The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

While talking, Em, with black hair, stood up and moved his body, and pulled the Ghostly Witch out of Lucci's body. The bright red blood reflected in his eyes. Lucci, who was lying on the ground, had lost consciousness, and the penetrating wound on his back was bleeding.


The two of them charged just now and the winner was decided in just one round. Lucci, who rushed over, found that Em had disappeared. He was suddenly hit hard on the back of his head. Em stepped on Lucci's head and stabbed the Witcher in his hand directly into his vest. He said softly: "Why don't you listen to my advice? I told you not to stop me..."

The Witcher in his hand rose and fell, piercing Lucci's chest continuously. Lucci under his feet had lost consciousness, but he had no intention of stopping. The bloodthirsty desire in his eyes was like being possessed by a demon, and the smile on his face looked a little hideous.

The thing blocking the heart began to stir, the chain creaked, the murderous aura of Em's body began to slowly dissipate, the red and white hair gradually turned bloody, the Witcher in his hand was pulled up suddenly, and then stabbed down more quickly, but it stopped abruptly...

Em's other hand tightly grasped the hand holding the knife, and even pinched it to loosen the Witcher. The Witcher fell and stabbed into Lucci's body, losing the coverage of the power, which was the lightest injury to Lucci in this round...

Em's face was divided into two distinct sides, one side looked ferocious and weird, and the other side looked calm and sad.

"You've suppressed me for so many years, it must be hard~"

"It's been so many years since that incident ended, but you're still so restless..."

"Ended? That disgusting country, this disgusting world, are all fine, why stop me! And what do you mean by you and me? Am I not you?!"

"The criminals have been punished, all the participants and those who ignored them have returned to the earth, and even those who are willing but powerless have been slaughtered by you. What else do you want to end?"

"We can make the world feel angry, but we can only be like this now. Didn't this guy just attack us fiercely? And you, a waste, got hurt. What's wrong with me giving him back? You also want to stop me..."

"...Because Xiaomai told me to live well. She said that the sea is vast. As long as I keep sailing, I will meet her again one day."

"..." Em's ferocious face froze when he heard the name, and then he was angry. The anger became more turbulent, and the sound of the chain on the chest vibrating became louder: "You'd better not mention this name again! If it weren't for you! No, if it weren't for me! How could Xiaomai die!"

The voice was sad and angry, and the slowly released murderous aura surged like a wave, forming a demon's phantom behind Em, looking around, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour...

"I said, I want to find her! No matter how long it takes, I will find her! She also promised me that she would meet me again... So you guys go back and don't make trouble again! Now everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates is my friend, I'm in a hurry! I want to continue sailing, I want to leave my footprints everywhere around the Grand Line!"

"Friends are things that only bring pain. We don't need them! I will kill everyone in the entire Judicial Island now!"

The clenched hand grabbed the handle of the knife, and the other hand refused to make any concessions. It looked like a madman, pulling himself.

"What an interesting drama. I didn't expect that you have such a guy in your heart. To be honest... This guy seems to have more prospects than you~ But... Moon Seal. Moonlight Tomb!" Yue Yejian's voice seemed to be full of interest. Then he shouted loudly, and Em's body began to shine with dazzling moonlight. The ferocious half of his face gradually faded and merged with the calm half of his face. His hair flying in the wind gradually turned back to black and drooped softly on his head. The demon shadow formed by the killing intent roared unwillingly and disappeared in the air. Em's body softened and fell directly to the ground and fainted.

Otaku's room...

Yue Yejian sat on the chair with his legs crossed, supporting his face with his hands and looking at Em with interest: "Come on, explain, what's the matter with that mistress..."

"What weird things did you see again... It's nothing, it's just that the blow was a bit big at the time, and I killed a lot of people. I couldn't control my killing intent, and I forced it to compress the deformed things." Em's heart

He touched his chest with lingering fear, and picked up the Coke on the table and poured it into his mouth.

"I just watched the temptation to go home, it's quite interesting~ forced compression... As expected, you are either committing suicide or on the way to committing suicide. How strong is the killing intent that can actually suppress a false personality."

"Burp~ It's just like that. I have been practicing with that thing for so many years. If I hadn't eaten you, the enemies I met recently have become stronger and stronger, and I wouldn't have suddenly lost control. According to my estimation, I can completely devour him in another year or so. With this increase and decrease, my strength should increase a lot." Em finished the Coke and burped for a long time. He was also very carefree...

Ye Yejian posed as Conan, with a smug look on his face: "Fortunately, I have good eyesight and can tell at a glance that the guy is a false personality, Otherwise, if I helped him, you would be gone~ No, I would be gone too... If that guy really won, your body would become a monster with only murderous intent, but it's still my credit~"

Yejian looked like he was about to praise me... He looked a bit like a dog asking for a pat on the head...


Em looked at him making this expression on his face, saying that it was really embarrassing, but he was really helped by this guy just now, so he had to say: "Thank you, you are my god~"

"Pah, I have been very efficient in looking through your memory recently, don't think I don't know this joke... But... that Xiaomai... why is there nothing..." Yuejian said the last sentence hesitantly, and kept observing Em's expression.

Em smiled a little depressed, then shook his head: "Don't ask, I'll tell you when I find her..."

"...Are there any clues?"

"No... Maybe there is. If I am within a thousand miles of her when she is in life-and-death crisis, I can sense it... It's the same as no possibility..."

"Oh..." Yue Yejian fell silent, then whispered: "Do we have to keep looking for it?"

Em turned his back and waved: "Go on, keep going forward, go forward happily, I don't want to say that I have been looking for her for a long time when I see her again, I also want to share my wonderful journey with her... What's more, Luffy and the others really make me very happy, and it is also a good experience to follow them."

After speaking, he snapped his fingers and disappeared instantly.


Em propped himself up, shook his head, pulled out Kitetsu and shook off the blood, sheathed the knife, and ran towards Robin.

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