Late June (1588), Yadancheng, Yadanao Town, Fusheng County, Omijiang

"You burned it a long time ago."

"Yes, Ryukyu is hot with strong sunlight. I realized it was a southern country."

Shiro, the right guard is back. It's sunburning. The whiteness of my teeth was noticeable when I laughed.

"Wasn't it too late to go back?

"It's a little late to leave Ryukyu because of circumstances."

My son, who I haven't seen in six months, was a little grown up. I feel like I've grown taller and more physically fit. I'm not a child anymore.

"Mother, the..."

"Is this it?

When I rubbed my stomach, Shiro right guard nodded with a troubled look on his face. The real trouble is, I can't believe I can have a kid.

"Yes, I have a brother or sister in my stomach."

Shiro right guard said “ah”. Thin must have known I quit the bedroom. Yet a child is born. I know you're surprised, but I think you're scared.

"I was depressed that you were gone. The great hall of honor gave me a child."

"Is that what it is"

"Yeah, that's what it is"

Shiro right guard said “ah” again. I'm a little embarrassed, but I'm ashamed of my belly child. And I'm very happy for myself. The Great Hall was very pleased.

"What time will Father be back?

"You will be back during the year. I don't know if the Kanto, Okinawa offense will end in the course of the year. But it snows in winter in Okinawa. Even if it doesn't end, the next battle will be over in the spring."


It's a non-floating face. Maybe I have something to worry about.

"Do you have something to tell your father?


"You mean Ryukyu?

"That's not all."

"Then you can write a sentence."

Shiro, I'm thinking about making sure the right guard frowns and leans down. It really looks a lot like the Great Hall when you look at it this way. Shiro, the right guard has raised his face.

"No, I'm going to Okinawa. Whatever you do, there's something you need to tell your father. In some cases, we have to go to Ryukyu once."


"If you're from here, go to Kusanaga and take a boat to Odawara. After that, you can go to your father with a horse. If you're in Odawara, you'll know more..."

When I stood up, I opened the door and raised my voice, "Dr. Left Soldier, Battalion." Dota-dota and footsteps led to the appearance of the renditioned Dr. Fusei Left and the Defensive Mountain Battalion.

"Go to your father. It's Odawara by boat from Kumana."

"Ha, the offering is"

"Hurry, small and good"

"I won't, Okinawa is a battlefield. In case something happens. I need at least five hundred."

"Then it'll be late! They know what needs to be done quickly."

Shiro's right guard was annoyed by the praise of Dr. Left Soldier.

"Come by horseback riding only. It is a horseback ride from Odawara. It would be more efficient to ride horseback through Tokaido from here as long as it takes to prepare in Odawara. We're already ready."

"True, soldier."

"Yes, I thought you had orders. Shiro, the right-hand guard looks a lot like the Great Hall."

When the Garrison laughed, the Dr Left also laughed. Shiro, the right guard?

"Shiro, Master Right-Men, give me your order."

"Degree or armor?

"Of course it is. If you go in plain clothes, the Great Hall will piss you off."


“Mother, excuse me," Shiro right guard said, leaving the room. Oh, my God, it could certainly be because of...

Misawa Castle, Misawa Village, Gifting County, Early July (1588) Kanakura View Outline

My lord is looking at the script. I exhaled one. The young hall bowed its head.

"Father, I don't think you're comfortable. But as it is, the Dada family will perish. Thank you for your understanding."

"Something persuaded the Young Hall to do this. Someone will take the scolding. If you miss any opportunity, the Dada family will no doubt perish. How dare you?"

My lord exhaled one more time.

"I'm not angry, I'm not offended."

Surely there is no anger in the expression. That's a sinister look. But I don't even think I accepted it. The young lord called out "Father”. My lord saw the young lord.

"It's a good idea. But it must be difficult, the heavy ministers won't accept."

"That's not true. If your father so decides, accept the heavy ministers as well. Above all, if the asparagus name is destroyed, the heavy ministers will know that Dada is in danger next!

"Young Hall is right. Let me show you this letter and convince the ministers when the asparagus name dies."

My lord is leaning over and thinking. I looked up.

"Fujiro, how many have you become?"

"… in twenty-two"


Well, what the hell is the lord trying to say... The young hall is bewildered.

"Aikoku is five years old, this year it will be forty years old."


I laughed when my lord said, "Well, listen."

"The decaying tree was already bigger when it came to its heart. He would have taken control of Kichinai and sent down Maori."

"Yes, I thought the shogun would be name-only and the decaying trees would take control of the heavens."

My lord nodded. By the time I found myself in the mood, Decaying Tree was fighting with Sanho in Kichi. I remember my chest bouncing on the momentum of decaying trees, an emerging force.

"There was no one in Okinawa to know the name of the decaying tree when Non came to mind. Naturally, I didn't even know Noon. Non became aware of the name of the decaying tree from the time he married Odong. It would have been about twenty-five years ago. By that time, decaying trees were still small."

My lord looked at the young lord and at me.

"The decaying tree grew only about twenty years ago when it began to move under the heavens. You had it in a moment. One after the other, it destroyed the great names. The Shogun was also destroyed. I'm stepping up to capture heaven. Something incredible."

My lord leaked a bitter laugh.

"Father, now such..."

My lord raised his hand and stopped the frustrating young lord.

"Don't you see? Fujiro."


"That person and Kojiro grew up looking at a large decaying tree. I grew up thinking that decaying trees would gain heaven. I would have thought any of them would attack Okinawa. That's why I got the idea. But many of the Dada family ministers are of the same age or older. They know that decaying trees were anonymous. It is unacceptable that the decaying tree is about to destroy the Shogun and acquire the heavens."

"Oh no..."

The young lord raised his voice, but the lord shook his neck beside him.

"It's unacceptable and I don't understand it."

"Don't you understand?

"Um, the Tabernacle of Foolish was not a strong being. There was no holding us back with force. This Okinawa order has been created by our Okinawan great name. In battle, in conversation, in marriage. We have ruled. So there was no annihilation even if there was hostility. That was the order of Okushu in the world of footfall. Everyone grew up in it. And I've always thought it would last forever."


"But decaying trees are different. I'm not as weak as I am on foot. Strong. So I come for clear obedience. If you resist it, you will perish like a dragon temple."

"You don't understand that?

My lord nodded.

"Yes, the heavens of foothold and the heavens of decaying trees are different. I don't understand that. No. Maybe you don't want to understand. Decaying trees and friendships can be bonded. You can also honor decaying trees as heavenly people. But I can't obey. Okinawa is our land, we rule. Decaying trees have nothing to do with it, why are you trying to rule us? Isn't it as good as ever?


"You'll see, I don't understand and I can't accept it."


Sin. Are you saying there is a great groove between us and your lord... I didn't realize...... The Young Hall also has a sad face.

"Even if the asparagus name perishes?

"Even if the name of the asparagus perishes, Kojiro."


Suddenly, my lord laughed.

"That's why Non made the alliance. There were no horrible names at the top or asparagus. If it was just a territorial dispute, Nong would have fought. The heavy ministers must not have objected either. But this battle is not a territorial battle. It is a battle to determine the way of life of the Okinawan people. Offer Okinawa upwards or protect it as ours"


My lord asked me, "You know what I mean?"

"To follow decaying trees means to offer Okinawa. That is unacceptable to the heavy ministers. So he thought that Dade would perish with more chaos from within than with attacks from outside. Aruga fights the Decaying Tree. You will lose, but by losing, you will be able to embrace the reign of decaying trees for the first time, and embrace the heavens of decaying trees. That's what I thought. I think I can surrender then. The territory will be reduced, but it will have to be reduced."


There were no words. The young palace also looks at the young palace. Is it a lie to show the power of Okinawa to decaying trees before harmony? Is the true aim of your lord to show the power of decaying trees to Dada's heavy ministers... My lord pitied me somewhere. I thought I might be chewing on my own helplessness.

"... so what we did was for nothing?

When the young lord asked, the lord shook his head beside him.

"No, it makes sense. This letter is proof that he tried to submit to the Decaying Tree, to embrace the rule of the Decaying Tree."

"So you think it helps when you fight the asparagus name and lose?

When I asked, my lord shook his head beside me again.

"Unfortunately, I won't keep it until then."

Don't you want to keep it? I looked at the young hall. The young hall also has a surprising look.

"Rumors are circulating in Okinawa that Dada will betray the alliance. It is also flowing in this Dada territory. That puts Osaki, Kashi, and the ministers at risk."

"I don't think so..."

When the young lord asked, the lord nodded.

"No way. Probably decaying wood. I guess Dade looks weak from a decaying tree."


"The heavy ministers doubt that. We all know that it is more decaying. Best of all, Osaki and Kashi should be removed from the inheritance in order to maintain a clear alliance, they should be abolished. Heavy ministers abhor their desire to embrace the rule of decaying trees."

The young hall's face was distorted.

"The East is endangering him."

The young hall's face was even more distorted.

"Mother, too, that some of them are not worthy of Dada's inheritance."

My lord shook his head to the side.

"It's not. He misunderstands that."


I said “Fujiro” to the young palace that I was trying to recruit, and the palace forgived me. It was a chopping voice.

"I came to protect him. No matter what the top minister or the chief minister said, he said he would never let Fujiro imitate him. That's why I've been saying tough things to him. But I didn't stand in his way. Because the East believes he deserves Dade's inheritance."


"That was unconvincing for Okinawa to submit to decaying trees. If Noon surrenders, he'll eat it."

My lord leaked a bitter laugh.

"But if you choose that path, you will be forced to accept that it is necessary. I adore Kojiro, but I always tell him to help my brother. But I couldn't protect him anymore, and he cried to me that he was in danger. The situation is that serious."

Holy shit...... Such a thing... The young lord murmured “my mother.”

"There are other reasons why the chief ministers abhor him."

"What's that?

"There are many young men who want to embrace the reign of decaying trees just as they do. There must be a lot of people around him."

"Father, Father, no way."

My lord nodded.

"I thought that by the time it became more Dade's lord, the heavens would be decaying wood's. Therefore, he chose those whom he thought would be accepted under the heavens of decaying trees and attached them to him. But that came out the back. It is not as interesting to the heavy ministers as it is to them. The heavy ministers are trying to contain the young by excluding them."


"And the same goes for Osaki and Geshi. If Dada rejects him, he can use it as a pretext to suppress Osaki and Kashi's pro-children."

"I mean, at the top, Osaki and Kashi have people who think the same thing."

My lord nodded when he said, "Yes."

"How can I..."


“Father” and Young Hall raised a sad voice.

"If it is obsolete, it will also take your life. Even if Non stops, someone should kill him. Say no to your hindsight worries. You're going to die here for nothing. Go under decaying trees. The persuasion is over, say you will fall into the decaying tree and fight it."

"... Father..."

"Dada 700,000 stones, don't let it be sharpened big. Whether or not 100,000 stones will remain..., the belly will also be slashed. But we can leave the house behind. At the top, Osaki, Kashi..., let's risk it."


"Take those who agree with that one. You're going to die here for nothing. Those who need to be beside Dada when he is his master."

The Young Hall is biting his lips off.

"My lord, is there no other way?


"Okay. Young Hall, do your duty."

"Little Shiro..."

The young lord saw me, he looks like he's about to cry.

"Do not waste the Lord's feelings. It's for the Dada family."

"... ok"

I saw my lord snort.

"Little Shiro, please"

My lord is looking at me. He looked pathetic, and somewhere horrible. It was hard to watch. But my gaze didn't slip away. This may be the last time.

"I will always follow your expectations"

My lord snorts. I answered by nodding.

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