The boat came to the shore, and under the starry sky, a man carrying a large package was walking alone.

[It's so late... No one can ask for directions, how can I find the base of Aaron's group? ]

Em's face was a little confused. Although he was not as directionally challenged as Zoro, who could find the way in the dark, and it was a place he had never been to before.

He headed in the direction of the Merry, ready to wait until dawn.

A faint sob sounded, and Em immediately drew out his knife and looked around with a vigilant face. After all, if you can't cut a ghost, the horror level will be full. And now it's still a night road.

[No... Why does this voice sound so familiar? 】Em listened carefully and found that the sound came from the cliff next to him.

He tightened his wrapping and sheathed his knife. He raised his leg and stepped on the rock that was almost 90 degrees. Newton said that he could not control it and climbed up in a few steps.


Nami looked at the sea in despair and sobbed softly. Suddenly, a figure flipped over from the bottom of the cliff, and she was so scared that she lay on the ground.

Em knelt on one knee and Nami lay on the ground. To be honest, this posture was really bad.

He suddenly felt that he should appear at the bottom of the cliff, not here... But he was going to take the initiative this time!

"Why did you leave me on a deserted island! I don't know how to sail!"

Nami propped herself up, her eyes were still red, and she gritted her teeth and looked at him without saying anything.

【This... Shit, no fouls are allowed. Let's chat properly and be reasonable. What do you mean by looking at me like this? 】Em sighed. Why did he continue talking when there was no reply? He reached out and took the package from his back and put it in front of Nami.

"…Here is 150 million Baileys. Don't be sad. Luffy and the others should be here soon. Then we will deal with the Arlong Pirates and send Arlong to you, okay?"

Nami bit her lip and said nothing.

Em really had no choice but to sit next to Nami.

The silent atmosphere was a bit weird.

"You can't beat Arlong." Nami's voice seemed very calm.

"Don't worry, they are all scum. Come on, say save me and let me hear it."

Nami didn't speak again...


The next morning, Johnny and Joseph's boat appeared in sight. Em glanced at Nami who was sleeping next to him, picked her up horizontally, jumped off the cliff in a few steps, and ran towards the sea.

His movements were gentle, as if he was holding some porcelain.

When the boat got a little closer, Em jumped on the boat with a tiptoe.

"Em~ What are you doing in Kokoa West Village?" Luffy found the chef and was in a good mood after eating a few meals.

Sanji felt a little itchy on his feet when he saw Em holding Nami horizontally. He always wanted to kick him in the face, but he was not familiar with it yet and it was not convenient.

Zoro had a heavy bandage tied on his chest and was sleeping soundly.

"You two actually ran away as soon as the fight started. You are so disloyal." Usopp's voice was a little indignant.

Em gently put Nami on the deck. Maybe she was too exhausted and didn't wake up.

She whispered: "Luffy, someone made your navigator cry. It was the Arlong Pirates stationed here. The injury on his hand came from this."

Luffy's expression suddenly became serious, and he clenched his fists tightly: "I'm going to beat up this Arlong Pirates, and I'm going now."

Usopp's funny expression also disappeared, and he silently put on the goggles on his head.

Sanji lit a cigarette and took a puff.

Zoro opened his eyes and struggled to get up.

Em stepped forward and held him down: "He's just a little pirate. Zoro, you've just been seriously injured, so don't go. You three take good care of Nami, we'll be done soon. Let's go, Luffy."

"Okay!" He turned over and jumped off the boat, and walked out first.

"... Luffy, do you know where it is?" Em's voice seemed out of place.

Luffy paused and stood still.

Em shook his head and used his observation color with all his strength. After a while, he said to Luffy: "Let's go, in that direction."



Luffy kicked the gate of Arlong Park hard and roared: "Arlong! Get out!"

Arlong looked at Luffy with a squint and said coldly: "Where did this little minion come from? How dare he break my gate."

Luffy quickened his pace and walked straight towards Arlong. Arlong's subordinates

He stood up with a grin, waving his weapon and attacking Luffy.

Luffy didn't dodge, Sanji and Em appeared on his left and right, blocking the attack.

"Don't disturb our captain." Sanji kicked the minions away casually.

Em didn't even unsheath his sword, blocking with one hand, yawning all the time, after all, he didn't sleep all night last night because he was afraid that Nami would disappear again if he fell asleep.

Luffy stood next to Arlong, his face full of anger: "Are you the one who made my navigator cry?!"

"Who is your navigator?"


"That's not your navigator, it's mine!" Arlong grinned.

"Rubber-gun!" A fierce punch hit Arlong's face, knocking him flying and knocking down a wall.

"That's my navigator!"

Luffy roared.

"Brother Arlong!" Arlong and his gang rushed towards Luffy and the other two noisily.

...I did count correctly. Usopp, who was walking with a heroic spirit, hid by the door that Luffy had just smashed and greeted them.

But in this world full of supermen, the advantage of numbers is too weak. The three of them were like playing a lawn mowing game. In just a few moves, the minions were knocked to the ground and groaned helplessly.


"You are too much for making a scene in our house!" Kroobi walked out of the house with a righteous face. He had hard fins on his forearms and was dressed in karate.

"That's right! Too rude!" Xiaoba stared, looking very unhappy. He had eight arms and it was obvious that he was an octopus.

"How can you stop others from seeking death?" Ju, who looked like a mullet, said leisurely.

"Sure kill - Flame Star!"

The flames bloomed on Ju's face. His face was burned black and he looked at Usopp with anger.


Usopp hid in the back, outputting steadily, but he didn't check for a moment, and a fire star shot at the cadre's face. Seeing the other party's gaze, he turned around and ran without hesitation.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jiu chased out.


"You are so rude, I will feed you to Mou Mou!" Xiao Ba shouted loudly.

"Toot toot toot toot~"

The sea water split to both sides, as if some huge monster was about to come out.

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