Late September (1588) Kurokawa Castle, Kurokawa Township, Tsu County, Lu Olympic Congress

"That was hard work, Daiki. Kanto Heping, was brilliant"

My father gave me a compliment. There are not only ministers around, but also brother-in-law Echigo, Sanoko Sun Rokuro, and younger brothers. My face got hot.

"Thank you. I feel like I'm exhausted by the annihilation of the asparagus. It's in the shadow of your father."

My father laughed lightly.

"No, I'm the one who got help. Sabamboo was better suppressed, and Ashime was disappointed. I had nothing to resist. Kanto calmed down. We all admit it, not humbly."

There is also a snort around. My face got hotter and hotter.

"It's not the power of one, everyone helped me."

My father laughed again.

"It is the role of the Admiral to gather the strength of everyone. I think he's done enough."

“I'll be awed," he said, bowing his head.

Gradually stabilized Kanto. Satake, who had resisted for a long time, was finally weakened by the annihilation of Asahi. Six years have passed since it was the summer of New Year's Eve when the Kanto Peace was ordained. If I noticed, I could have had two kids over the age of twenty. It was six years of selfless obsession. My father praises me, but I still don't think I can reach him. I'm glad I was praised, but honestly, I'm not happy.

"Father, it's about Ispania..."

My father said, "You're in trouble."

"It seems that the Accompanying Leagues instigated Ispania in Lu Song. We talked about this in Sun Fu before, but we're going to fight against Ispania."

My father was told then that Japan would never lose to Ispania. But I really don't know if the day will come to fight against Ispania......

"We have to fight Ryukyu before that happens."

"Ryukyu? I heard you were taking out hostages?

My father shook his head to the side.

"I rebelled."

"Oh my God!"

Ryukyu had promised to submit to Japan, and the hostages were a testament to that. I rebelled it...... My father laughed. Apparently my surprised face was hilarious.

"Father, it's not funny."

"Don't be so angry, Daiki"


"Originally Ryukyu has a deep relationship with Ming. There must have been many people around Ryukyu who opposed sending hostages to Japan. I guess those people pressed King Ryukyu to renege on the promise that Ispania had attacked Japan. King Ryukyu himself, he might not have wanted to take hostages. If you're the king of a country, you can only humiliate yourself by taking hostages. You must have been fortunate to have stopped knowing about the invasion of Japan in Ispania."

But if you break the promise, you will turn your father against the enemy.

My father laughed.

"Shiro Weimen said that too, but Ryukyu ignored it. You don't seem to mind pissing me off."

Shiro, I saw the guard snort.

"How can you do that?

My father stared at me.

"We need Ryukyu to attack Lu Song. Let's attack Lu Song based in Ryukyu."


"What would Daiki do?

My father asked me pleasantly. But my eyes aren't laughing. It's being tried, I can't give you a frivolous response. I stretched my spine.

"We just have to attack"

My father nodded contentedly.

"Right, we'll just have to attack"

Attack Ryukyu, no surprises around. Turns out the Ryukyu attack has already told everyone.

"What if Ryukyu came to apologize?

My father laughed small.

"… there is no guarantee that those who break the covenant once will not break the covenant again. Didn't I?"


"What would happen if Ryukyu betrayed me during Lu Song's attack? Allies can starve to death before defeat if their food doesn't reach them properly in exotic lands. I can't risk that."

You're right, I can't risk that. But......

"Is Daiki disagreeing?

"No, I was wondering if I could do something about it."

My father nodded when I pointed out my concern.

"I'm sure Ming would be offended by Japan. But it's unlikely that Ming will send out soldiers to save Ryukyu. For Ming, Ryukyu is an island nation across the ocean. Not that important a country. Ryukyu decided to submit to Japan because he didn't think Ming could count on it. There's nothing wrong with bringing Ryukyu down."

I see, if you occupy it all at once, you have to admit that Ming is reluctant. Your father sees that you can't blame it until you send out soldiers.

"Well, there will be a lot of effects."

"Is it an influence?

"Um, we'll talk around it when we get back to Omi. However, His Highness Konde Taiko is supposed to tell the Emperor about the Ryukyu attack. Your Highness has returned to the capital."

"To the Emperor"

When I inquired in surprise, my father nodded.

"His Royal Highness Tai is also endorsed by the Ryukyu attack."

"That's right. If you go back to Kyo, you'll be asked a lot of questions."

What His Highness tells the Emperor is to persuade him. Is the Ryukyu attack confirmed...

Late September (1588), Kurokawa Castle, Kurokawa Township, Tsu County, Lu Olympics

Daiki thinks. Maybe I'm anxious about Ming's way out. Not bad, better than being grumpy.

"After the unification of the heavens and the earth, in addition to nation-building, we must also think about things outside the country. Please."


Daiki is making her cheeks red. Maybe he's the type of person who gives strength when he thinks he's being counted on. It was a bit ridiculous.

Ryukyu attack is not difficult. Shimazu is descending Ryukyu with about 3,000 soldiers. I'm not getting high, but I can definitely win. The problem is postwar treatment. How to govern Ryukyu? Leaving the Ryukyu Kingdom for indirect rule, or incorporating it into the direct jurisdiction of Japan...

In historical fact, Shimazu left the Ryukyu Kingdom behind. Ryukyu, who was subordinated to Shimazu, continued his morning mission to Ming Street until then. Even when the unified dynasty of mainland China replaced Tomorrow to Qing, Ryukyu continued to make morning conquests, and Shimazu did not prevent it. The reason would be the deal. Shimazu wanted to do business with Ming and Qing via Ryukyu.

What about decaying trees? In mainland China, kombu and shiitake mushrooms are imported from Japan. The deal with Ming will continue even if Ryukyu doesn't make the morning contribution. If so, there is no need to leave Ryukyu Kingdom for trading. However, the Ryukyu Kingdom is of survival value if it is not a transaction and is intended to retain the route of dialogue with Ming. Like Shimazu, it will be used as a spokesman for decaying trees while making Ryukyu contribute in the morning. Even if the lights crumble, they can be used if they are allowed to make morning contributions to the subsequent dynasty.

But if we leave the Ryukyu kingdom behind, and if we let it make a morning contribution to China, Japan will drag on the question of Ryukyu's attribution until later. I also know how important Ryukyu is in geopolitics in East Asia. It cannot be said that attribution is obscured. And the loyalty of the Ryukyu residents naturally goes to the Ryukyu King. In other words, there is no sense of belonging to Japan, or it will be extremely rare. If you're going to attack Lu Song, if you're going to deploy troops to the South, this isn't funny either.

Ryukyu should still be under direct jurisdiction. Then the problem in this respect is the treatment of the Ryukyu royal family. The easiest thing to do is kill them all without rotting. When anti-decaying trees and anti-Japanese moves occur in Ryukyu, it will be the Ryukyu royal family they say to the flag. I can prevent that. Without the nucleus, anti-decay trees, anti-Japanese moves become bigger and harder. But if you treat it brutally, naturally, you buy the Ryukyu rebellion. Ryukyu rule is affected. I can't say I can't afford it.

Use it for governance without giving real rights and with respect...... I guess this is the best part. The people of Ryukyu are stable and easy to govern. But it would be nice if they were used by adults, otherwise it would be troublesome. The human being of the Ryukyu royal family is only a destabilizing factor, especially if it is used for anti-decay trees and anti-Japanese movements. In that case, the Japanese side will have to respond harshly.

I guess I'll just have to treat you the same way as the big house I crushed. territory, separating it from the people and isolating it. Let's bring him to mainland Japan. That's not enough. We need to make people in Ryukyu understand that the Ryukyu royal family is being treated politely.... I can't give you real power. Let's treat him as a public servant, not a territory. The family is a Tsinghua family or a minister. And tell the Ryukyu people about it.

If our king is respected, Ryukyus will be satisfied and hostility will diminish. You would also think that defiance of decaying trees could inhibit the identity of the Ryukyu King. That should make anti-decay trees and anti-Japanese movements harder in Ryukyu. You should also consider descending the inner prince. We need to speak to His Royal Highnesses Tai and Kanbai around here. Afterwards, lower taxes and fair governance. That should stabilize Ryukyu.

If you attack Ryukyu and take Lu Song, there will be many influences. Silver, of course, will affect Korea as well. What will happen to the relationship between Japan and the morning...... Negotiations with the DPRK have been entrusted to Jing Xuansu, Xi Laughing Acceptance, Sukesu Yanagawa Kuannosuke and Yanghiro Hankyuro Teak Valley. Modestly speaking, the situation is not good. This one wants to set up a national deal and start a deal, but it won't be a decent negotiation.

The North Korean side says to crusade the Kuo, but doesn't seem to say a word about the establishment of national traffic and the deal. I shake my neck to the side and deny it when I ask if this one will set up a national deal if I suppress Kuo. In short, it seems that the North Korean side is not going to negotiate with me as a counterpart. On the Korean side's side of the spectrum, I am the unafraid bad guy who staged a conspiracy to destroy the King of Japan, Akiri, and if I did not unify the heavens, I would not be an explicitly recognized being. It seems that you shouldn't be dealing with them. Confucianism is a hassle. Pre-building is more important than reality.

The transfer of Mr. Soo-san from the opposing horse also seems to be affecting him. Mr. Soo lost his connection to Korea after being moved inland. From the Korean perspective, Mr. Soo-san, who had previously been subordinate to himself, suddenly disappeared. And the opposing horse became the direct domain of decaying trees. There is also the actual harm of not being able to use Mr. Soo to combat Koo, but he has been deprived of his anti-horse, and he has a strong discomfort towards me when he crushes his face.

Jing Xuansu and the others also told him that Ispania had attacked Kyushu, but the Korean side apparently showed no interest whatsoever. If there is an invasion of Japan again, the question may be asked whether it will attack Korea. Or we could work together in the morning to confront the threat of Ispania, but it's not there. I'm guessing you don't think that external enemies will attack you as long as it's in the Ming book-sealing system. Perhaps there is little awareness of Ispania. Hideyoshi's Korean march should surprise you.

I wonder what would happen if we attacked Ryukyu in this state? Does it feel a little bit critical that maybe North Korea is next? If there is a sense of crisis, there is a possibility that negotiations will proceed in the morning and in the morning. But Hideyoshi subordinated Ryukyu. Yet Korea was unable to respond properly to Hideyoshi's Korean troop contribution. No matter how you look at it, you can't expect it. Well, let's just say, when tension rises between Japan and Ming, how does Korea move? I don't know that. No, before that, does the dawn relationship really make you nervous? I doubt that, too.

If it's just Ryukyu, Ming may not be offended but hostile. But if you take Lu Song, the deal between Ispania and Ming will be interrupted. What happens then? Worst case scenario, I said to the surrounding area that Ispania and Ming would form an alliance against Japan, but I think it would be unlikely.

The reason is because I don't think there are people in the upper realm of Ming who understand that Istania's silver supports Ming's economy. In other words, no one understands the importance of Ispania. If so, I don't think Ming will actively enter into an equal alliance with Ispania or anything. In other words, the request will come from the Istanian side. In that case Ming may ask you to make a contribution to Ispania. What an alliance would blow up.

Besides, Ming and Ispania are apart. If communication technology is as developed as it is in modern times, it is not difficult to form alliances, but in this era it will take even two or three years, and in some cases four or five years, to send out a ship of envoys. Then, even if Japan attacked Lu Song, Ming would not move immediately.

Even if there was a request from Ispania to conclude an alliance, it would move after realizing that the silver shortage had become serious and that the silver of Ispania was supporting Ming. Do you notice? It should take at least five years to realize that Ming's finances have deteriorated considerably. Don't be a messenger of Ispania just arrived. Take the face, take the profit, it's a sight to see.

In other words, it is very unlikely that an alliance will actually be formed, even if it is analogous, five, six to seven, eight years from now. By the time we tied it together, the international situation would have changed and would have been of no use. It is highly unlikely that a Japanese siege will be established by an alliance, although a natural co-belligerent relationship may be established. Of course, it is dangerous to ignore that possibility….

The relationship between Japan and the morning is influenced by the relationship between Japan and Japan. If the relationship between Japan and the United Kingdom does not deteriorate or improve, the relationship between Japan and the United Kingdom will not move. So is it awkward to attack Macau after attacking Lu Song? It will harden the relationship between Japan and the morning into pranks. Rather, it might be better to demand the liberation of Macau's Japanese slaves in negotiations against Ming.

Of course, the negotiator is not Portuguese, obviously. That would better understand Ming's inner feelings. Is it a good time before Ryukyu attacks? I don't know, I don't know. My head hurts. Yeah? What? Are you staring at me? The others are worried. Never mind, my boys. It's not unusual for me to flatter my face. People I've known for a long time understand the neighborhood.

It's not until Ming leans that the relationship moves in the morning. It will be more than five years after Lu Song's offense that Ming goes blind and crazy. By then, I wonder if it would be dangerous for North Korea to rely solely on Ming. Until then, we just have to keep in contact with the DPRK without giving up. Well, before that, Ryukyu and Lu Song, no, before that, it's Heavenly Unity. Nine ninths of a centimeter, we can see the unity of the heavens. You have to do it without distraction.

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