The two of them were so confused that they had to face each other.

Em was stunned and searched his memory carefully. Wasn't Enel the god of Sky Island at this time? And Conis just mentioned the name of that guy Enel.

Ganfor said awkwardly: "I... I am the predecessor. It was not me who took your companions away."

"... How did you become the predecessor when you are so weak?" Em felt that his emotions were incoherent, and the murderous aura disappeared without a trace.

Sanji took a puff of his cigarette: "Maybe it's hereditary..."

Luffy's face was puffed up, and he punched his palm hard and said: "If it's not you, take me there quickly. How dare you take my partner away without permission? I must beat that guy!"

Conis felt that she seemed to have said something wrong. She stood behind Ganfor tremblingly, still holding the corner of Ganfor's clothes and refusing to let go.

Ganfor felt that these three guys really didn't respect the elderly at all. Couldn't they see his gray beard and wrinkles on his face? ! But after looking at the expressions of the three guys, one was disgusted (this is Em), one was joking (this is Sanji), and one was angry (this is Monkey, ah, this is Luffy), he could only sigh helplessly and said: "Since you have decided, then I will take you there. I sincerely hope that you can come back alive."

"... Don't worry, the current God is dead, you may be able to retire and find a job again, and continue to be your God. You are my God? Why does this joke feel a bit rotten..." Em was a little sleepy and said with a strong spirit.

Ganfor's wrinkles looked like dancing, shaking a little bit, no longer paying attention to the guy who was talking weird, and led everyone to a boat without a sail on the seashore.

After everyone sat down, Ganfor stepped on the boat, and the boat started to move at a high speed.

... Oda, you are really poisonous, how can there be such unscientific things in the sailing age! The speed of this boat is a bit fast, and it is not going to kindergarten at a glance... Ah, it is indeed a bit too fast, which makes Em a little uncomfortable.

Luffy was really excited to get started, and it seemed that he didn't care about the lives of the other five guys, or even his own and Em's lives. Fortunately, Sanji held him down tightly, otherwise the possibility of the show ending was quite high.

After a while, a sky shark appeared in front of the boat. Ganfort straightened his knight's gun and pierced it with one shot, and then waited expectantly for something that would never come.

Em was lying on the edge of the boat and felt like vomiting, while Luffy was still eager to replace Ganfort under Sanji's suppression.

Ganfor sighed helplessly and continued to control the boat seriously. It was really a waste of time to expect these three guys to praise him... It was really a long time ago, but now he is just old...

Luffy finally calmed down and lay at the stern with his legs crossed, mumbling something. Sanji's body was originally dry and wet with sweat. He unbuttoned two buttons of his shirt helplessly and sat aside, breathing heavily, while Em fell asleep on the edge of the boat...

The distant island was already in sight. Luffy stretched out his hand in front of his eyes and looked at it, then grinned. The laughter reached Sanji's ears and made him stunned. Then he saw two hands rushing towards the big tree on the island and hugging it tightly.

"Luffy, you...?" Sanji turned his head and saw that Luffy had already flown in front of them, clamping him and Em with his legs, and flew towards the Island of God together.

"Old man, let's just drop us off here! Didn't you say it's dangerous here? Let's go by ourselves! Goodbye~" Luffy's voice floated through the air, and Em, who was under his crotch...really Em, closed his eyes tightly as if he was having a nightmare, and Sanji looked like he had lost all hope in life.

Ganfor slowly stopped the boat, and looked at the three people rushing into the jungle with a complicated look, shaking his head and chuckling: "It would be great if we could really change the world for this kingdom in the sky,'s really hard, Straw Hat Boy. I have to work hard to do my thing, and I hope we can meet again."


Luffy threw Sanji and Em out in the was really a bit inhuman. Sanji did a backflip and landed on the ground steadily, while Em was still asleep, rolling in the air and falling into the jungle.

Sanji frowned and rushed into the jungle, complaining: "How can this guy sleep so well... Two idiot swordsmen, let's go..."

Before he ran in, Em came out scratching his head, looking dirty... He had never been so embarrassed since he traveled through time. He stared at the road fiercely.

Luffy: "Next time you can wake me up properly, I don't like this way of getting up."

Luffy turned his face to the side, rolled his eyes and muttered: "It's because you sleep too much... How can you blame me?"

Em really had the urge to draw his sword, but in the end he could only sigh and said helplessly: "What should we do now, go separately or go together?"

Sanji handed over a cigarette and said: "Let's go separately, it's more efficient, and finally meet up at the Merry."

Luffy heard this and muttered: "I am the captain, why don't you ask my opinion."

Em and Sanji looked at him with disdain, then looked at each other, and each walked in one direction.

Luffy shouted: "You guys don't respect the captain! I will teach you a lesson when everyone is together!"

There was no response, and the crows flying in the sky shouted: "Fool, fool"...

Em reached out and pulled a leaf from his head, thinking that he must beat Luffy hard next time he had a chance. That guy is really getting more and more outrageous.

"Xiao Yueyue, what's wrong with this place? My observation Haki range is so small."


"Xiao Yueyue?"


"Xiao Yueyue, I'm your father!"

"Fuck you... Can't you call me something else?"

"Look, aren't you responding?"

"Fuck you... Forget it, these trees and jungles will block the detection of observation Haki, which is a good place for practicing observation Haki."

"No wonder I can meet these guys with observation Haki before I even get to the new world."

Em complained in his heart, then his eyes condensed, he pointed his toes, and did a backflip backwards. A ball cloud appeared at his previous position, making a bomb-like roar, like a small artillery shell.

"Hehe~ I am Forest Awu, the priest of the Sky Holy Land, and I will sentence you for trespassing on the Island of God~" Awu, who looks like a ball and doesn't look very smart, stood lightly on the tree and said happily. His expression and voice were very friendly, but his words were very cruel.

Em twisted his neck, looked at this guy, and said in his heart: "Xiao Jianjian, 30% increase."

"??? That's unnecessary, do you need to increase the increase to fight this guy?"

"He actually dared to laugh at me, today I will let him know why the flowers are so red!"

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