The leader, Creek, led by the demon Akin, walked into Barati. After a commotion, Sanji placed food and water in front of them.

"This is a good guy, Em, let's pull him on board." Luffy finally chose his candidate.

Em nodded to show that he had no opinion.

Then Creek, who was full and full, started to make a fuss just as Em remembered.

Nami, who was standing by, pinched the bounty order in her hand and quietly retreated while no one was paying attention.

Em's eyes condensed, and he pulled Usopp who was hiding aside and said, "Nami and I are going to Kokoyasi Village first. When you are done here, let Johnny and the others bring you here."

Usopp looked confused and asked hurriedly, "What Kokoyasi Village? What's the connection? It looks dangerous here! Aren't you going to help Luffy?"

Without any reply, Em in front of him turned out to be just a residual image, and the person had disappeared.

"These two are even more cowardly than me... They just ran away after the fight..." Usopp muttered to himself, feeling that his position was challenged.


"I'm sorry... I really don't want to see you die. If I have a chance, I will return the Merry to you." Nami supported her hands on the edge of the Merry, looked in the direction of Barati and talked to herself, her eyes looked very sad.

She didn't notice that Em on the mast was looking at her with pity.

The ship sailed straight, Nami sat on the deck, holding her calves with both hands, buried her head in her knees, and sobbed faintly.


A small boat appeared on the route, with two candles burning on it, swaying in the sea breeze, but not extinguished.

A man with short black hair, a short beard, and eyes as sharp as an eagle stood up and slashed at the Merry.

The huge sword energy split the sea, and Nami's expression became desperate. She murmured to herself: "Is it because of the retribution for betraying Luffy... Nokigo, I can't keep my promise... I'm sorry..."

"Sun Breathing, Seven Type, Yanghuatu!" Em used this move to offset the sword energy, and said gently: "How can our navigator go home to visit his family without a bodyguard? Look how dangerous this sea is."

After that, he jumped onto the coffin boat of Joracol Mihawk and said with a smile: "You want to destroy other people's ships when you disagree with them. This habit is not very friendly."

Mihawk looked at Em in front of him, with a sharp light in his eyes. He reached out and took his black knife-Ye from his back, and replied: "I didn't expect to find a swordsman to relieve my boredom. This trip is really worth it."

Em scratched his head "...If you are so bored, why don't you find a class to attend."

Mihawk didn't understand, but didn't care. He swept the knife towards Em.

"Tsk, it's really... troublesome." Em blocked it with his sword, and used the force to spin, "Breath of the Sun, Land Style, Burning Bone Flame!"

The flame spun towards Mihawk, and he raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, and slashed in the opposite direction of Em's rotation.

The sword energy and the flame canceled each other out. Em frowned and clenched his black sword more tightly in his hand. He turned his wrist and slashed towards Mihawk.

Mihawk's smile became even bigger, and the night in his hand slashed out mercilessly.

Ding Ding Ding...

The speed of the two people's hands became faster and faster, and gradually only shadows could be seen. The sound didn't even match the picture. A bunch of water splashed around the coffin boat. The two of them tacitly did not cause any damage to the coffin boat. The candles on the coffin boat were still burning under such violent fluctuations.


The two supported their bodies with swords, gasping for breath, stepping on both sides of the coffin boat, and if they took another step back, they would fall into the sea.

Mihawk took a deep breath and laughed loudly: "That's great, let's do it again!"

Em danced with his sword and sheathed it: "No, let's change the venue next time. It's not comfortable to fight with your hands and feet tied."

Seeing him like this, Mihawk had no choice but to carry Ye on his back: "It's a deal, find a spacious place next time, and we'll fight again."

Em said perfunctorily: "Okay. By the way, there used to be a green-haired three-sword style partner here. He's still a seedling, don't break him for me. He will be the world's number one swordsman in the future."

Mihawk's eyes were even more happy: "Then I must go and see."

"Go, go, be careful, don't mention my existence to them

. "Em waved his hand casually, and with a push of his legs, he jumped back to the Merry.

Mihawk slightly adjusted his route, and the coffin boat passed by the Merry. Seeing Em sitting by the edge of the boat, he waved his hand seriously.

Em responded politely, and then thought of something and shouted: "Don't mention me to anyone, or I won't fight you next time."

Mihawk's face froze and he didn't respond.

"Give me a reaction if you hear it..." Em curled his lips and said dissatisfiedly.

"... Em, thank you." Nami's voice sounded a little embarrassed.

"You're welcome, we're all family." Em replied casually.

Nami stood beside Em awkwardly "...Don't you blame me? I stole your ship and treasure."

"It's normal to bring some money home to visit relatives. Remember to tell the captain next time."

" don't know what you're going through. This time the enemy is not human at all, but fishmen. "

Em scratched his head: "Well... how should I put it, since it's a fishman, it's a bit difficult to attack."

Nami's excited expression froze, and she was choked and couldn't speak at all. She choked her feet hard and walked towards the cabin angrily.

"Wait, you haven't finished yet... Aren't you still short of 10 million Baileys?"

Nami stood still and said coldly: "Why? Do you have it?"

[You asked this question... Should I have it or not? Hey, savior!] Em didn't know how to reply, but suddenly felt a pirate ship, stretched out his hand and pointed: "You come over, rob them and we will have it. "

Nami looked over and saw a ship with a swan bow and a sideways skull with a heart logo on it. She took a deep breath and then controlled the rudder.

[Thank you! No matter who you are, I will not take all of it this time. I will definitely leave you some.] Em breathed a sigh of relief and felt deeply that girls were too difficult to deal with.

Isn't it Nami's fault? Why did he make it seem like he was wrong?

The pirate group over there seemed to have discovered the Merry as well. Both sides were approaching at a high speed, and they all looked determined to win.

Em sat in Luffy's exclusive seat, feeling the breeze blowing.

[I promise to only take 10 million Baileys from you. If you only have so much, don't blame me, benefactor!]

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