The second gear? Em was a little excited when he saw Luffy's pink skin. His thighs had improved again. He felt like the ADC he had worked so hard to raise was starting to carry. "Oh!" Em brushed his hair back. As he moved, his hair gradually turned white. A few strands of blood-red hair were faintly visible in the white hair. He casually held the knife behind him and rushed towards Enelu following Luffy's steps. "Thirty million volts. Thunderbird!" Enelu stretched out his huge palm, and thunderbirds formed by lightning rushed towards the two of them. Luffy covered his straw hat and drew a "z" afterimage on the ground, dodging the thunderbirds while charging. Em followed behind him and smashed all the Thunderbirds that he couldn't avoid, and no attack could fall on Luffy.

"Rubber. Siege Cannon!"

Fists hit Enel like raindrops, and lightning kept flashing on his body. He couldn't help but retreat a few steps. The rocket launcher followed closely and hit him, even knocking his legs off the ground.

Enel gritted his teeth and wanted to fight back, but every time he swung the trident, it was blocked by Em's black knife, and the lightning had little effect on Luffy.

"You... who are you two!" Enel waved the trident in his hand more quickly, and the sound of "ding ding dang dang" was very intense.

Em used his black knife to block, turned over and jumped onto the trident: "If you are a god, you should treat us as gods too~"

Luffy's fever gradually subsided. He held his knees and panted, and his body was covered with dense black ash: "Em... This guy is too tough."

"Well... Luffy, you take a break first, let me play with this guy~" Em's voice sounded a little excited. The guy who claimed to be a "god" was really unscientific. The three colors of domineering only had the color of observation, and he reached the current level with the pure power of the fruit.

"Oh!" Luffy responded, and sat on the ground and began to rest.

Enelu's face was very ugly, and his body shrank rapidly, turning into a normal-sized "Thor" mode: "Thunder Metallurgy!"

The huge trident was wrapped in lightning, turning into thousands of normal-sized tridents, shooting towards Luffy from the air.

"Breath of the Moon, Type 8, Moon Dragon Tail!" Em swung the black knife, making a huge horizontal slash, sweeping everything in front of Luffy, and the dragon formed by the round moon blade swallowed all the golden tridents that shot over.

"I said I'll play with you~"

Enel wrapped all the fragments of the trident with lightning and suspended them in the air. His teeth were almost broken: "What on earth do you want to do!"

"Well... It was you who forced me to join your game and said you would judge me. Now you ask me why? I wonder if there is something wrong with your brain..." Em walked slowly towards Enel, avoiding the lightning light easily and comfortably.

Enel lowered his head and was silent for a while, then raised his head and laughed: "Sure enough, this sky island is very boring. There are many interesting people in Qinghai. I will go to Qinghai to be the god of this world after judging you."

? ? ?

Kaido, Shanks, Charlotte Linlin, Whitebeard, Akainu Sakaski, Kizaru Borsalino, Aokiji Kuzan...

Names flashed through Em's mind, and the faces of those people teasing each other. He covered his face and said, "... As long as you are happy, but I suggest you change planets. This should not be realistic."

Enelu heard the contempt in Em's words, and without explanation, he appeared in front of Em with an arc at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his right hand.

Enelu frowned, with a little surprise in his eyes. The black blade light flashed between the two of them, barely holding up Enelu's palm with scattered lightning.

"Good reaction~" Enelu's voice rang in the air, and the "Enelu" in front of Em exploded. It turned out to be just a residual image formed by lightning.

...This speed is so outrageous? ! Is this the enemy that Luffy can deal with at this stage? Oda, are you poisonous... If Em could go back one day, the first thing he would do would be to beat Oda up. It was really outrageous.

In the eyes of outsiders, Em and Enelu seemed to have learned the technique of multiple shadow clones. More and more afterimages appeared densely in the square.

The black crescent blade and the white lightning kept colliding with each other, making a noisy sound. Suddenly, a deafening sound spread.

Em appeared in the air, and landed on the ground with a backflip. The black knife pierced the ground and cut a crack. There were small wounds all over his body and blood was flowing out. A broken trident was stuck on his shoulder. He was panting. Em's hair turned black, white and red. To be honest, it was a bit... non-mainstream.

Enelu fell to the ground, and the lightning was half the same as his original body. He took a few steps back and supported the ground with the broken trident. He was also panting. There was a long knife wound on his chest, the skin and flesh were turned outward, and blood was flowing out.

"...What kind of existence are you among the people of Qinghai?"

Em finally managed to calm his breathing. His black hair disappeared again, and the white and red hair became more obvious. The black lines on his heart were faintly visible. He exerted force on his hand and pulled out the trident. Blood spurted out, but he didn't care at all. He said jokingly: "Me? I am just a nobody in the vast ocean. People who are stronger than me are like crucian carp crossing the river."

Enelu couldn't help but stagnate. The big talk he just said turned into a punching bag and hit him in the face. The time to slap his face came so quickly...

Em exhaled, then hissed the air into his lungs fiercely, stepped on the ground and exploded instantly, and the flying stones shot in all directions, like a black lightning shooting towards Enelu.

"Thunder Breath, Form One, Thunderbolt Flash. Moonlight!"

Enelus reacted immediately, the flying debris merged into the broken trident in his hand, and returned to its original state. The lightning of his body gathered again, and the "Thor" mode was turned on again, and the white lightning immediately collided with the black lightning.

Em's eyes were almost touching Enelus's eyes, and the trident and the black knife were placed together, and the trident kept breaking and recovering.

Em's face pulled up an arc, and he whispered: "It doesn't have to be me who succeeds..."

The black knife passed over the trident, pulling out sparks all the way. Without the black knife blocking it, the trident directly pierced Elm's abdomen, and blood flowed out of his mouth uncontrollably, and then a knife was sent into Enelus' abdomen.

The weapons of both of them appeared in each other's bodies...

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