When will I have a long tassel?

Chapter 12 There is no need to be angry about public affairs

Linyiji has been losing money for many years and already owes more than 40 million yuan to the bank and several million more to upstream companies.

But at the same time, Linyi Machinery also had nearly 5 million in external debts that it could not collect. That was because Linyi Machinery sold the machine tools to a customer company, and the customer company had been unable to pay the payment due to various reasons. Year after year, such a huge number has been accumulated.

Such situations are not uncommon nowadays. Sometimes, company A owes money to company B, company B owes money to company C, and company C in turn owes money to company A. Everyone's debts circulate around each other, and no one can pay them back. This is what is called " "triangular debt" problem.

When the triangular debt phenomenon was at its most serious, some companies did not dare to transfer money through banks at all, because as long as the money appeared in the bank, it would be intercepted and used to repay various debts. These companies only accept cash when selling products, and when purchasing raw materials, they also carry a bag of cash to pay. The entire production and operation system has simply returned to the natural economic conditions of hundreds of years ago.

When Zhou Heng was still in the capital, he had already learned that Linyiji had millions of receivables outside, and he had already made plans for these receivables.

If he can recover part of the payment, he can pay one or even two months' wages to all factory workers, which is very necessary to alleviate the difficulties of all factory workers.

Tang Zifeng said that he should give priority to business expansion. This idea is certainly not bad, but there is at least two or three months between the time he takes back the business and receives the payment. Can the workers who are waiting for food be able to wait?

In this way, while Zhou Heng was putting on a people-friendly show in the factory, Tang Zifeng went out to collect debts on Zhou Heng's orders.

Zhou Heng also knew that it was a bit unreliable for a young man with a hairless mouth to handle such a thing, but he couldn't get away because he had to calm down the mood in the factory first.

Tang Zifeng's explanation about collecting books also gave Zhou Heng some confidence.

Since Tang Zifeng has done business and made a lot of money, maybe he can accomplish something, right? At the worst, he could explore the road first, send a message or something, and wait until Zhou Heng is free before taking action himself.

Tang Zifeng wanted to collect the debt, so of course he couldn't go alone. He needed an assistant to carry the bag. Zhou Heng and Tang Zifeng had just arrived at the opportunity, and their eyes were filled with darkness. They didn't know who could do it or not.

Tang Zifeng had an idea and remembered Han Weichang he met on the train, so he proposed to Zhou Heng that he could take Han Weichang with him. Han Weichang is somewhat clever and energetic, and he is also a technician. He can handle some technical problems when he encounters them. You know, Tang Zifeng studied economics and was a complete idiot in terms of technology.

Han Weichang felt helpless that he was named by Zhou Heng to be Tang Zifeng's assistant. He knew that he was already in deep trouble. If the new factory director could stand firm in Linyiji and even make some achievements, then his future would be bright. On the other hand, if the new factory director leaves in despair, he, a person who has been labeled by the new factory director, will really not be easy to get along with in the factory.

"Tang Changzhu, you tricked me!"

On the train to Jinyao, Han Weichang muttered resentfully to Tang Zifeng more than once. Tang Zifeng obviously accompanied the new factory director to Linyiji to take office, but he lied to him that he was a newly assigned college student, causing him to say so many things he shouldn't have said. Now that Tang Zifeng is going out to collect debts, he wants to take him with him. Is this a pattern of not letting him go if he catches him at all?

"Old Han, this is Director Zhou's trust in you. Don't be ignorant of good and evil." Tang Zifeng said.

"There are so many capable people in the factory, especially since this matter should be under the control of the sales department, but I was asked to go as a member of the technical department. What do you think of the people in the sales department? I have heard that Director Zhou is here The factory strictly checks the small treasury, which offends the sales department to death. Maybe the people in the sales department thought I was the informant."

"Do you dare to say that you weren't the one who told the secret?"


Han Weichang immediately lost his temper. Tang Zifeng was right, he was indeed the one who tipped off Zhou Heng, and Zhou Heng didn't even bring out the tiger bench or pepper water, so he revealed everything about Lin Yiji.

Zhou Heng took thunderous measures and sealed the small treasury of each department. He also suspended the personnel of the purchasing department and the sales department for rectification, and strictly investigated all kinds of cheating behavior. There were people in the factory talking about who must be responsible. Everything in the factory was leaked to the new director, otherwise how could the new director's attacks be so precise?

Han Weichang has been sneaking around the factory these days, and his eyes look full of malice. If he continues like this, he is going to suffer from depression or something.

"Old Han, you are thinking too much." Tang Zifeng comforted Han Weichang with a smile, "Old Zhou really intends to do something when he comes to Linyiji. I have enough confidence that Lao Zhou can bring Linyiji back to life. Revitalize the glory. When the time comes, you will have followed the dragon's merits and your future will be bright. As for you informing Lao Zhou about it, even if the workers in the factory find out, they will praise you for being brave and killing relatives for justice. Who will blame you? "

"Tang Changzhu, please stop talking." Han Weichang felt like crying. He said he was brave enough to do what was right and killed his relatives, but he was just too mean-spirited, okay? The more Tang Zifeng talked, the more heartache he felt, so he simply changed the subject.

"Tang Changzhu, when we go to Jinyao Vehicle Factory this time, do we plan to get back all the money they owe us, or only part of it?" Han Weichang asked.

Tang Zifeng said: "Of course we have to get it all back. Our factory has already been unable to untie the pot, so how can we still have money to lend to others? I checked at the sales department and found that Jinyao Vehicle Factory owes us money, and the furthest one already owes five Years have passed. I really admired your original factory leaders. For such a customer who didn’t pay for their purchases, you actually gave them production equipment year after year. The debts accumulated year after year, and they all accumulated. After spending more than 2 million yuan, these factory leaders are not fools, are they?"

Han Weichang sneered and said: "Silly? They are not stupid. What Jinche owes is Lin Yiji's money, not his Ma Dazhuang's money. Why is he worried? Ma Dazhuang's daughter-in-law's natal family is in Jinyao. Every time Ma Dazhuang When my daughter-in-law comes back to Jinyao to visit her relatives, isn’t she treated in a golden car? One trip costs thousands even for food and supplies. How can Ma Dazhuang not give honor to the golden car?"

The Ma Dazhuang he was talking about was the recently dismissed deputy director of Yuan Linyi Machinery, who was in charge of sales.

Jinyao Vehicle Factory is an old customer of Linyi Machinery. Every year, it orders some machine tools from Linyi Machinery, with the amount ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions. In recent years, Jinche's own financial situation has not been very good, and it often cannot pay in time after placing orders.

Ma Dazhuang, on the grounds that Jinche was an old customer and a state-owned enterprise and could not default on its debts, Ma Dazhuang tolerated Jinche's default in payment and even shipped goods to Jinche when Jinche's debt to Lin Yiji reached nearly 2 million. .

Among them, the reason mentioned by Han Weichang is of course the most important. On the other hand, these original factory leaders did not care about the life and death of Linyiji at all. They occasionally went to collect the debts, and it was fine if they could not get them back.

Now that Zhou Heng has been replaced as the factory director, of course this situation cannot continue. Zhou Heng asked the sales department to send a letter to Jinche, saying that Linyiji's current economic situation was very bad and he hoped that Jinche could repay the debt in time. At the same time, through his own connections, he found Jinche's superior department, the Ministry of Railways, and asked the Ministry of Railways to give Jinche a greeting.

Jinche responded, first emphasizing its own difficulties and saying that it was also trapped in a triangular debt quagmire. People also owed them a lot of money and had not repaid it, which made their own funds very tight, so they had to default. Pro one machine payment. Then, it was claimed that part of the debt could be paid off first, and the rest would be paid in installments later. For specific repayment ratios, etc., you need to send someone over to discuss the matter as soon as possible.

At all times and in all countries, it is the uncle who owes money, and the grandson who collects debts. Although Zhou Heng was a strong man, the money was in Jin Che's pocket, and he couldn't take it out even if he didn't talk, so he had no choice but to compromise and sent Tang Zifeng to represent him to coordinate with Jin Che.

Before Tang Zifeng set off, Zhou Heng gave him secret instructions for a long time, and finally gave him a request: it would be best to get all the debt back, and at the worst, 50%. If Jinche is willing to repay less than 50% of the debt, Tang Zifeng will not come back, and he will have to waste the money there.

Of course Tang Zifeng also knew that Zhou Heng's request was just an attitude. If he really didn't want to pay back 50% of the debt, could Zhou Heng really not let him come back? However, he also knew that Zhou Hengfang's harsh words were because he had very few escape options. If he could not get back 1 million yuan from Jinche, the factory would really be unable to uncover the pot, and all subsequent measures would be impossible. It's hard to come out.

"You want them all back? I'm worried." Han Weichang smacked his lips and said, "Jinche is a large enterprise under the Ministry of Railways. It is very grand and usually very powerful. It doesn't give face to anyone."

"They don't give face to anyone? Then what's the matter with them waiting on Ma Dazhuang's wife all the time?" Tang Zifeng said.

Han Weichang said: "This is different. Receiving Ma Dazhuang's wife is a private matter. In private matters, everyone will give each other face. The reason is also very simple. The leaders of Jinche also have relatives and friends here in Linhe. , we also need to help take care of them at an opportunity. Who would not do their best to handle private matters? We go to collect debts. This is a public matter. If someone offends you, you will be offended. You will also be angry with them over public matters. Can’t do it?”

"Oh my god, what kind of logic is this!"

Tang Zifeng was angry. He considers himself not a selfless person, but at least he knows that if you want to eat other people's food, you have to protect other people's pots. The leaders of Linyiji and Jinche are all dependent on the government, but they can actually feel that public affairs don't matter and that no one should be angry about public affairs.

"Old Han, let me tell you, I will handle this matter as a private matter. I want to see if they will give me this face!" Tang Zifeng said angrily.

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