The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Ahem..." Kemi woke up slowly and saw that she was being cooked in the pot by Emti. It felt like... she might as well be digested by the sea hare.



"Can... can you... knock me out first..." Kemi looked incredulous at first, then started crying, her tone full of despair.

Em was stunned for a moment after hearing this, scratched his chin, and replied casually: "... Not impossible, then..." Before he could finish his words, a roundhouse kick appeared on his face. It was really a matter of karma. No one could escape from the fate. He had just touched Luffy's face, and he immediately felt the same treatment.

Sanji adjusted his tie, looked at Camie's face, and his blood pressure rose by 50%. Then he looked at the cool outfit on his upper body and the softness of his chest, and his blood pressure rose by 100%. Looking down, fishtail? ! Blood pressure rose by 1000%!

Camie looked at Sanji's face, which had turned red due to excitement, and stepped back in fear, but the pot was so small that he could not retreat to any place. He stammered, "You... you should just eat me..."

... What kind of eat? Are you sure your lines are okay? Em covered his face and propped himself up from the ground. He picked up a starfish and looked at the facial features on it... The starfish, who would not even pretend to be dead, kept shaking his eyes tightly closed, as if he was treating Em as a fool. At this time, a black shadow flashed before Em's eyes...

Brooke knelt on one knee in front of the pot and said seriously: "Beautiful mermaid lady, can I see your underwear?"

Em heard this and casually said: "Mermaids... don't wear underwear."

Don't wear... underwear...

Don't wear underwear!

Sanji felt like he was burning up, his blood pressure was off the charts...Brook also looked like he was hit in the heart. The two of them surrounded Camie in the middle. This scene... was a little bit wrong.

"Bang! Bang!"

Sanji and Brook were knocked to the ground. Nami wiped her hair and looked at Camie with complicated eyes, muttering: "Mermaid... This is the first time I've seen one..."

Luffy, with a bruised face, squatted in front of Sanji and patted Sanji's face, saying dissatisfiedly: "Hey... Sanji, don't sleep anymore, get up and cook." Then he turned his head and looked at Camie: "Don't worry, we won't eat you."

Cami was relieved to hear this, then bowed her head and said: "Thank you for saving my life. I am Camie, the waiter of Xiaoba Takoyaki. That starfish is my pet and my master Pappagu~"

Pet? Master? Is there something wrong with this dual identity... And isn't Xiaoba an octopus fishman? That guy sells takoyaki? There were so many complaints that he didn't know where to start. Em felt the Papago in his hand shaking like a Nokia, so he threw it to Camie and said, "You..."

Before he could finish his words, Luffy, who had no manners at all, interrupted him directly: "Takoyaki... I like it the most!"

Camie was also a natural idiot. When he heard Luffy's words, he replied without hesitation: "Really? That's 500 Baileys per person!"

Good guy... This takoyaki buffet is equivalent to ten servings of Chopper, but if Luffy goes to eat at the buffet, the buffet owner will probably have a myocardial infarction on the spot.

Papago broke away from Em's hand, and when he heard Camie's words, he jumped up and hit Camie on the head with a punch: "Are you here to do business?"


"Ah?! I made a mistake!" Camie's expression was also unbelievable. He always felt that he was a guy who was very suitable for the Straw Hat Pirates... He also looked quite unreliable.


"Mermaid... Mermaid~ Mermaid!" Sanji got up from the ground, feeling a little crazy. His eyes were glued to Camie, and he shouted excitedly: "I finally saw a mermaid!"

Usopp picked his nose and said casually: "Huh? Isn't Granny Kokoro a mermaid? I've seen one in the Seven Seas City a long time ago."


Sanji fell to his knees as if struck by lightning, and his voice sounded so helpless: "Is the horror barque scary? No... not scary at all... do you know... what I'm most afraid of... cough cough cough..."

The sequelae of the blood pressure explosion came, and Sanji coughed up blood, looking like he was going to die soon.

Usopp immediately flipped 360 degrees and knelt in front of Sanji, saying sincerely

Apologize: "I'm sorry, Sanji... just pretend I didn't say that..."

Nami looked at this scene with disgust: "You guys are so rude... By the way, why do you admire mermaids so much?"

"Well... maybe they don't wear underwear?" Em said casually, and was slapped on the deck by Nami...

But if you want to talk about rudeness, it has to be Luffy. Luffy looked at Camie seriously, and then said seriously: "By the way, can you poop?"

( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )Hmm?

Is this a question that a person can ask?

...But it's really curious.

Camie was stunned when she heard Luffy's question, and was interrupted by Sanji's roar before she could say anything.

"What kind of a stupid question are you asking! No poop!" Sanji's eyes almost popped out, and his voice sounded very frustrated.

Luffy didn't care, pushed Sanji who was in a state of collapse and said, "Okay... Where is the takoyaki? I want to eat takoyaki. Nami, pay!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, you can pay after eating. I'll ask the manager where he is." As she said that, Camie took out the Den Den Mushi from... God knows where she put it, took it out and tapped it in her hand, and said after the call was connected, "Manager Hachi, where are you? I'll go find you right away, I have a few customers here."

"Oh? Isn't this Camie's voice? Hahaha, do you know who I am?"

"Hey?! You're not Manager Hachi?!"

"I'm Makuro! Your regular customer Makuro is a member of the evil gang! Hey... Why do I say I'm evil..."

"How come Manager Hachi's Den Den Mushi is so... It will be at your place!"

"Of course I killed him!"

"You are lying, you are no match for Manager Hachi!"

"Yes, we can't beat him normally, but this time we have joined forces with the Flying Fish Knights!"

"Click..." A noisy voice came from the Den Den Mushi...

Then Hachi's voice sounded, "Kami, are you okay? Great, you should go back to Fishman Island, I will go back after I finish my work here."

"Bang bang bang."

It turned back to the arrogant voice before, "He can't go back. If you want to save him, come to the sea 5,000 meters east of Peninsula 44 in the Sabaody Archipelago, the headquarters of the human traffickers Flying Fish Knights!"

"Click..." The Den Den Mushi hung up, and Nami's expression seemed a little complicated.

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