When the surface of the Akami Naokai shakes
Code of turmoil
Nine Years of Yonglu (1566) Late August Ika Koe Shizuhama Shizuzuzuhama Shizuzuzuhama Castle Decaying Wood Keysette
Long time no see, Daisuke.
"It's been a really long time"
"We're sorry to bother you this time. We sincerely appreciate it."
"It's no big deal. To help you, above all."
I'm having tea with Daisuke Fujitaka of Hoshikawa Military Department at Shizuhama Castle's school. I drink tea peacefully, but by the time I got here, there was a lot going on. It's also a little strange to think about it.
"How are you feeling, Dr. Left Kyo?"
"Of course, but it's not a pleasure."
Fujitaka shook her head to the side.
"That's a troubling thing, but the fact that Dr. Sakagyo treated his uncle in a rough way has to be explained."
"Though you may not know the Great Doctor of Left Kyokyo, my wife is now the adopted daughter of the late Seiji, that is, the one who married the Decaying Wood family as the daughter of the Hexagon family. Just because you're related to our family, it's not like you're hostile to Kaga Hirai."
The bad news is Dr. Sakayo, it's not me. Tell Yoshiaki about it, Fujika-kun.
By the end of July, Hirai's uncle had surrendered to Decaying Tree. I'm the one who asked you out, but I'm surprised, to be honest. No way. Really? Like that. That's all my uncle was pushed into. My son, Yataro, tells me that Dr. Sasakyo's hit was terrible after Xiaoni got pregnant.
My uncle was attached to the decaying tree because of the night and the child he was born to. If the Hirai clan is attacked and destroyed by Dr. Sakai, he loses his back shield at night. In that case, the position of the small night and the child born becomes extremely precarious. If so, it is better to expand Hirai's forces while protecting the children who give birth to midnight and midnight about decaying trees.
Well, naturally, Dr. Hexagonal Left Kyo went mad at Hirai's departure. Crush Hirai! And I tried to gather soldiers by decree, but I can't get them together. I can't help it, it wasn't until August that Hirai's departure was discovered. In a month it will be time for harvest. If the war prolongs, the harvest will also be affected. I think it would have been nice if the harvest had ended anyway. Obviously, however, Dr. Left Kyo's powers of control have fallen. A certain number of soldiers would have assembled if it had been ordered to enter.
I know how the people lords feel. But I don't have to go along with it. We immediately deployed our troops. The army of the Decaying Wood main house uses the Navy to land in Kusatsu. Kenda's navy has control of the sea? No. Will it be a lake right, while securing it, a decaying sailor carried out the transport of soldiers. You've gone so well in your head.
We were able to quickly deploy 10,000 soldiers to Kusatsu. It must have been enough demonstrations against the hexagonal Chinese. It will be easier to make future adjustments. And ordered the people of Ika County to prepare themselves for the Echizen movement, and the people of Asai and Sakata counties gathered at Hamachi Castle now. Combined with the guards at Imahama Castle, about 4,000 soldiers assembled at Imahama Castle.
I ordered the left gate, which is now guarding Hama Castle, to guard the castle and not to go outside. We just need to keep the castle safe and attract some of the enemy's power. In the eastern part of the Nanjing River, the Chinese people continued to reject the orders of Dr. Sakyo and consolidate their own territorial defense. It would have been a convenient thing for the people of the country who don't want to send out soldiers before the harvest.
I sent a letter to the people lords of Chestnut County.
"This case is not about trying to cut Chestnut County to protect my uncle, Kaga Hirai. So I'm not going to attack anyone from here. I want you to feel safe."
Until then, Chestnut County had been quite bothered, but sending this letter seemed somewhat calm. We all know that Dr. Sakagyo has hit Hirai hard. There's no choice but to break away, I guess that's what I thought.
While that was the case, Fuli Yoshiaki came into arbitration. I'd like to have both decaying trees and hexagons on my side if I try Yoshiaki. I think I sold my thanks to both of them here... and thought about that. Plus, there's the money problem. Hiroshima Public Household's father-in-law was replaced by the fifth lower-left horsehead and renamed Yoshien. During the Muromachi period, Left Horsehead is considered an official position to be held by the next general. In other words, prosperity was recognized as a candidate for the next general. The general's pronouncement will be forthcoming.
Yoshiaki on the other hand is in a painful position right now. I live in Matsunagaku's castle and Yamato's Takayama Castle with Sanoko Sun Rokuro's heavy existence, but the situation is not good when attacked by forces such as Toyotomi Sanoko on the prosperity side, Satoshi Yasuke, and Nara's Temple Shrine forces, Mr. Tatsui, etc. Hanoi, Kii-san is at a disadvantage, even though he's on his side.
I want a status that just counteracts it, even as a prostitute autumn. And if I can, I want to get the general's declaration first. But it costs money. Arbitrate, get the gratuity, and if you succeed, hexagons, decaying trees on your side, that's what I'm thinking. It's okay, if you want me to send out soldiers, I say no, but if it's money, some help is OK. I'll pay the gratuity properly. I'm not ungrateful and I'm not an asshole.
The vicinity of Dr. Sakayo is near harvest time and soldiers do not gather. I can do it as good as this for decaying trees. I persuaded Dr. Sakyo to say that I should accept arbitration. I accepted the arbitration too, there's nothing I can't do here. The result is a recourse to the status quo. Within Chestnut County, Komai and Hirai were recognized as ministers of Decaying Wood. And he took the uncle of the river by decaying wood. This time, it must be something like this.
It's a little hard to cut Chestnut County right now. Among the Hexagon ministers, there are leading men such as Jindo and Aoyagi. They have both strength and hope. I'm not afraid of Dr. Sakayo, but they are. One mistake can be wrapped around both houses with anti-decay trees. In historical fact, most surrendered before Nobunaga, but Nobunaga led more than 30,000 soldiers. I don't know what 15,000 will do to me at last.
First, adjust from Hunan to Hudong. And let's cut through the crossroads, and on top of that, cut through Hunan, cut through the Hun East. Powerful reconnaissance this time, that's the place. I couldn't get the hex out, but I could. That means a lot. The people of Nanjing are not counting on Dr. Left Kyo, and they think so. Little by little without being forced. Fujikata in front of you most probably knows that.
"Yoshiaki-san relies on the great food doctor."
Stop it.
"It would be more profitable to have the Hexagons on your side than the Decaying Woods. This arbitration is a good opportunity to bring in the Hexagons."
I don't want to get too close to footfall. Fujitaka saw me, I'm smiling.
"I understand what you think, Doctor Daikyo..., but the Hexagons can't be counted on. That's what Frostbed thinks."
"Lord Frost Taiwan."
Frost Tai......, Matsunaga Kusu's official position is Bullet Chung, Bullet Tai official, but Frost Tai is the Tang name of Bullet Tai. Speaking of Frost Tai in this Kinuchi, I refer to Matsunaga Hideo. Kusu took northern Yamato from the hexagon. I guess you don't think hexagons will be on your side. Finally, the hexagon puts the boys of Mount Bee aside. As for Kusu, who is in a dire situation with both Nara's boys, the hexagons must look like a flavor of both the boys. And when I burned the mountain, I was your friend.
"Can't you hope for help from Master Yoshiaki? Everyone is anxious that the great caterer will not be on your side. I was wondering if you had seen Yoshiaki-sama's amount of utensils."
Is that the light weight of the example? I haven't even seen him, but there will be nothing to discern. By and large, why am I a loyal minister to Takeshi? I don't like footprints.
"It doesn't make sense for someone to be on your side."
Fujitaka has a strange look on her face. These guys are sloppy. You like to wage war.
"The decaying tree is half a million stones, though it has grown. The force is about 15,000. Echimae, and if you break the suppression on the hexagon, there are only about seven thousand precisions that can be put out on the Kyo side. I don't think that's going to help. At least we have to move 30,000..."
"Do you say 30,000..."
Fujitaka is stunned.
The three good things in this world are more powerful than the historical facts as long as Sanjo Haruka and Yasujuku Winterfell are alive. And Matsunaga is also more powerful than historical fact just because his brother is alive. It's hard for me to win a decisive battle with 7,000 soldiers. This means that the war will continue. It's the most awkward way to fight.
I remember that Nobunaga's Upper Lo Army eventually came to about 70,000. But Nobunaga's army was about 30,000. However, there was a large army of 30,000, so there were more participants in the march to Kyoto. And the enemy fled because he became an overwhelming army of seventy thousand. Moving large armies costs a lot. But as a result, it ends in the short term and the cost rises cheaply.
"But speaking of thirty thousand..."
"Echimae, you need to take over the South Omi."
I want at least five thousand to keep me from Kaga. Given that, the total strength of Decaying Wood is over 35,000, and about 1.2 million stones are needed. No matter how you look at it, you need to acquire the South Omi River. It is possible to hire with money, but it is dangerous to rely solely on money for income. I still want support for my rice income.
"Or if Oda takes control of Mino, we can help him."
"Is it Oda?
"Dear Left"
He looks strange. Are you saying that there is no idea at this time to use Nobunaga's help in Yoshiaki and its vicinity?
"Oda is Ozhang, a million stones in both Mino countries, and decaying trees are at least 500,000 stones, and 30,000, if combined, are strong. With that, if you put pressure on the Hexagons to participate in the Battle of Upper Lo, 40,000 of them will go from Omi to Kyo. Matsunaga Palace from Yamato, Takayama Palace from Hanoi and Kii. If you have enough troops to attack from the three sides, you will win."
"But shall we get Mino in Oda?
"I know you'll win..."
Fujitaka is tilting her neck. I'm a little nervous too. Maybe Nobunaga wins Mino. But if you ask me what time it is, I'm in a situation where I have to lean my neck too. I built a castle in Minamata, but the tune hasn't gone as far as I think. There are three reasons. First, it was my idea to build a castle in Minamata, and it was my idea to build a castle. In other words, Oda is thought to be no big deal. Nobunaga picked Yoshiwon Imagawa in a small bucket.
Secondly, there has been no takeover of Inariyama Castle by Hanbei Takenaka in this world. The authority of Monochrome Dragon Hing has not subtly fallen to the ground. The legend of Inariyama Castle's impenetrable defeat is alive and well. Third, there is the problem of Iseh Nagashima. There is a current situation where these guys are allied with one color to pull Oda's legs. The people of Mino are hesitant to join Oda. The Mino offense will still take some time.
"It could take a little longer"
So now it's important to keep the Hexagons on your side.
"Whether Yoshiaki is convinced..."
Fujitaka has a sunken look on her face. Well, good luck, I'm not willing to move aggressively for Yoshiki. I'm sorry that you think you'll be here any minute. Let's push it to the hex.
By the way, Daisuke, there's one thing I'd like you to tell me.
"What is it?"
"Why is Yoshiaki acting with his brother's enemy, Lord Rokuro Sanoko?"
Fujitaka nodded loudly when I asked.
"Lord Sun Rokuro was set up."
Fixed? Is there still a back...
Yonglu Nine Years (1566) Early September Ika Koe Shizuhama Shizuzuzuhama Shizuzuzuhama Castle Sequoia Keisha
"So internal division is imperative"
Heavy Zao smiled at my mouth when I asked.
"There is already a commotion going on between the Gatekeepers of Kaga and the Gatekeepers of Echimae over taxes this year. I can't fit in."
Well, there's no way it fits because there's someone to stir it up, Heizo. I'm the one who ordered it.
"So, should we attack now? Or should it be next year?
When asked by Ten Soldiers, Half Soldiers, and Nobusuke Ueno, the three of them looked at each other and Ten Soldiers opened their mouths.
"I think we should attack immediately"
"We don't have a minute (or two) until it snows. Wouldn't it be better if the gatekeepers crushed each other and attacked next year?
"My lord, if we wait until next year, the gatekeepers will likely fight each other until April and May. Then the rice harvest..."
"Was it there? It doesn't have to be famine."
Heavy zoo, Shinobei, Hanbei, and Uenonosuke nodded. Should we attack now? But can we go through with it? That would be difficult. Dansheng North, now South, now North Around... Half a soldier shook his head to the side when he spoke about it.
"Let the young and narrow pirates attack the seaside compass. We're going north with that. If you do, cut to the south of the hill, to the north of the hill. Then head east and take the form of a rear assault, and Kaga's gatekeepers will flee to Kaga in fear of being denied a return journey."
"Will it work out so well?... a young, narrow crowd of pirates, but are you okay?
Are you ready to fight? I don't mean to doubt it, but it's the people who've been in civil strife for so long, you can't trust one thing right now.
"Maybe I'll be fine"
Half a soldier's answer was a bad tooth cut. The expressions of Shibai, Uenonosuke and Heavy Zone are also sinister.
"... ok, let's use it here once"
Well, look, I've been doing both surface operations for a long time and I wanted to see it. It went well in Biwako. Now it's a test in the ocean. If it works, it can be used in Kaga.
My lord, there's one thing you'd like to consider.
"It's always been about Echimae."
"The Takada, Takamitsu, Sanmen, Makoto-ji, etc. who are in conflict with the Hondo Temple faction would like you to acknowledge the preaching..."
Nosuke Ueno is nervous. They think I hate kids. The Euphorist, Sanmon and Makoto-ji sects all draw on the Takada lineage, which is traditionally sectarian but in conflict with the Hondo Temple. The Takadas may be at odds with the main temple, but they are rulers. Naturally, the Euphorists, the Sanmen and the Makoto-ji can also be said to be rulers.
And leading the Takada faction is my maternal uncle, 23597; Hui. And one of my aunts is married to the Foguang Temple Sutra, which has always led the Zongfuguang Temple sect. The Foguangji sect is also a Takada sect. Strange story, the Hitoi family has always had quite a close relationship with Soto. Besides, the main temple is with hostile forces. Perhaps that's what the appearance hates about me.
"If you approve, Echizen control seems to proceed quickly."
"I don't mind, but there are conditions."
"I can't instigate the gatekeepers to become involved in politics (every word) based on the teachings of Zomen. If I can keep them, I'll admit it. I don't care if it's the main temple."
Four people nodded face to face.
"I would like you to use that as an initiating statement."
"Let's be good. Take a start-up letter from the other party. Never get involved in politics."
Decaying wood is a principle of secularism. Admittedly, unless you are involved in politics that it will always be a sect. But if you want to get involved in politics, say Takada, and I will punish you. Let's do that thoroughly. First, this is the first.
Goro, call the guard.
Norisuke Ueno took his seat and went to call Goro Weimen. Goro Gateway will have to suppress the hexagons this time, so let's get him into Shimizu Mountain Castle. Suppress the hexagons while working with the left gate of Imahama Castle. Five thousand at Shimizu Mountain and Imami Beach, and ten thousand is the limit for the Echimae march. It's a tough reality, even though the gatekeepers are broken. Ask Maida to come with me instead of Goro Weimen.... you won't be able to attend a small night of childbirth. I have to apologize later. Let Yataro stay by your side instead. It should be a little comforting.
Yonglu Nine Years (1566) Mid-December Shizuzuhama Shizuzuzuhama Castle Decaying Tree Xiao Night, Ichika-gun, Omi
"Brother, where is my lord?
"It will snow before long. We should be back in Omi by then."
"So you'll be back soon."
"Oh, are you happy?
I can see Master Yagoro soon enough. I can show you Wako. I saw Wako sleeping carelessly right next door. His name is Young Maru Takeshi, and his childhood name is the same as Master Yagoro's. Your name, which was decided before you went over. If it's a boy, it's a young maru, if it's a woman, it's a princess. Good for you boys......
"The western half of Echizen became decaying in this expedition. The remaining ones are Ono, Yoshida, etc., but the gatekeepers already have no power. Next year, Echimae will belong to the Decaying Wood family."
"Really, brother?"
"Um, the gatekeepers are arguing with the Kaga and the Echizens. The Lord split them apart beautifully."
"My lord?
When I inquired in surprise, my brother nodded with pleasure.
"The sneaks of the Decaying Wood family are full of awesome men. You made a great mistake with the gatekeepers. If they're stuck in one, they can be tough, but that's not what happens anymore. The Gatekeepers of Kaga will be at their best as they flee back to Kaga."
"If Echizen belongs to the Decaying Wood family, the Decaying Wood family will receive more than a million stones."
"Millions of stones..."
I didn't get the feeling. When I was married, the Decaying Wood family was about 100,000 stones long. That now tries to reach a million stones...... I almost got a sigh of sigh in my brother's words. And Takenaka Maru is his successor......
"This would make Hirai's house cheap."
When I inquired, my brother smiled softly
"Nor can the Hexagons attack Hirai's house. Instead, the Decaying Wood will attack the Hex in the future."
"Will that still happen?
My brother nodded “um”.
"Dr. Hexagonal Left Kyo stupidly overexposed his hostility to Decaying Tree. You can't even look at him."
"My lord has said it before. If you don't eat, they will. Don't hesitate to eat. You can survive eating, that's the code of the warring nations."
My brother nodded loudly.
"You're right, little night. Dr. Left Kyo said the Hexagons are famous and Decaying Tree is understated, but such things are of no use in this turmoil. Dr. Sakayo doesn't understand the laws of the warring nations."
The tone was cold. My brother no longer pays his respects to Dr. Zuokyo. And I don't try to hide it. My brother is already a decaying tree. My brother is trying to serve the Decaying Wood family from the heart, not having to.
"Brother, what about the Hexagons?"
My brother saw me.
"... that's a mud boat"
When I inquired, my brother said “yes” and nodded.
"No one will follow those who do not understand the code of the warring nations. If you follow me, you will perish. The people of China will go away and the hexagons will disappear as if they had dissolved in water. Like mud..."
I realized once again that hexagons are doomed, decaying trees are disturbed.
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