed south from Kitakyushu"

Maybe it's possible. But do you really think it will come to pass? Working with exotics? When I said that, Ee-jung said, "Especially”.

"You're thirsty."

"Truly, it's in Karakara"

"Let's get some tea."

Ee-jung sipped a sip of tea. This one also included tea in her mouth and drank slowly. We don't gaze at each other. I felt like my body would be lighter. When I finished drinking and put the tea bowl down, it matched me again. My body got heavy.

"Once upon a time, there was a country in that land called Shin Luo, and there is a record that the leading men of Shin Luo and Kyushu joined hands and defied the emperor of that time. Tsukubaki-kun, the mess of Iwai, was it?"


"It has happened once in the past. I can't say not again."

I can't say for sure there isn't. Ee-jung leaked laughter in low spirits.

"I don't know, I don't know what happened in that land and what Mr. Soo is thinking. If you are, you need to be careful."

"Sure..., it is the disease of Master Zanzhou..."

When asked, Ee-jung nodded.

"Maybe it's a pseudo-morbidity. If you have a pseudo-morbidity, the suspicion of working with North Korea increases the authenticity at once."


Pseudomonas, or is the disease true...

"If the other country loses and the power of Korea extends to Kyushu, we are not at peace with Maori. It's bound to affect us too."

Exactly. Maori territory before construction will be lost in no time. It would be nice if Ryuzukuji went south, but there is also the possibility of crossing the sea and attacking Maori territory.

"What about the other country?

When asked, Ee-jung shook his head beside him.

"Tell me from the right guard palace of Sanro. The foolish monk returns. We must find out as soon as possible about Mr. Soo-san, about Korea, about the Dragon Temple..."

"Sure. I'm sorry I didn't know."

"I'm alarmed. You have to slap the world ghost's ass..."

Ee-jung stroked the boy's head. I usually find it hilarious, but today it didn't make me laugh at all...

Mid-July (1586), Mid-July, Hachinojo Castle, Hachinocho Town, Hachinocho County, Kogae

"Then will you return?


The old woman in front of her snorted with a gentle grin.

"It's going to be hot in Echizen. Please be careful, Aunt Yi."

"Thank you. Please be careful with your country."

"Yes, be very careful"

I got up too because my Aunt Yi of Hokkaido got up. They were surprised but seemed happy when they asked me to drop them off. Walk slowly with your hands behind your back. Couscous laughed out at what Aunt Yi thought.

"How did you do it?

"It's been a long time since I've had a young lord pull me over like this, so I'm glad."

I accidentally leaked a bitter laugh.

"Not so young. It'll be forty soon."

"Young enough"

I'm still laughing. A troubled old lady.

The old woman who is happy to embarrass me is a woman who was the wife of Kwon Chinese-Chinese Kitakuchi. She is a hexagonally trusted daughter and the sister of Seung-Joon. He is also the mother of Dr. Kitakuchi, the director of Dr. Kitakuchi. His name is Whistle. My brother-in-law and I will be related to my aunt and nephew. In other words, Dr. Kitakuchi and Jiro are my brother-in-law's cousins. I killed Hokusaido, who was Aunt Yi's husband. If it's true, I can't help being resented, but it didn't happen because the relationship between Hokkaido and my righteous aunt was cold.

I cut it cold for two reasons. One is the treatment of my son. Hokkaido neglected his righteous aunt, Dr. Rikkan, and Jiro. And he adored the boy the side chamber had given birth to. He tried to take over the boy born in the side chamber by abolishing his son, Dr. Rikkan. If I hadn't intervened, Doctor Right would have been killed. Aunt Yi thinks I saved my sons and I think I'm pulling each one together.

I am particularly delighted that I gave the monster book made by General Rikkan to the court, and that the book is delighted in the court. For my Aunt Yi, I am the understander and patron of Dr. Right. For a mother, I am much more fond of her than a husband who denied her son. It will be as different as heaven and earth. My relationship with Aunt Yi is full of circles.

Another reason was the prestigious consciousness that Hokusai had. Sure, the Hokkaido family is famous, but from Aunt Yi's point of view, it was a weird house to not know if it was a martial or a public house. Besides, the Hokkaido family is an active house on the South Korean side. Not necessarily weighed among Muromachi Shogun. Aunt Yi had the awareness that the Hexagon family was more prestigious as a martial family and was also valued by the Muromachi Shogun. Whatever you say, she's my daughter in charge, so there's a strong consciousness around there.

Such a sense of fame and other disenchantment was only laughing at my Aunt Yi. Finally, it seems that the master of swords also led to underestimation. He seemed foolish as to how the Admiral would do with his obsession with swordsmanship or even take a single hit. When Hokkaido died, he ate his eyes with sand and died without being able to do anything, but he also seemed to despise his death. It may also have been a rebellion against Aunt Yi that Kitakkeshi neglected Dr. Right and Jiro.

At the entrance of the castle was a garden. Aunt Yi thanked her and rode. Slowly, the crowd leaves. I saw it through and then went back to my room. Apparently, one of the reasons Aunt Yi came out to Omi from Echizen was to see the face of Dr. Right's supervisor. And the other thing is about the Hexagons. Saburo's right guard succeeded the Hexagon family, but he came to make final adjustments with me for what to do with his wife.

Aunt Yi wants his wife to marry a hexagonal daughter if she can. I believe that will connect blood as well as fame. But I don't have the right daughter. Umedo, Kitakyu, Hoshikawa, Tuki, Hayama, none of them are here. Most of all, Hoshikawa and Tuki may have disliked Aunt Yi. Hexagon said he went the wrong way because of Tuki, and Hoshikawa cursed him as a fool who crushed his house for his adopted son. Well, you're right.

At the end of the day, it was impossible to put the Hexagon family's blood in place of Sanro's right guard. It was decided to put the Hexagon family blood in his son's place at the right guard. Aunt Yi was disappointed. But it was clear that he immediately regained his mind and proclaimed, "I must marry the daughter of the Hexagon family to the Sanro right guard hall, and I will find my wife." I almost fell asleep by accident. If I were a man, I could have been a good winner.

We also discussed that and the territory to be given to the right guard of Saburo. It's not funny to put Sanro's right guard in Ome more than he inherited the Hexagon family. I admitted that Aunt Yi was reluctant. Omi is the Omi of Decaying Wood, not the Omi of Hexagons. Sanro, give the right guard a territory outside Omi. About 100,000 stones. Kyushu, you're Shikoku. Let's put it in one of them. Well, do you even hit the drums?

I fear that Ee-jung will be joined by Joseon and Ryuji Temple. It is true that there have been Iwai disturbances in Kitakyushu in the past. But at that time, Japan and the Korean peninsula were closely intertwined. Not like now. North Korea is not interested in Japan today. There will be no such thing as teaming up with the Dragon Temple. Besides, that country doesn't have enough military power to step outside and fight. Well, just in case, let's not forget to deploy a navy. And gather information. If Maori doesn't work for me too...

Mid-July (1586) Ryukyu Koyakawa, Kaolin Castle, Ueno Village, Yoshizu County, Peripheral Defense

"Hmm, so what did the right guard say to you?"

My brother has asked me with such expressions as intrigue.

"It's about Korea as an example. Sanro, if you stop by the right guard's sentence, the other country seems to think it's unlikely."

When I took out the sentence and asked him, "Would you like to read it?", my brother shook his head to the side. He wants to hear from me.

"I don't even think Korea has an interest in Japan. I don't even think I'm going to work with someone I don't care about."

"I see, well, if the other person is also a Dragon Builder Temple..."

My brother snorted “Hmm” again. My brother is right, Ryuji Temple is only the nickname that governs a region of Japan. How far does Korea know the Dragon Builder Temple? You can't easily work with someone you don't know well.

"There is no time to make alliances with it. Whether it's hard to decide whether an alliance can be formed by the Kyushu expedition, how we can work together even if we do, or what the rewards will be after cooperation."

"You sure do. Then one of the North Korean cases is the boy's first move."

My brother flashed his face. I admit Ee-jung, but I don't have a favor. If the person was in front of him, reprimand would have flown. The Keiqiong is going to Shiro in Kyushu. By now you should be cautious not to take your eyes off the movements of Mr. Sousukiji and Ryuji Temple.

"My brother, the Patriot says he'll send a sailor just in case. If North Korea were to send soldiers across the ocean. You must be trying to stop it. And you said you wanted to talk to me after the wedding? It said in the right guard's sentence that you need to prepare your mind."

“Don't be alarmed," my brother smashed his tongue. Guess it's not funny. If you could see the alarm of the other country, you must have broken your face.

"But, Sasa Left Guard. When it comes to sending the Navy..."

"Yes, we need grounds. Kyushu, Korea, and the opposite horse..."

"Is it a horse against horse?

My brother tilted his neck.

"If there is no doubt about the breach, let's have it too. Attack and crush Soo-san at once. You will teach Korean and Dragon Temple that alliances are pointless. Let's frustrate the morale of the Dragon Temple. Otherwise..."

My brother flashed his face.

Maori collar.

"Let's be. It will take the form of staring from side to side at Kyushu, Tsushima and Korea. I think we're going to talk about it after the wedding."

"Oh, boy, after the wedding."

My brother tells me like he's stunned.

"I don't get it anymore. This wedding is about strengthening the bond between decaying trees and Maori. It will be tested on the battlefield."

My brother nodded, “Right."

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