Ryukyu Koyakawa, Kaolin Castle, Ueno Ring Village, Yoshizu County, Peripheral Defense, early March (1588)

"Then prepare for the events in Kyushu."

"That's what happens, Master Sungawa."

Ee-jung stroked the boy's head. My brother looks at it uncomfortably.

"I have been ordered by Mr. Right Horsehead to tell Master Sungawa and Mr. Left Guard Mensa."

"Where is my lord?

"I will stay in the back. The southerners are looking for you."

My brother flashed his face. Oh, boy.

"Wouldn't that be nice, brother? This one really wants a little time to hold Toyomi tight."

My brother said "um” but not one convincing look right now. In the Kanto attack, I was happy to see my son Jiro Goro for a long time. I'm afraid that opportunity has been lost.

"Let the right horsehead also be relieved. It's my first birthday, and the southerners wanted me to stay with them."

I accidentally leaked a bitter laugh. My brother is also distorting his face. Previously, the more you looked at the right horsehead, the more you turned away... Because it's sweet now with no eyes... I guess I'm still caught in the south. Well, it's a good thing we're close. After that, there is nothing to say if an inheritance is born.

"And now you're a Nanban boy, or your country doesn't seem to be compatible with all the boys."

Ee-jung called out “Master Sungawa” to his brother.

"A fool's monk is a boy, but he's not bad with his country."

"Because your lord is Namagusa, you must feel comfortable"

My brother says clearly. I smiled unexpectedly. My brother laughs out loud. Ee-jung blurred, "That's terrible." Yee-jung himself is laughing the most.

"Well, kidding aside, I think the fool monks are dangerous too. I have a different fear. You think some countries in the south have been attacked by Nanban? Thank you, boys. You seem to be working with that."

"Some people are manipulated like Otomo."

Ee-jung and my brother snorted “um” at my words. Even from our point of view, Otomo's inclination towards the Accompanying Heavenly Union was terrible. Otomo's internal confusion is accompanied by a lean toward the Heavenly Union.

"This time I received news from the other country about the slaves, but it is certainly unforgivable. The Nanbans are eating this country."

My brother says unpleasantly.

"The country was in turmoil, so I had to. But the other country is trying to bring the country together. If you get caught up in it, you can't be forgiven."

My brother, Ee-jung, nodded.

How do the congenitals get out... Patriotic unification is a priority. It is good to show the attitude of following the other country in the meantime, but otherwise severe measures will be taken after the unification of the heavens and the earth. The congenitals may also be aware of that. If so, it may be possible that things will happen in Kyushu to disrupt reunification.

"It's the aftermath that's troublesome. There's Goro Otomo."

Two people nodded at my words. Goro is Sorin's son and I hear he is his own keen truncheon. And after abundance there are many truncated dans. If the Christians gather together at Goro... and with their place, the Tenlians, the merchants of Nanban... Might jump on fire before abundance......

"Well, it's a reasonable decision to wait to suppress Kyushu."

"That's what happens. Nothing can confuse Toyotomi more."

My brother nodded ”um”.

"Dear Shosho Sungawa, Sasa Left Guard. We have to prepare for the war."

My brother saw me. My brother snorted too when I snorted.

Late March (1588), Yanagi Castle, Yanagi Town, Fusheng County, Omijiang

The laurel lying next to me moved and leaned against me.

"You're already on your way."


"I miss you, what time will you be back?"

"Right, we'll be back before winter. We can all celebrate New Year's Eve."

If it's just Kanto control, it won't take days. The problem is Okinawa. I don't know how soon we'll clean up, but we can't fight in the winter either. I will be cutting up and returning within the year.

Is it going to be easy? Okinawa is in the middle of a war. Dada and Asura are at the center of it. Dada is still working hard as Huizhong is the main player. Hidden and murdered as a historical fact, but not in this world. I work hard in active bureaucracy. Thank you. The fact that there was no disturbance at your house in Uesugi is a subtle influence.

In historical fact, when the chaos broke out in your hall, Hui Zong should have sided with the Uesugi Jingtiu, who was defeated by ties to Asahi, Hojo. That's why I remember that when Jingsheng became the winner, in addition to Ashime and Hojo, he also collaborated with Oda in hostility to Jingsheng. I guess I was also going to devote myself to the battle against Uesugi and leave the Okinawa side to the political ministry. I think that for Huizhou, Okinawa had the awareness that if Dada and Ariname cooperated, it would be fine, and that it would be fine to leave it to the political sect.

However, the political sect chose to crush the asparagus name over Uesugi. I don't know if that was the case from the start, or if I thought so from the middle of nowhere. But at the time, I think the asparagus name appeared to be weakened by the issue of the successor. The first is the death of Shenglong Asunami, and the second is the death of Wang Wan Wan Wan, the successor of Shenglong Asunami. There have been two succession problems in just a couple of years. And Mr. Arunami did not welcome Kojiro, the brother of the political sect, as his adopted son in two succession issues.

Maybe Aruna thought that Dada's power would be too strong if she picked up her adopted son from Dada. In short, Asami emphasized the balance of power in Okinawa. Hui Zong would have been unpleasant, but I think he had a certain understanding of the idea of Asahi. Above all, did you not think that turning Mr. Asunami to the enemy would confuse Okinawa? However, I think that Asahi was dissatisfied with what he thought of his alliance with Dada.

Aruba was closely associated with the people of Okinawa. He was something to take into account for Mr. Dade as he tried to win in Okinawa. I wonder if that seemed disturbingly depressing to the young political sect. I think the political sect thought that it would be better for Dada to crush Asahi than Uesugi, and that it could strengthen its influence in Okinawa.

The political sect conceived the reunification of Okinawa by Dada. There might have been a central, inflating Oda, Toyotomi presence in his head. He thought that the Dada family had no choice but to unite Okinawa against the central administration. I thought I needed a strong champion. I guess you thought you'd be cut off in the Union. It's well thought out.

I think the shift in the foreign policy of the political sect was a miscalculation for Huizhong. However, I could not refute the idea of a political sect that Asunami had no choice but to be more hostile than to coordinate with Dada. To put it badly, I was drawn to the political sect. The horizontal death of Huizhong resulted from the shift in the foreign policy of the political sect. Zheng Zheng destroys the asparagus name and triumphs over Okinawa, but by then there were many dangerous things. I think that created distrust and rebellion against the political sect inside Dada. I've been doing so much extra work. The forces that tried to hold Kojiro were the ones who thought strongly of it... I don't know, historical reasoning later.

Unlike historical facts, Dada and Uesugi are not in a hostile relationship because there was no disturbance in your building. And as history shows, Dada and the Asunami Alliance are in a hostile relationship because the Asunami family did not receive Kojiro as their adopted son from the Dada family because of their successor problems. Aragami has led Dada in alliance with Satake and Osaki and has repeated skirmishes at the border with Uesugi. And Mr. Osaki started a war with Dada about a month ago... I guess it won't fit easily. But it's convenient. Easier to pay than to be wrapped in one.

"Would you like to go to Kanto once the heavens are united?

"May I?

In the darkness, but I could see that the laurels raised their faces.

"Kofi is Uesugi territory, so it's better to avoid it, but from Surugawa to Izu, Sagami is decaying wood territory. And for the Imagawa family and the Hojo family, it's a land of edges. Why don't you go with the Imagawa family?

Gui put his head over my chest.

"... I take my children to my father's grave."

My voice was trembling. Hojo Tsukang or Hojo's tomb was Happy Cloud Temple. But his last name, his last name, was exposed to his neck. What happened after that...... We'll check it out when we get to Kanto. If there are graves in other temples, you might want to move them to Hayayun Temple. Let's also check the Tomb of Namikawa. When that happens, Tatsumi and Shinobi must also be allowances. Let's also check the tombs of Wenjing and Miyake.

"I hope Dr. Sakayoshi will be pleased."

"Gui reports that she lives happily ever after. I'm sure my father will be pleased."

Gui cried out.

"Right, right."

I thought as I embraced the crying laurel. He said it would be good if it really was. My regular room is a side room anyway. You'll be dissatisfied. But I don't treat it roughly, I treat it with care. I want you to admit it around here.

Zhongjunfucheng Decaying Wood Naijin, Surugawa Guoanbei County, late April, 2015

The Great Hall led 70,000 soldiers to appear in the Sun Dynasty. Take the children with you to greet you. In addition to the Great Hall, there was Jiro Right Guardmen Hall, Sanro Right Guardmen Hall, and another, a young samurai. Everyone is wearing armor. The Great Hall looks very well. If you've been a little old, you must be 40 this year.... Doesn't look that way, I was called to your age but I look like I'm in my mid-thirties or something.

"Looking good, Natsu"

"Yes, I would like to congratulate you most sincerely on your success even if you are in the Great Hall."


"How are you all doing in Omi?

"Everybody's fine, don't show me around."

The Great Hall snorted with a grin. Relieved, Toyochiyo seems to be well.

"I will have a child again. Snow and vine, evening caged."

"I heard that Yukino-san was resigned from his bedroom."

Master Miyagi is tilting his neck.

"Well, Shiro's right guard went to Ryukyu and he got really depressed. In consoling it..."

Everyone is looking at each other when the Great Hall says they look a little embarrassed. “Well, that's the thing," everyone laughed couscous when Daihari said. The Great Hall laughs in the light.

"Don't laugh like that. Natsu will meet for the first time. It's Lord Rokuro Sanoko."

The Great Hall introduced me to the young samurai. Lord Rokuro Sanoko, son-in-law of Princess Lily.

"It's the first time I've seen you, it's in Natsu"

"I'm in Sanoko Sun Rokuro. Best regards, sister-in-law."

Lord Sun Rokuro politely greeted me back.

"Is Takeshi Young Maru here?"

"Yes, it's in the Bamboo Young Maru!

Takenaka Maru answered out loud. The Great Hall laughs in a good mood.

"Loud, you're a good boy"


The Great Hall laughed in a good mood again. Everyone laughs.

"What do you like about Takenaka Maru?

"I like military law."

"Military law, I see, swordsmanship"


The great hall was nodded ununung, but turned true.

"I'm not going to be too impotent. I'm still young. You just have to shake your bones until they harden."

"That's what my father told me. Your grandfather taught you that."

"Right, that's how I taught you.... How's the Abacus? Any hands-on lessons? Do you have academics?

"... extra..."

The Great Hall laughed.

"Don't you like it? You're in trouble."


"You encourage it one by one. Otherwise you won't be a good general."


The Great Hall turned its gaze toward Kiryu.

"Is that Princess Kiryu over there?"

"It's in the Kiryu"

When Kiryu answered diligently with his uncircumcised mouth, the Great Hall stared down at Kiryu.

"It's strange. You look like your mother."

"Does Father also think to the left?

When the master of the house was questioned, the Great Hall was nodded. Sure, Kiryu may resemble Daita.

"I wonder what Kiryu likes?


"Well, Castella. Do Kiryu like sweet things?"

Kiryu snorts.

"Well, there's no girl who hates sweet things. But don't eat too much."


Now I answered with a voice. The Great Hall is smiling.

"Soon the heavens will be unified. You won't have to show these kids the mess."

Everyone nodded.

"Well, I've even said hello. Do you want to hold a military conference?"

Everyone was awed by the words of the Great Hall.

Zhongjunfucheng Decaying Wood Structure of the Prefecture of Surugawa Guoanbe County in late April, 2015

It became a military conference in the Great Hall. Father and I on the upper level, His Highness Tatsuo Kingo. Everyone is lined up to the left and right at the bottom. Jiro's right guard, Sanro's right guard, and Sanoko's grandson, Rokuro, are also lined up in the lower section.

"Oki, let's go."

"Ha. First the strength of my army, but my father's army is about 70,000, and my direct army is about 30,000, combined with 100,000. Besides, the people of Kanto are now gathering in Odawara. Fifty grand. And after the attack on Satake, the Uesugi Army joins the attack on Okushu more than Echigo. The army led by him is 30,000. A total of 180,000 will attack Kanto and Okinawa."

Everyone nodded.

"As for the food and gunpowder, it is collected in Odawara. A lot of 150,000 soldiers can fight a year. They are still sending food and gunpowder by boat from above. Don't worry about the food."

Everyone nodded again. It's the first time I've had enough food to fight. Without food, no matter how advantageous, we have no choice but to leave the soldiers. This is what I learned from Tokugawa's attack and the Kanto Heisei.

"The enemy is Satake in Kanto, but Satake also wields authority in South Okinawa by placing Shiragawa Kōjo and Iwagi under his command. Also, Mr. Asunami, Mr. Osaki and Mr. Kamikami are allied and hostile to Mr. Dada. I think we've all figured this out so far. However, some concerns arose. Hangover, please."

I raised my head after the Windmill Feather Guard awoke “ha”.

"There was a dispute between Mr. Dada and Mr. Osaki in February, but harmony was established ten days ago. Dr. Dada Left Kyo's rightful wife, Minami, is heavily involved in this. And there are frequent messenger exchanges between Mr. Dada and Mr. Uchi. Perhaps harmonious negotiations."

I got a blur.

"Does that mean you're moving at the top?

I answered Father's question, "That's not all."

"It seems that Mr. Satake's minister, Lieutenant Shonao Funao, is wrapping up this negotiation. Since entering this year, Captain Funao has made several round-trips to and from Mr. Dade's castle, Misawa Castle and Mr. Aruna's castle, Kurokawa Castle, and Uchi's castle, Yamagata Castle. I was wondering if the captain of the aft guard might have moved in front of you."

The blurring grew. Everyone is looking at each other.


The great hall singed to his father's voice.

"The Hangover, that means Okinawa is getting wrapped up in one"


"I see, the Okinawa Coalition. The aim is to fight me."


"It's a mess, Aigoku."

His Royal Highness Tai shouted “Ho ho ho ho ho ho”. Father answers “Truly” and laughs. How can it be funny......

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