In early October (1586), Hachigi Castle, Hachima-cho, Hachima-cho, Hachima-sheng County, Omi



Blessed and Pawn Chiyo came holding me as they called me. Oh, boy, I put each one on my lap. We both look happy. Is Blessing eight years old and Komachiyo six years old? You still want to be sweet.

"You shouldn't both of us. The Great Hall was injured, so stop riding on your knees."

Chen looks worried. I don't know, the kids look up and they look anxious.

"It's okay, Chen. No more worries."


"It's okay."

Don't worry about it. I can bend without problems, and I can run. I had no problem at all walking in armor. The Achilles tendon can be stretched well, too. There's nothing wrong with getting the kids on their knees. We both look happy when I stroke your head.

"Six months from now, a child will be born. That's a remarkable thing to say."


Chen answered happily. In the belly of Tatsune is my child. About three months. It will be born next June. Born before it gets hot. Most importantly, if Tatsumi were to bear a child, she would want Shinobi too. We're not sticking together, but we're both cousins. Trouble.

"I will have a brother or sister. Are you happy?"

"Glad to hear it."

Blessed and Pawn Chiyo said they were happy to have their voices together. Chen laughed happily when he heard it. You look happy. Horrified.

It was about fifteen years ago or when Shinobi came to me, he was terribly frightened. The expression was also dark. But now the sun is laughing brightly. I lost track of turning Tatsune into a sideroom, but I guess I wasn't wrong. The rest is to rehabilitate the house of Wenjing. When Komachiyo is back in service, let's rebuild him. You'll be glad.

"I'll be back soon, but what time will I be back?

That looks anxious, my chest hurts.

"Right, I can't say for sure, but it'll be six months to a year away. It's hard to get back before the baby is born."

"Are you left-handed?"

You look lonely. “I'm sorry,” Tatsune apologized in a panic. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imitate you.”

"But I can't keep him beside me at the hardest times. Let's be hard."

"This is the third time I have had a child. I'm used to it."


We look forward to your safe return.

It's a lie. I can still see you smiling impossibly. It's only natural that I want you to stay by my side.

"I thought of a name. Wen Chiyo for a man, incense for a woman. What do you say?

"Are you Wen Chiyo?

"Um, there comes a time when there will be no more fighting. Then it's a sentence over Wu. I thought so."

"I think it's a good name"

“Wen Chiyo" and “Wen Chiyo” were repeated. I look happy. I wonder what I would do if I were a woman. I think incense is a good name too...

We played with the children for a little while before going to the garden and the dragon's place. The dragon came to my side happy. The dragon turned eight. Much bigger.

"It gets cold soon enough. Keep warm so you don't catch a cold."

The dragon said yes and nodded.

"Garden, five more years, seven or eight years at the latest, and you'll have to send the dragon to your daughter-in-law"


The dragon seems anxious to hear the conversation between me and the garden.

"What's up?


"You don't need to hesitate with my father. Say what you think."

"I don't want to go"

"To my wife?


I was confused with a stronger tone than I thought. Isn't that what normal girls want to go to their daughter-in-law? I set my gaze on the garden, but the garden is also confused.

"Not right now. When the dragon grows up."

"Shouldn't we be here?

"You want to stay here?

"Yes, shouldn't we?

"I'm not saying no..."

The dragon seemed happy. The garden remains bewildered. Are you worried about your mother? Or do you not want to leave Imagawa, with the people of Hojo? Shall I talk to the garden later?

"Garden, we're on the move. I don't think I can go to Nagayuan Temple. I'm sorry."

"No, such"

"Tell the Imagawa family, Hojo family and Takeda family I'm sorry."


Seven years have passed since Hojo perished and nine years have passed since Takeda perished. It was further before the river was destroyed. In the last decade the great houses, the famous ones, have perished one after the other. Among them are Oda and Tokugawa. Quite remarkable.

At the end of this month, there will be a whole range of horses. And the Kyushu march. I'll go to Kanto when Kyushu is over. Let's take control and head northeast at once. Unification of the heavens.

Biji Yamashiro, Biji Village, Satong County, Anjinguo, early November (1586)

"Ten soldiers, long time no see."

"True, it's been a long time"

Ten soldiers grinned. He's as handsome as ever. I am more tannic and masculine than I was when I was younger. I guess a woman can have it. As much as I envy you. But I hear the Ten Soldiers are a loving wife and have no side rooms. Your wife will be happy.

"It's been a long time since the castle was busy."

The ministers who had followed my words agreed with me verbally. Four of the advisors, Gengoro Maida, Shigezaro Miyakawa, Heishiro Arakawa and the other military methods, Takashi Fusei, Left Konjo, Jiro Yoshikawa and Goro's methods of food, and others, Tasawa Takeshi, Kodashi Oyamada, Tachibanado Yuki, Takahashi Shoku... I honestly admire Ming Ji XV Ron, who is also a pioneer. Ten soldiers broke their faces with everyone's praise.

"The sea is nearby and the land is open. Mountain Yang Road also leads. There is rarely a better land. It is truly gratifying to have been able to visit this land..."

"There's always been a problem. I needed to keep it with someone I could trust. There was actually a battle. There must have been a lot less people in the end."

Everyone nodded. A caged force in Yamashiro, Yoshida County, was driven into a tragic battle of caged castles. After his surrender, he was banished from Anjin. The depopulation must have been a major pain in the ass for the Ten Guards. But now it's too busy to imagine.

"If you know it's a land where you can live in peace, and if you know it's a land where you can be rich, people will come together."

"Right. But it's not easy to make sense of it. It would be a power as Lord of the Ten Guards."

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

Humans are such cowardly creatures. It's not easy to abandon the life we have and go to a new land. Gathering people means that the Ten Guards also have the strength to be an internal politician.

After the Gatekeepers had always been eliminated in Anjin, Tendai Sect, Nilian Sect, Cao Tozo Sect, Linzhi Sect, Takada Sect of Puritan Sect, Foguang Temple Sect, etc. entered. They were recommended to me by the Ten Guards and done with my permission. Of course, they also gave me an oath that I would never do anything to instigate a believer. In Anjin, which was a major stronghold of the Honganji sect, not only the boy, but also the faithful were knocked out. There will be no one to violate it.

"I heard that in Kyo, we had a whole host of horses."

Ten soldiers look envious. Right, you would have liked to leave.

"Um, this was my first time. We kept the numbers down and went around the people in the kitchen. The morning court was also a celebration. The next time I do it, I'm going to have people from Shanyang, Shandong, Shikoku and Kyushu join me."

"Looking forward to it"

Ten soldiers said happily. It's not a promise, it's a reminder from the court.

Horse matching was a success. The public households are hungry for entertainment, so they jump right at rare things. A large number of warriors participated, but each of them commanded hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of men. The samurai march in their name before them. Apparently, every time they heard his name, the public discussed how many generals he was a lord of. The townsfolk of Kyo also gathered for a look. There was also a gathering of those who expected it to sell food. That was a fuss.

The Ryukyu messengers are also surprised to learn that the warriors who participated in the horse collection belonged to some of the decaying trees. The Kyushu expedition seemed half-hearted that nearly 150,000 troops would be mobilized, but he was convinced when he saw the horses and the actual army. People, my heart is leaning pretty hard on this one. Later, if the Kyushu expedition goes well, Ryukyu will report back to Ryukyu that he should be subordinated to Japan.

Ryukyu Koyakawa, Kaolin Castle, Upper Unorin Village, Yoshizu County, Peripheral Defense, early November, 2015

The Decaying Wood Army assembled in the surrounding defense. It's an awesome army. It would be comparable to the last Kyushu expedition. It turns out that Aikoku never underestimated the Dragon Built Temple. Fighting at this time also avoids the wild. The failure of the Shimazu attack will not be repeated. I can tell you're cautious on that side too. I am not at peace with the army. The military conference was to be held immediately.

"First, I want to hear about Otomo's situation. What's the status of Mortar Castle?

The other country asked.

"It seems that the heat has eased and the epidemic has subsided. Lord Sorin..."


He said he fell ill.

Surprising voices rose from the decaying wood side in my words. The country is also surprised.

"It seems different from epidemic disease. Probably from hard work."

"Is it dangerous?

"I don't know that. But I can't get up or anything."

Sin. Sorin is already past fifty. I guess this Cage Castle battle was quite enjoyable. Probably not for long.

"When Sorin falls, you can't expect Otomo to fight back."

Everyone nodded at the words of the other country. We all know that Sorin's son, Goro Yoshi, is mediocre and unreliable.

"Gengoro, explain."

"Ha, it's in the military-style Yoshigoro Maida. I will explain the strategy of the attack on Kyushu."

Masada Gengoro? I have heard that the trust of the other country is high. I guess I can do quite a bit. We also know about the report from Fujishiro and Jiro Goro, who sent it to Omi. Maida was originally from Shinano, but served Mr. Takeda in his father's place. But after Shingen's death, he serves decaying trees. The Maida family is also involved in the slaughter of the Kitami clan in Ise. Pretty good at it.

"First of all, it is the Dragon Temple, but mainly before, after, after, after, after, before and after fattening, Toyotomi, and after abundance, and we see that its military strength will reach about 40,000 to 50,000. But since the Decaying Trees moved the soldiers, reports have come up that they are returning the soldiers and concentrating them before fattening."

In Cage Castle, the Dragon Temple Yamagata Shogun will want a showdown.

"After landing soldiers in front of the building, we will attack in front of the building in all armies. Then divide the soldiers into three hands. The First Army will attack before fattening."

Pre-fertility control? That means poking at the home of the Dragon Temple. It's the toughest part. Perhaps the main force, the elite, should be led by the other country. We must take over the vanguard. My brother had a tough look next door. Maybe he thinks the damage will be enormous.

"The Second Army aims to be post-construction. After the post-construction settling, we attack before fattening."

The Dragon Temple will try to deal with the main first army, and it will be easier to attack and capture it from before and after construction. When that happens, is the third army from Toyotomi to Toyotomi? This place will be a peace battle for those who have fallen back from Otomo to Ryuji Temple. It's not hard. In fact, Gengoro Maida said that the third army would attack Toyoko from Toyomoto.

"Next, I will announce the strength and generals of each army. The First Army General will be served by Lord Akechi Ten Guards. The army strength is about seventy thousand, and the obedient general will stick it out on paper later. I'd like you to confirm."

A twitch happened. Akechi is the Admiral? Not the main force? So, where's the other country?

"The Second Army will have 50,000 troops and the Great Hall will serve as the General. The General of the Third Army shall be the Lord of Decaying Wood, and his strength shall be thirty thousand."

I can't stop blurring. The Patriot leads the Second Army, and the force is 50,000? Less than First Army. In other words, let's pull the main force of Dragon Temple out of its home base...

The Patriot stood up. The blurring stops.

"As you already know, I lead the Second Army with the aim of pulling out the dragon temple cover-up. I'll move the army first. Hiding is no more than waking up soldiers, Cage Castle, etc. They'll come out for my neck. The Second Army will have a tough fight."

Everyone nodded.

"Ten Soldiers"


"The First Army attacks before fattening after Ryuji's Hidden Moves Soldiers. If the First Army is successfully attacking pre-fattening, the layoffs will settle down anyway. I'll be in a hurry. I'll be there for you."

Akechi Shinobei feared “Ha”.

"Main Tax"


"Toyoma, you can ignore what Otomo has to say about Toyoko. The role of that person is to stabilize Toyotomi and Toyotomi. Focus on it."


Decaying Wood Lord's Tax awed.

"There are other plans to lump together soldiers from Satsuma, Big Corner, Hitachi, and South Fertility to get them to attack from fattening to pre-fattening. The soldiers of Shikoku will also participate. I'm just ready to win. Fight without haste."


Everyone bowed their heads and feared.

Early November (1586), Kaolin Castle, Ueno Ring Village, Yoshizu Prefecture, Peripheral Defense

When the military conference ended, it became a meeting with those who were the Lord of the Maori family in a separate room. Those who were the Lord are the four men: Huiyuan the Right Horsehead, Shouyuanchun the Surugawa, Salunjing the Left Guard, and Eejung the Yakuoji Temple. From the Decaying Wood side, me and Ten Soldiers, the main tax and four advisors. Maori moves right under me. The presence of the Maori army of fifteen thousand is significant. This meeting is also about getting rid of it.

"Surprised, I didn't know the country could lead a second army..."

Ee-jung is shaking his head. No, there were a lot of people who disagreed with the military way. But I pushed it off. The most awkward thing is to get stuck and get stuck for a long time.

"Dragon Built Temple Yamagata Shogun, shall we come out?

"Come on, I don't know, Lord Left Gate. If you come out, it will be easier for the Ten Guards to attack pre-fattening. If you don't come out, I'll attack the building from before it's built and head to before it gets fat. By the time I get into fat, the Ten Guards will be in fat too. Hiding will be against me and the Ten Guards."

Everyone is nodding. If you put me and the Ten Guards in front of fat, you can't move in hiding anymore. The people of China will go back to the next. That will reduce the number of troops you can move. There are fewer and fewer odds. If that happens, they will betray the people who used to do it. They are people in the heart of the Dragon Temple. That betrays, the impact is enormous.

Hide-and-seek would think of me as a big battle to lure me to fat. Hiding would be mad if you knew I wasn't coming before fat. Afterwards it will be troubling, suffering. My aim is to understand hiding. And come out. He will challenge me to a battle with him. There is no other way for Ryuzukuji to win.

We're not fighting, Hideout. I'm going to wait for you after I pull you off. Your army will weaken as the Ten Guards' Prefattening Stabilization progresses. And I won't be able to fight. That's when I move my soldiers. You will lose before me without a fight...

You'll regret it, you might think it's cowardly. But fighting is killing and deceiving. Only in the story is it grandeur. What's that thing you're betting on this fight? Kyushu domination or the independence of the Dragon Temple? It's heaven I'm betting. You can't lose. So even if they call me cowardly, I win.

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