The more he ran, the more he realized that something was wrong.

Em grabbed Usopp's nose and jumped on the tree. The more he ran, the more he felt that something was wrong. He ran so far and his range of observation Haki was so large, but he still didn't find Sanji. It was outrageous.

"There is only one truth. Sanji... has a speed bonus when holding Nami!" Em said confidently while standing on the ground and posing as Detective Conan.

"'re running in the wrong direction." Usopp's weak voice came, and he looked like he was about to die. After all, anyone who is led by the nose wants to die, not to mention that he is really being led by the nose...

"Hmm...So you are chasing Sanji, Em. I thought you wanted to find Luffy and the others." Meili sat on Em's head and almost fainted with laughter...

Em's determined expression became stiff. He looked at Kitetsu angrily, patted the scabbard, and muttered: "Bah, it's all your fault."

Kitetsu: ? ? ?

"Okay, it's just a small problem. Where are we now..." Em asked with his hands spread out.

Usopp finally recovered, stood up and spread his hands with Em: "Good question, I think we are on Devil's Island..."


...Don't I know? You are the winner of the Bullshit Literature Award. Em looked at Usopp with twitching eyes, and wanted to break his nose.

"Roar, roar, roar!" The roar of the beast sounded, drawing the attention of the three people. Two blue wolf heads and one yellow fox head... maybe a zombie monster that could be considered a three-headed dog of hell came out and looked at them fiercely. The wolf head in the middle said coldly: "I am the guardian of hell, the three-headed dog of hell... Cerberus."

The other wolf head roared fiercely, and the yellow fox head opened his mouth and said: "Are you afraid~"

The other two wolf heads stared at him intently, and then bit him at the same time. The three heads felt the pain of being bitten at the same time, rolling on the ground and shouting in pain... They looked a little unintelligent.

After a long while, Cerberus stood up from the ground, and the wolf head in the middle said fiercely: "It is your misfortune to meet me today, wait for death."

"Roar!" The other wolf head had a fierce face.

"Boss, you should say that it is their misfortune to meet us, not you..." The yellow fox head was being a nitpicker again.

The other two wolf heads glared at the fox head, but this time they didn't bite him. Instead, they slapped him twice with their faces, and then... Cerberus was like he had drunk fake wine, dizzy and unable to stand steadily.

Em covered his forehead and couldn't bear to look any further. This guy might be the seasoning on this terrifying island. The gloomy atmosphere was broken by this... or these three guys. He didn't know what to say.

"Wow~ What a cute big dog, let me ride it!" Meili jumped off Em's head and ran towards Cerberus with her short legs.

"Tsk, it's so small, let me be a snack!" The wolf head in the middle of Cerberus grinned and opened his mouth to bite Meili, the wolf head on the other side looked at him playfully, but the fox head looked reluctant.

Merry dodged the big mouth that could swallow her in one bite with just a slight side turn. Her body spun on the ground, and then her short legs kicked the wolf's head with a whistling sound, kicking Cerberus directly away. Then Merry said with a smile: "Disobedient dogs must be taught a lesson."

She rushed up to the sky and used a combo on Cerberus, 999 combos, perfect! Then Merry flipped 720 degrees and landed without a single shake. Em and Usopp showed a 10-point sign, champion! She is the champion!

Cough cough cough... Almost out of the play.

Cerberus lay on the ground, with his wounds that were sewed up in a hurry and a little untied. The three heads looked at each other, and anger rose from their hearts. They got up with difficulty and pounced on Merry... They seriously made a big golden retriever... The way he stuck out his tongue and breathed out was really "unruly".

"Okay, take us to find your ghost princess." Em was asked by Mary to sit on Cerberus' back and said casually.

Cerberus' three heads froze at the same time, then he smiled awkwardly and started to set off.

"Boss... the princess will kill us if she knows we are the ones who brought them..."

"Second brother... we are a wise man who knows the current situation. The princess will understand us. When we get to the princess, we will immediately turn against her."

"Brother, you are wise!"

"Big brother...

Brother, when did you grow a brain! "Of course it was the yellow fox head...

"Hey, hey, hey... Do you think we are deaf..." Usopp sat on the back and looked at the three heads whispering. He was holding a hammer and wondering whether to hit them. After all, these three heads didn't look very smart. If he hit them again, they might not recognize the way...

The three heads froze at the same time, walked with a serious face, and didn't speak again...

After a while, the environment in front of the three people suddenly became clear. It turned out that they came to a cemetery. One hole after another should be the zombies that just came out to surround them. Then they saw Luffy... Pressing the shoulders of the zombies that had half come out and pushing them back, not only did they look not very smart, but also a bit inhuman.

Luffy didn't react to the arrival of the three people, but his eyes lit up when he saw Cerberus under them. He let go of the zombies' shoulders and jumped onto Cerberus's back, squeezed Usopp back, sat on Cerberus's neck, and shouted excitedly: "Hell Army, charge! "

...Okay, this is not just not looking smart, this is clearly a fool. Em didn't know what to say to this captain, and said helplessly: "Where are the others?"

Luffy didn't even turn his head, and replied casually: "I don't know where those guys ran off to. Zoro went to find them and hasn't come back for a long time. I was so tired to stop the zombies here just now..."

"Zoro? Go find them? Listen to what you said, is this human language? And look at the eyes of those zombies, they are almost moved to tears when you left..." Em's complaints came out like a string of cannons.


Luffy turned his head and looked at Em with a head full of question marks, wondering: "...Zoro said he went to find them."

"He is a road idiot! "As Em's words came out, Meili and Usopp looked at him with confusion, their eyes full of "You also know the word directionally challenged".

Em looked at their expressions and couldn't help but pause, turning his head to the side. In his mind, Yue Yejian's laughter sounded no different from that of a psychopath. Em looked unhappy and patted Kitetsu's scabbard again.


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