The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Em propped himself up with a knife and pointed it at Titch: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Marshall D. Titch."

He was missing a few teeth. He had a rough appearance, thick hair, and a burly figure. He had brown skin, black hair, and a turban. He wore a white shirt without buttons, exposing his chest.

He opened his mouth and laughed, his right hand turned into black mist and surged: "What does this guy want from me? You don't even have a bounty, and you are not my target."

"After all, you are the target of my captain brother Ace, so it is reasonable for me to help." Em took a few deep breaths, adjusted his breathing, and his hair and pupils returned to their original color.

Teach was stunned, then shook his head and laughed: "You little guys always treat pirates as children's games, which is ridiculous. Dark water!"

Em's figure flew towards Teach involuntarily.


"Boy, this guy's ability is very interesting. I feel like you may not be able to handle it."

"How do you know if you can handle it if you don't try? Xiao Jianjian, give me 50%."

"If you call me Xiao Jianjian again, I can't do anything to you. Are you sure about 50%? Is it necessary to risk your life like this?"

"I think it's easier to deal with the current Blackbeard Teach than to deal with Akainu Sakaski... It's too scary to go to the top, I don't want to go."

"I mean, it's worth risking your life for others like this." ? "

"It's really fun to stay with them. If the captain is gone, there will be no fun. I told you that my freedom is to do whatever I think of, immediately."

"It's up to you. 50% open, only 3 minutes, you should lose consciousness after that."


Em, flying in the air, closed his eyes and opened them suddenly. His pupils had turned red. His white hair extended from the roots to the ends of his hair. Black stripes extended on his face. The corners of his mouth were pulled up, and he smiled unscrupulously.

Moonlight patterns appeared on the black knife, black flames gushed out, and he stepped into the void and rushed towards Teach like a cannonball.

Teach stared at Em who was rushing over with a grim smile, twisted his body slightly, and carried the black knife to insert into his shoulder. His right hand, which was surging with darkness, grabbed Em's arm.

Em's arm was clearly grabbed, and the surging darkness covered his arm, but his mouth opened wider, and the smile in his eyes became even more intense. He spun the black knife in Titch's body fiercely, and stepped on Titch's face. Titch felt pain and couldn't help but let go of his hand. Em did a backflip and landed steadily.

"You... why didn't your ability disappear! Pain, pain, pain, pain!" Titch screamed in fear, fell to the ground, and rolled over and wailed.

"Yeah, why~" Em casually threw the knife flower, and the blood on it splashed on the ground. The black knife became smooth and transparent in just an instant, and then he took a step and rushed towards Titch again.

Two figures flashed in front of Titch.

Van Oka raised the sniper, and Lafitte pointed the rapier at Em and appeared in front of Titch.

"Secret. Explosive Bomb!"

"Magic. Instant Sword!"

Em turned the knife back to his back and said coldly: "Breath of the Moon, Land Type, Long Night Lonely Moon. Infinity!"

He swung the knife to focus on the same place and made a series of interlaced and rapid slashes, while releasing multiple blade winds, accompanied by countless crescent blades.

The bullets were cut into pieces when they touched the blade wind, making a violent roar.

The rapier blocked several crescent blades and was also blown away, spinning in the air and inserted into the ground.

Seeing that the blade wind was about to cut the two into pieces, Teach reached out from behind them and threw them to the side. The blade wind cut a lot of blood on his body, but he did not cry out in pain this time. He grinned and pressed his hand hard on the ground: "Dark! Acupoint! Dao!"

He used the power of the Dark-Dark Fruit to release darkness to the ground in a large area. Objects touched by the darkness were sucked down and then shattered.

Em used his body's ability to crush the air, raising his body to the height, creating the effect of a moon step, but it was slightly different from a moon step.

The surrounding woods were constantly swallowed by darkness, and broken branches floated in the air.

"Thunder Breathing, Form One, Thunderbolt Flash. Six consecutive!"

The black lightning flashed by, and Em kept using the broken branches floating in the air to gain momentum and rushed towards Teach.

Teach looked at Em with a grim smile

: "Boy, isn't it a pity that you haven't become famous yet..." Then he raised his hands fiercely.

The wall formed by the surging darkness blocked his way, just like a hedgehog that made it impossible to start, and the wall was still moving towards Em.

"Em! Retreat! You can't deal with him within the time limit!"

Em gritted his teeth, blood oozed from his eye sockets and lips, he waved his hand to cut out a crescent blade, his body retreated violently, and disappeared without a trace in a few ups and downs.

Teach was panting, although the wound on his body was not deep, but under the blessing of double pain, pain also appeared on his face: "Pain, pain, pain... Boy, one day I will pay you back double."


Em's hair turned into a mixture of black and white again. He knelt on one knee beside a tree, covering his chest with his hand, and the surging pain almost swallowed his consciousness.

"It's unbearable... It hurts so much at only 50%. What will it feel like to reach the next level, especially the 1000% you mentioned?"

"Boy, your body can only support 80% at most for one minute. You can forget about the next level. You are too weak."

Em gasped heavily, his other hand left deep marks on the tree, and he murmured, "I always thought I was strong..."

"The guy's fruit just now should not have been in his hands for long. He will be even more terrifying in two years."

"It seems that freedom is really a difficult thing..."

"Keep getting stronger. Compared to when you first got me, you are still very good now."

"You are so sweet..."

"Oh my god..."

Em vomited a mouthful of blood, thinking about the future war on the top, his eyes were a little gloomy, he wiped his mouth casually, and staggered towards the Merry.

“Why are you injured when Luffy and Zoro are injured… What on earth were you doing?” Chopper carefully examined Em’s body with a stethoscope and said with dissatisfaction.

“… Do you believe me if I say I fell?” Em didn’t know how to explain and just said something nonsense.

Chopper looked at Em with a sidelong look, as if to say, “Do you think I’m a fool? I’m actually quite smart.”

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