The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Em and Luffy worked together to stuff all the gold into the snake's mouth and closed it tightly, just like closing a suitcase.

Luffy rubbed his nose, pulled the snake's exposed teeth, and walked in one direction.

"Luffy, do you know the way back to the Merry?"

"I don't know."

"Then go over there..."

"...Isn't it just this one road?"

...It seems to be true. Why was I choked to death by the monkey captain again? Did my fighting power decline today? It's okay that I couldn't argue with Xiao Jianjian, but I was choked by Luffy twice. Em covered her face and followed Luffy in silence...

"I think you have a bubble in your head..."

"Shut up, Xiao Jianjian."

"Why don't we go to the hospital for a checkup? We can't avoid seeing a doctor."


Em was defeated in the verbal battle with Yue Yejian again, and followed Luffy with no desire to live.

After walking for a while, Luffy quickened his pace and shouted loudly: "Em, I see the exit!"

The two of them went from sprinting to running, rushing towards the light. The big snake didn't know what it hit along the way, making all kinds of collision sounds, but to be honest, the quality of the teeth is really good, and it didn't get loose at all even when Luffy pulled it like this.

"Finally out!" Luffy jumped out happily, and Em followed closely behind, with strange eyes focused on them and... the huge snake head.

"Eh? Zoro, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, you're all here~ And the guy who mistook someone and this... who are you?" Luffy greeted everyone with a smile, then looked at Enelu and asked in confusion.

Em's inner unhappiness disappeared the moment he saw Enelu, thinking that all the unhappiness today must be caused by this guy. If he doesn't make peach blossoms bloom, he won't know why the flowers are so red!

... Enelu said he would not take the blame.

Enelu looked at Em with shining eyes and grinned, pointing the golden trident at Em: "I was wondering where you were hiding, this time I will let you know what a true god is!"

Luffy picked his nose and looked around, and saw a super huge golden bell that should be several dozen meters long. His eyes lit up, and then he frowned and said: "Em... That thing must be very valuable, but the Merry can't seem to fit it. Em? Em!"

Em beside him didn't answer at all, and when he stretched out his hand and clapped, it turned out to be a phantom. The sound of golden swords clashing in the sky sounded and reached everyone's ears.

Wappa looked at the movement that his eyes couldn't keep up with, staring at his bandaged hands in disappointment, gritting his teeth, not knowing what kind of psychological activity he was going through.

Zoro tried to open his eyes wide, his hand on the knife, ready to move.

Usopp and Chopper hugged each other and trembled, silently taking two steps back.

Robin looked at the battle in the air with complicated eyes, and something in his heart that had been extinguished for a long time was rekindled, faintly as if it would be extinguished as long as the wind blew.

"Dang!" "Boom!"

Em's black knife was inserted into the ground, and the huge impact caused the black knife to scratch the ground, and it retreated to Luffy's side, panting violently but looking very excited.

Enelu fell to the ground and retreated several steps in a row. The trident was inserted into the stone behind him to support himself. He gritted his teeth and said, "You guys didn't use your full strength last time!"

Luffy tilted his head and asked in confusion: "...Em, what's the situation now?"

Em stood up with the knife, and after calming his breathing a little, he said: "Angel Beach struck Conis with lightning, just severely injured Sanji, sent his men to injure Chopper and destroyed the Merry, and said that he would judge us. This guy is him."

Luffy was stunned and covered his straw hat a little lower. , covered his eyes, and said calmly: "Are you sure?"

Em shrugged and said nothing, danced a knife flower and shouted to Enelu: "Your game failed, look how many people there are here~"

Enelu looked at Em with empty eyes, pulled an arc at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Oh? Really?"

As he spoke, Enelu pointed to the sky with one hand, and a barely visible arc of electricity rushed towards the sky. The cloudless blue sky was instantly covered with dark clouds and became gloomy, and thunder was looming in the dark clouds.

"God. Punishment!"

A bone-chilling voice came out of Enelu's mouth, and a series of lightning as thick as a bucket rushed towards all the survivors on the Island of Gods, whether it was the Shandians, the Straw Hat Pirates, or even the priests under Enelu's own command, without any mistakes.


Em dodged backwards, but the lightning followed closely behind him as if he had eyes. He had to swing his sword to cut out a crescent blade to offset the lightning, but among the people beside him, only Zoro broke the lightning, and the others were all hit directly. A faint smell of meat floated around.

In the distance, Nami could faintly hear Sanji's name in pain.

Luffy was also hit directly, but he kept the posture of holding the straw hat. The lightning ran around on his body, but there was no harm.

"Zoro, take the three of them to meet up with Nami and the others... Take that guy too, he knows the way." Em pouted at Wapa, moved his limbs, stood beside Luffy and looked at Enel.

"Well. In fact, I can find it without him..." Zoro still insisted, carried Robin on his back, held Usopp in one hand and Wapa in the other, and ran directly in the opposite direction of Nami's voice with Chopper in his mouth.

...I must teach you Observation Haki. Em covered his face and pointed in a direction and shouted: "That direction!"

Zoro blushed and ran in the direction Em pointed. While running, he woke up Wappa and asked him to lead the way.

Luffy's voice sounded in Em's ears: "Em...Why did he do this? Why doesn't he even cherish his companions..."

Em turned his head to look at Luffy. Luffy, whose face was half covered by the straw hat, was no longer silly as usual, and even looked a little handsome. He scratched his head and replied, "Who knows? Maybe he's crazy... But it's very simple. If we defeat him, Sky Island will be a smooth journey for us."

Luffy tilted his head left and right and twisted his neck, his bones made a crisp sound, and said with a smile, "It's really easy."

Em put his hand on the handle of the black knife and held it loosely, and also laughed: "When you are in doubt, you can ask the spring breeze. The spring breeze is silent, just follow your heart. Luffy, go towards your goal, leave the right and wrong to your heart, I will follow behind you."

Luffy held his straw hat back and said confidently, "Em, let's go, I will never let go of the guy who hurt my partner."


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