The speed of the freestyle frog is really amazing. Luffy's paddle is about to fly. Chopper, Zoro and Sanji are still helping, but they haven't closed the distance much.

Em's ears moved and he shouted, "Stop paddling! Look!" When everyone came to the edge of the boat, they saw a steam train roaring in. The freestyle frog took a sumo posture and blocked the direction of the steam train. It might be performing a show of mantis blocking the car. The steam train collided with it and knocked it away directly. It was obvious how the injuries came from it.

... Oda, you are poisonous. The steam train is running on the sea, why don't you fly a plane. Em looked at the steam train roaring away, with a painful face.

Looking at the culprit who knocked his dinner to nowhere, Luffy pouted and shouted: "Catch up with him!"

No one would interfere with the captain's choice of route. After a while, the Merry headed towards the steam train.

Soon, a small station appeared in everyone's eyes. As soon as it stopped, Luffy got off the ship and shouted: "Who told you to knock my dinner away!"

... This looks a bit like a pirate, but it might be a little better if the target is not food but treasure.

"Meow meow!"

"Granny Kokoro, there are pirates looking for trouble."

A cat... maybe a rabbit with a fierce face... it thinks it has a fierce face, but it looks a bit stupid. It stares at Luffy and keeps shouting.

The expression of the little girl next to it looks similar to this strange creature. She looks at Luffy fiercely, but she is not afraid.

"Hic~ Timni, Quinbe, let me see which guy is so ignorant of death." Granny Kokoro held the bottle of wine and looked at Luffy with a pair of drunken eyes. Even Em, who was quite far away, could smell the alcohol on her body.

Luffy retorted dissatisfiedly: "I'm not here to make trouble. I'm here to ask why you knocked away my ingredients, the frog that looks delicious and can swim freely!"

Em pinched her eyebrows. Luffy's words were too dense and she didn't know where to start.

"You mean Yokozuna? That guy is not your ingredient! Yokozuna has been working hard to stop Smoking Tom for so many years, how can he be eaten by you!" After hearing this, Timni ran two steps and greeted her strange animal Quinbe, and jumped on Luffy's body, pulling Luffy's mouth randomly.

"Really? Such a hard-working guy, then I won't eat him." Luffy changed his words immediately after hearing this, and the speed was faster than a slap in the face.

"…What exactly is your diet made up of? Even Chopper wants to take a bite, but you still don't eat it?" Em squinted at Luffy, looking completely confused but shocked.

"I won't eat hardworking guys!" Luffy's mouth was torn into a mess, but it didn't affect his speech.

Em smacked his lips, feeling that this should be a topic of ineffective communication, and he didn't have to eat it, so he put it aside for the time being and asked: "Well, I want to ask, is there a better shipbuilder around here? Our ship needs repairs..."

"Hickey~ Why should I tell you." Grandma Kokoro smiled and took a sip of wine.

Em frowned, took out a golden bead from his waist bag and handed it over, feeling the gloomy gaze behind him, and felt a little cold.

Granny Kokoro took it without hesitation, twisted the golden bead with her fingers and looked at it: "Hiccup~ What a sensible guy, follow the track of Smoking Tom. You can reach the Seven Water City, where there are the best shipbuilders in the world. I can give you a letter of introduction and a painting. You go to find the person in the painting. If he can't fix it, no one can fix it." Then she walked into the room and took out something and handed it to Em.

Em reached out to take it, looked at the letter of introduction and found nothing wrong, and looked at the painting again and couldn't help but be stunned...

...Is this what a person can look like? I actually gave money to a drunkard, is there something wrong with my brain? Em took the painting and looked left and right, but couldn't see any human figure. In the end, he could only say helplessly: "Thank you very much, Luffy, let's go to treat the Merry."

"Oh!" Luffy casually pulled Timney and Quinbe off his body and walked towards the Merry.


Following the sea track, the Merry arrived at a super prosperous island. Everyone who had never seen such a scene was excited, and a little country boy came in.

The feeling of the city...

"Okay, now let's distribute the pocket money for landing on the island~" Nami's voice sounded like heavenly music at this time.

The Straw Hat Pirates formed a circle, and Luffy, as the captain, seemed the most excited. It was really embarrassing...

"I will exchange the gold for Baileys when I go to the island later, but this money will be divided into the repair costs of the Merry first, so it will not be touched. Each person will get 100,000 Baileys, and Em's share belongs to me." Nami divided the money into several piles, and then put the pile in front of Em into her pocket without hesitation.

? ? ?

...Although it's not a lot of money, it's too much not to give a penny. Em opened his mouth to say something, and saw Nami looking at his waist bag playfully, which made him tremble involuntarily and put all the words back into his mouth.

"Wow~ Nami is so generous~" Luffy was really embarrassed. As a guy with a bounty of hundreds of millions, he was holding 100,000 Baileys as if he had found a treasure, and he was swaying around with a proud face.

Nami clapped her hands and said, "That's it, Luffy and Usopp come with me, we will go to cash in the gold first, the others are free to do what they want, and we will meet up at the Merry this evening."

Everyone got off the boat happily, leaving only Zoro and Em on the boat, not knowing where to go.

"I'm going to take a nap first..." Zoro said, leaning on the edge of the boat, and soon fell asleep. This sleep quality is simply enviable.

Em thought about it and prepared to exchange the gold for Bailey, but he must not be with Nami, otherwise he would not even see the shadow of the Bailey he exchanged.

Thinking of this, Em slowly got off the boat and walked towards the island.


"Dear guest, thank you for your trust. Here is 15 million Baileys. Please check it~" The beautiful woman in a professional suit smiled sweetly and pushed the money in front of Em, her fingers gently swiped across the table, the seductive meaning was self-evident.

Em stuffed all the Baileys into his waist bag, yawned and walked out, leaving the beautiful woman with a stiff smile looking at his back angrily.

"Nico Robin, we are CP0." Just after walking out of the door, I heard a guy wearing a strange mask talking in Robin's ear.

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