As soon as he entered the door, the flathead brother came over to him with a shocked look on his face: “What is your relationship with Bai Huai? How come his father sent you something?’


Jian Songyi raised his father towards him: “Do you know his father?”


“Are you kidding me? Anyone in Beicheng knows and is at least familiar with his father! He is simply a male god!”


“Oh, he’s alright.” Jian Songyi commented as he opened his bag lazily.


Brother Pingtou was really into gossiping as he pressed the bag. “Don’t make the mistake of trying to distract me. You must tell me the truth. What is your relationship with Bai Huai?”


Jian Songyi almost blurted out his relationship with Bai Huai, but he suddenly thought that the flathead brother must think that he was an Alpha. If he knew he was in the same room with an Omega for so long, he might suddenly die.


So he changed his angling: “I’ve known him since I was a child. Now, he is my deskmate.”


“Oh. wait a minute… Deskmate?!”




“Aren’t you a Science student?”




“Wait… This information is a little too big for me. You should let me process it first.” Brother Pingtou said as he rubbed the top of his head. “So Bai Huai sent off liberal arts on Beicheng University to attend Nancheng and study science?”




“Can he keep up?”


“He is the first rank of the whole year level.”


“…Excuse me, but what is he looking for?”


Jian Songyi also wants to know. He has begun to question whether he was worth it of Bai Huai. He always feels like Bai Huai likes him so much. 


“He doesn’t want anything. As long as he wants something, he doesn’t care about anything else.”

Jian Songyi drank the medicine for the cold before saying faintly, “So don’t ask anymore.”


“Oh, okay.” Brother Pingtou felt that Jane was obviously in a low mood and consciously stopped talking.


Jian SOngyi only felt that when he was downstairs just now, the coldness made his head hurt. He felt cold and dizzy, so he didn’t want to move and went straight to bed. 


He hates winter, Beicheng, and its coldness.


On top of that, Jian Songyi misses Bai Huai. Without Bai Huai, it was impossible for him to survive this climate. He could only stay alone in the northern winter.


But he asked for it; he was hypocritical and relied on Bai Huai’s love and hypocrisy.


Jian Songyi kept thinking of Bai Huai until he fell asleep vaguely.


His mouth was dry when he woke up in the middle of the night. Jian Songyi needed a glass of water. But as soon as he got out of bed, he fell head first.


The noise was so loud that when Jian Songyi rolled down from the bed, Brother Pingtou quickly approached and checked up on him. When he had confirmed Jian Songyi’s state, he ran to the hostel without saying a word.


This is bad. Jian Songyi is really in bad condition.


He was sent to the hospital to take in his temperature. 39.8-degree Celsius. 


Jian Songyi is clever and whatnot, but he is currently burning and his lips feel like twinkling all the time. He was calling someone in his sleep, but his voice was too hoarse, and his pronunciation was too vague to understand. After the flathead had listened to him for a long time, he was already out of it.


“What? Jian Songyi, will you speak louder? What brother? What? Bad brother? Why are you swearing when you have a fever? Ah. No, no. I’ll go.” 


After patting his head, Brother Pingtou had realized what is it he was trying to say. So, he quickly made his way to the counselor who had just arrived. The questions were thrown back and forth until he finally agreed to get Bai Huai’s phone number and make a call.


He called and said, “Hello, Bai Huai, this is Zhu Gong. Who am I? It doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is that Jian Songyi sleeps next to me now. Oh, don’t be angry! That’s not what I meant! He has a fever. He’s lying here, calling your name all the time. Why don’t you talk to him on the phone? “



When Jian Songyi woke up, it was already noon the next day.


It was only the counselor who was seated next to his bed. Brother Pingtou should have rushed back to class. 


Jian Songyi was still very grateful to the flathead brother and felt that he had to treat him to a good meal.


But he is still left a little disappointed. He dreamt about Bai Huai last night, and it seems to be very true. Only to wake up that his happiness was just nothing but a dream.


Jian Songyi felt his head aching so he had to pinch his eyebrows a little. He suddenly felt cold and wet. When he raised his hand in front of him, he found that his frostbite had been carefully smeared with an ointment.


He looked at the counselor with a confused look, who had just said coldly, “I’ve asked you for a day off, but now the fever has gone down. Go back to the dormitory in the afternoon to review and prepare for tomorrow’s competition.”




Jian Songyi is not that delicate, but he feels as if something is wrong.


It seems to him that there’s some warm and bitter taste on his lips. It’s as if he had eaten lipstick.


When he went to his room that night, he looked at himself and strongly felt that something was indeed different. He just couldn’t pinpoint it.


Every time he wanted to ask, he would feel a little bit too uncomfortable. However, the competition will be held tomorrow, so he didn’t have time for this. He needs to focus and not be preoccupied by something else. 


At the day of the exam, Jian Songyi thought that he had to win the first prize. Since he had worked so hard for so long, he shouldn’t be distracted at a critical moment. 


He doesn’t know if it’s psychological, but Jian Songyi felt that his hands don’t seem that stiff anymore. When he took the exam, he wrote the answers to the questions much more smoothly.


The problem was more difficult than he had ever seen before, but he felt happier that he was able to finish it.


After handing his paper out, he took a deep breath and walked out of the classroom, only to find that it was snowing again. He looked up and saw how heavy the snow was falling from the gray sky. He grew up in the South and rarely saw such heavy snowing. Because of this, he always had a certain expectation of snowing.


Only to find out that heavy snowing isn’t that romantic after all.




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