The sword was broken, and the sword was used to attack.

"Thunder Breath, One Form, Thunderbolt Flash, Four Consecutive!"

The black lightning flashed, and the heads of the four sand puppets were beaten into gravel. Em stood back in place, dancing with his sword, looking unusually lively, as if he had been locked up for many, many years.

"Boy, what's wrong with your move? I've never seen it before."

"Hurry up and get it done. I think you're bragging about your efficiency, and you're a bit shameless."

The scattered gravel slowly gathered into the shape of a head, and it was about to be restored.

"Why are you in such a hurry? If I can finish it right away, there will be no more fun. We will have to live in peace in the future. Can you please stop talking so meanly?"

"How could I? You are really as fierce as a tiger in this wave of operations. I look closely and see that you are still standing there. Is there any difference between now and before?"

"Why are you still talking in a set way? Have I been asleep for too long and can't keep up with the times?"

The sand puppets have returned to their original state. With a wave of their hands, the sand blades came towards Em.

However, he seemed to be dancing a strange dance. Every step he took was on the gaps between the sand blades. The dense sand blades didn't hurt him at all.

"Hmm... It seems that you can't extract my memory. Then how do you know my moves?"

"After all, I am a useless fruit..."

"Yeah, I see."


Em punched himself hard in the face: "Watch your words!"

"... Doesn't it hurt you?"

"... It hurts."

( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )Hmm?

"Awesome... Okay, let's continue the topic just now."

Seeing that it had no effect, the sand puppet floated to the southeast, northwest, and northeast of Em and stood still. With his arms spread, a huge dust storm connected between their arms, and the surging sandstorm swept towards Em in the center.

"The current owner of the Sand-Sand Fruit is a bit stupid. He only has a few moves over and over again. He is still so rubbish at such an old age."

"Are you as rubbish as you?"

The sarcasm on Em's face froze, and his right hand hit him hard in the face, but his left hand stopped him. Standing in the middle of the sandstorm and making such a move, he is definitely a psychopath.

"...Forget it. Sun Breathing, Land Type, Burning Bone Flame!" The rotating black flames rotated in the opposite direction of the sandstorm, turning the yellow sandstorm into black, spreading out fiercely, and burning the sand puppet into black ashes.

"Okay, it's solved, give me back my body."

"...You are a bit ruthless."

"Sorry, I am just a ruthless scumbag."

Em's pupils turned back to black, and the strange tattoo on his face rushed towards his heart, turning back to his previous appearance. He twisted his waist on the spot, jumped twice, and then ran towards Albana.

"By the way, why did you just say you are a useless fruit?"

"You have seen your companions, the mythical beast species, the Nika fruit, that guy can continue to grow with the host, basically there is no upper limit, and that guy's vitality is really terrifying, the natural system can at least avoid attacks by elementalization, that guy just takes the damage directly, and can wear you down even if his attack power is not as good as yours. Finally, that guy is the real son of heaven, and even I don't really understand this.

As for me, your upper limit is my upper limit. I can only mobilize your power more accurately, or increase it based on your power, at most 1000%, But that's the last resort. If you use it, your chance of survival is basically zero. And if he is the chosen one, then I am the abandoned one..."

"...Okay, it feels useless. Also, am I unlucky? ! We are all mythical beasts, you are a bit embarrassed."

"...If you say it again, the first thing I will do next time I come out is to stab myself to death. And abandoned doesn't refer to luck, you will know later."

"Oh, it's okay, I died once, you stab it."

"...You, forget it. Boy, are you sure you want to stay with the sun?"

Em thought for a while, and a smile appeared on his face. "Well, because I am very happy with them."

"Boy, don't regret it. When that day comes, I will not allow you to commit suicide. After all, this is also my body."

"Yes, yes, live on, got it." Em scratched his face and said perfunctorily.


Albania Palace Garden

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on? I am obviously

I came to persuade the King's Army, why do I see such a scene in my eyes! Weiwei, what is going on? ! "The rebel leader Kosha was stunned, and the scene in front of him was beyond his imagination.

The limbs of King Cobra, who was considered incompetent, were nailed to the wall by swords, and Crocodile, who was hailed as a national hero, was killing the king's guards.

"Hahahaha, Kosha, I have to thank you for your excellent leadership, otherwise I would have a headache to overthrow this country. "Crocodile laughed arrogantly: "There are still 25 minutes, and the rebels and the King's Army in the square will be blown up by the gifts I specially prepared, and the commanders of the two armies are here. The life and death duel between two headless flies is so interesting. "

Kosa held the long sword behind him: "Weiwei, who is the person who took away the rain from this country?"

"This is really a boring question." Robin laughed sarcastically.

"Kosa! Get out of here! As long as we can save one more citizen, we can only rely on you now!" Cobra shouted loudly.

"Kosha... Stop this rebellion and let everyone leave the square, please..." Vivi's eyes were full of tears. She pulled Kosha's sleeve. She hated her own incompetence.

Kosha's hand holding the sword trembled, and he turned and ran out.

Crocodile appeared behind him with a smile on his face: "If no one accepts the gift I prepared, I will be very unhappy." The golden hook was raised above his head and then swung at Kosha.

Vivi's attention has always been on Kosha. Seeing this scene, she rushed over and pushed him away fiercely, exposing herself to the golden hook. Looking at the golden hook getting closer and closer, she closed her eyes and shouted: "Kosha! Please! "

Kosa's mind had already been severely hit. His hard work was the culprit for the destruction of this country, which made him completely unable to accept it. Now seeing this scene again, his pupils dilated instantly. He wanted to draw his sword but had no strength, and wanted to shout but had no sound. He could only watch the golden hook go towards Vivi.

A loud shout came.


Crocodile was hit hard in the face and was knocked back several steps. He grabbed the pillar next to him with his fist. Luffy flew over and caught Vivi who was about to fall to the ground.

"Found you! Crocodile!"

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