When We Were Perfect
Chapter 42 - CHAPTER 42
There was complete silence on their way back home. Amy leaned her head back on the headrest as he drove.
"So, it's a boy!" Daniel simpered looking her way trying to figure out what she was feeling but she only hummed in response.
"Are you happy?" He asked trying to start a conversation.
"Does it make any difference?" Amy retorted staring blankly in space.
"Yes!it does tesoro, you are the one carrying him, don't you feel any connection towards him." He asked incredulously.
"Why feel connected to something you weren't even ready for in the first place," Amy grumbled closing her eyelids, not caring about the intensity of her words. Daniel watched her trying to observe any expression that maybe she didn't realize what she said and it just slipped out of her mouth but no there was no remorse or any expression. Her pale face was covered in a bit of irritation and discomfort as she leaned her head on the headrest with closed eyes unintentionally rubbing her stomach.
"Why are you becoming this impossible tesoro?" He asked it out rather loud stung by her indifference.
"I was always like this maybe it took you time to figure out," she mumbled nonchalantly in a sleepy tone, her head drifting to the side. A rueful smile plastered on his face as he looked ahead biting his lips.
"You were never like this tesoro, the time has really brought some worst changes in you," he whispered in the silence but it went unheard as Amy fell into her slumber.
"I just hope you start taking things positively and return to your previous self." He mumbled and then gazed at her sleeping self and small bump, closing his eyes and then focusing back on the road.
"I miss you, Tesoro," it was a whisper yet so painful and quite like a leaf falling soundlessly on the ground separating from the tree of which it was once a part of.
February afternoons were always tantalizing as Daniel swept towards the main door of his house, the snow was falling glittering on his hair like stardust. The skies were pale with smudges of grey clouds covering it in an enchanting way. The garden was mostly covered in snow except for some winter flowers that were taken care of by the gardener. The snow had a pristine aura surrounding it making him feel it, enjoying the feel of snow falling around him, Daniel entered inside his house dusting his coat then passed by the living room only to see Amy sitting on the sofa glaring at the T.V, some type of action romance playing on it, her hands resting on her seven-month pregnant baby bump which wasn't as small as before meaning that their baby was growing healthily. It seemed to happen overnight, one night her bump was normal and the next day it grew nearly twice. Daniel remembered how she went on to have an hour rant about how she was looking like a minion but Daniel comforted her the best maybe it was her emotional state at the moment that she let him hold and comfort her. It has been two months since the fateful day they get to learn about their baby boy and they weren't as smooth as Daniel thought. The worst of all we're Amy's mood swings, one day she would yelling how she was too tired to go to work or even lift herself up and the other days she would be crying without any reason for the smallest of things like how once Martha forget to bring twinkies in grocery. She cried the whole afternoon until Daniel brought nearly half of the stock of twinkies from the store. He remembered how her eyes lit up seeing them.
But one of the best things was that she wasn't as cold as before, sure she still gave him curt answers and didn't respond much to him but she wouldn't run away from his presence, they use to sit in comfortable silence during dinner or evenings. One of the biggest shocks for Daniel was when one night she came waddling in his room complaining to him about her aching back. Daniel became panicked and immediately rushed to take her to the hospital but halted when Amy grumbled that it was a part of pregnancy and she wanted him to rub her back as Martha wasn't there. It took him exactly a minute to register her words before he went rubbing down her back. Although it wasn't the first time he touched her he couldn't ignore the number of tingles he felt and Amy didn't even hesitate from his touch, she was too distracted by the discomfort to focus on any other thing, he remembered how she fell asleep during the massage on his bed and he went to sleep on the couch gazing at her sleeping figure almost all night like a creep. It happened a few times especially when she came from her work and when the pain was sometimes too much to even let her take a nap. Daniel would sometimes even rub her feet when she was working on her laptop in the lounge. Thanks to all the articles and books he read that he learnt how to soothe an aching back and swollen feet although she didn't let him do this the first time but when he started massaging her swollen feet after she went through a hectic day once, the comfort took over her and then she didn't utter a word.
Daniel was happy that things were slightly better between them, there were no arguments and hurtful words although the one previously said abided by his mind yet he didn't let them consume the present moment.
Daniel smiled at her and went into the kitchen. The hot chocolate was Daniel's and Amy's favourite thing in the winter as they grew up. He remembered how Amy would whine to Vahide mom to make her one despite the dentists warning about her eating too much chocolate. He chuckled and got to making the hot chocolate making sure to top it with chocolate syrup the way Amy liked it. Taking both the cups he went to the living room and stood beside Amy who was lazily looking at the t.v, seeing a figure she turned her head towards him and raised her brows but her gaze soon fell on the cup and she excitedly took the cup from his hands like a child. Daniel smiled sitting beside her.
"How were you feeling today?" Daniel asked trying to stifle his chuckle at the chocolate moustache that formed above her lips.
"Lazy and tired like a cat in hot Summers," Amy replied not paying much attention to him.
"It's normal tesoro, you don't need to worry about it," Daniel said.
"Have you gone through a pregnancy before!" She retorted squinting her eyes. Daniel chuckled at her cuteness.
"No! But I read some books and articles for you, " he replied, Amy just shook her head. Both went into a comfortable silence sipping their drinks when out of a sudden Amy placed her half cup of hot chocolate on the table beside her, her eyes grew startled as she clutched her belly.
"Daniel!" She whispered. He looked at her state alarmed.
"Amy, what's the matter, are you okay!" Daniel said placing his one cup on the table nearing beside her with an alarmed look.
"Ohhhh,God..." Amy breathed out rubbing her belly. Daniel kneed in front of her concern etched across his face.
"Tesoro, For God's Sake, tell me is everything okay? Should I take you to the hospital or call Vahide mom!" He rushed out his words panically.
"Stop your rambling and let me take a breath, Daniel," Amy mumbled irritated. Her eyes remained closed as she took deep breaths before opening them and pointing to her stomach.
"He moved in there!" She replied, an astonished look glittering her face. Daniel's eyes shot to her belly as his breathing hitched.
"Ahhh, he is more active today I guess!" Amy responded rubbing the side where he kicked in discomfort.
"Is he still moving?" Daniel whispered amazed.
"No....ahhhh..yes!" Amy shrieked. Daniel edged closer to her stomach still on his knees.
"Can I feel?" He mumbled with a pleading look in his eyes, Amy stared warily at him before nodding slightly. Daniel smiled shakily placing his hand on her not so smooth stomach.
"I don't feel anything!" He felt disappointed. Amy grabbed his hand and placed it on the spot where she previously felt the moment. The warmth of his hand seeped through her flesh as she flinched a little, his eyes locked with her as a flutter passed through Daniel on the feeling of her hand softy placed on his own. Amy couldn't believe her eyes when she saw admiration and warmth swirling in Daniel's steely orbs, both these emotions directed towards her, igniting an unknown emotion within herself. But she failed to notice the love hidden in those eyes.
"So, it's a boy!" Daniel simpered looking her way trying to figure out what she was feeling but she only hummed in response.
"Are you happy?" He asked trying to start a conversation.
"Does it make any difference?" Amy retorted staring blankly in space.
"Yes!it does tesoro, you are the one carrying him, don't you feel any connection towards him." He asked incredulously.
"Why feel connected to something you weren't even ready for in the first place," Amy grumbled closing her eyelids, not caring about the intensity of her words. Daniel watched her trying to observe any expression that maybe she didn't realize what she said and it just slipped out of her mouth but no there was no remorse or any expression. Her pale face was covered in a bit of irritation and discomfort as she leaned her head on the headrest with closed eyes unintentionally rubbing her stomach.
"Why are you becoming this impossible tesoro?" He asked it out rather loud stung by her indifference.
"I was always like this maybe it took you time to figure out," she mumbled nonchalantly in a sleepy tone, her head drifting to the side. A rueful smile plastered on his face as he looked ahead biting his lips.
"You were never like this tesoro, the time has really brought some worst changes in you," he whispered in the silence but it went unheard as Amy fell into her slumber.
"I just hope you start taking things positively and return to your previous self." He mumbled and then gazed at her sleeping self and small bump, closing his eyes and then focusing back on the road.
"I miss you, Tesoro," it was a whisper yet so painful and quite like a leaf falling soundlessly on the ground separating from the tree of which it was once a part of.
February afternoons were always tantalizing as Daniel swept towards the main door of his house, the snow was falling glittering on his hair like stardust. The skies were pale with smudges of grey clouds covering it in an enchanting way. The garden was mostly covered in snow except for some winter flowers that were taken care of by the gardener. The snow had a pristine aura surrounding it making him feel it, enjoying the feel of snow falling around him, Daniel entered inside his house dusting his coat then passed by the living room only to see Amy sitting on the sofa glaring at the T.V, some type of action romance playing on it, her hands resting on her seven-month pregnant baby bump which wasn't as small as before meaning that their baby was growing healthily. It seemed to happen overnight, one night her bump was normal and the next day it grew nearly twice. Daniel remembered how she went on to have an hour rant about how she was looking like a minion but Daniel comforted her the best maybe it was her emotional state at the moment that she let him hold and comfort her. It has been two months since the fateful day they get to learn about their baby boy and they weren't as smooth as Daniel thought. The worst of all we're Amy's mood swings, one day she would yelling how she was too tired to go to work or even lift herself up and the other days she would be crying without any reason for the smallest of things like how once Martha forget to bring twinkies in grocery. She cried the whole afternoon until Daniel brought nearly half of the stock of twinkies from the store. He remembered how her eyes lit up seeing them.
But one of the best things was that she wasn't as cold as before, sure she still gave him curt answers and didn't respond much to him but she wouldn't run away from his presence, they use to sit in comfortable silence during dinner or evenings. One of the biggest shocks for Daniel was when one night she came waddling in his room complaining to him about her aching back. Daniel became panicked and immediately rushed to take her to the hospital but halted when Amy grumbled that it was a part of pregnancy and she wanted him to rub her back as Martha wasn't there. It took him exactly a minute to register her words before he went rubbing down her back. Although it wasn't the first time he touched her he couldn't ignore the number of tingles he felt and Amy didn't even hesitate from his touch, she was too distracted by the discomfort to focus on any other thing, he remembered how she fell asleep during the massage on his bed and he went to sleep on the couch gazing at her sleeping figure almost all night like a creep. It happened a few times especially when she came from her work and when the pain was sometimes too much to even let her take a nap. Daniel would sometimes even rub her feet when she was working on her laptop in the lounge. Thanks to all the articles and books he read that he learnt how to soothe an aching back and swollen feet although she didn't let him do this the first time but when he started massaging her swollen feet after she went through a hectic day once, the comfort took over her and then she didn't utter a word.
Daniel was happy that things were slightly better between them, there were no arguments and hurtful words although the one previously said abided by his mind yet he didn't let them consume the present moment.
Daniel smiled at her and went into the kitchen. The hot chocolate was Daniel's and Amy's favourite thing in the winter as they grew up. He remembered how Amy would whine to Vahide mom to make her one despite the dentists warning about her eating too much chocolate. He chuckled and got to making the hot chocolate making sure to top it with chocolate syrup the way Amy liked it. Taking both the cups he went to the living room and stood beside Amy who was lazily looking at the t.v, seeing a figure she turned her head towards him and raised her brows but her gaze soon fell on the cup and she excitedly took the cup from his hands like a child. Daniel smiled sitting beside her.
"How were you feeling today?" Daniel asked trying to stifle his chuckle at the chocolate moustache that formed above her lips.
"Lazy and tired like a cat in hot Summers," Amy replied not paying much attention to him.
"It's normal tesoro, you don't need to worry about it," Daniel said.
"Have you gone through a pregnancy before!" She retorted squinting her eyes. Daniel chuckled at her cuteness.
"No! But I read some books and articles for you, " he replied, Amy just shook her head. Both went into a comfortable silence sipping their drinks when out of a sudden Amy placed her half cup of hot chocolate on the table beside her, her eyes grew startled as she clutched her belly.
"Daniel!" She whispered. He looked at her state alarmed.
"Amy, what's the matter, are you okay!" Daniel said placing his one cup on the table nearing beside her with an alarmed look.
"Ohhhh,God..." Amy breathed out rubbing her belly. Daniel kneed in front of her concern etched across his face.
"Tesoro, For God's Sake, tell me is everything okay? Should I take you to the hospital or call Vahide mom!" He rushed out his words panically.
"Stop your rambling and let me take a breath, Daniel," Amy mumbled irritated. Her eyes remained closed as she took deep breaths before opening them and pointing to her stomach.
"He moved in there!" She replied, an astonished look glittering her face. Daniel's eyes shot to her belly as his breathing hitched.
"Ahhh, he is more active today I guess!" Amy responded rubbing the side where he kicked in discomfort.
"Is he still moving?" Daniel whispered amazed.
"No....ahhhh..yes!" Amy shrieked. Daniel edged closer to her stomach still on his knees.
"Can I feel?" He mumbled with a pleading look in his eyes, Amy stared warily at him before nodding slightly. Daniel smiled shakily placing his hand on her not so smooth stomach.
"I don't feel anything!" He felt disappointed. Amy grabbed his hand and placed it on the spot where she previously felt the moment. The warmth of his hand seeped through her flesh as she flinched a little, his eyes locked with her as a flutter passed through Daniel on the feeling of her hand softy placed on his own. Amy couldn't believe her eyes when she saw admiration and warmth swirling in Daniel's steely orbs, both these emotions directed towards her, igniting an unknown emotion within herself. But she failed to notice the love hidden in those eyes.
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