The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

Lucci was forced back by the black flames and frowned, saying, "Captain Bute, do you want to do it yourself?"

Butter scratched the wound on his throat with one hand, even scratching his skin, with mottled blood staining his fingers. With the other hand, he slightly unsheathed the knife at his waist and said impatiently, "Of course, this guy almost chopped off my head before, and I have sentenced this guy to death. Now he is holding the knife that should belong to me, and I will be unhappy if I don't kill him myself."

Lucci frowned, as if thinking of the previous deeds of this commander, and looked at Em with some sympathy, and ran towards Usopp as soon as he took a wrong step.

Em was a little confused about the situation in front of him, but he also knew what he should do. He flashed in the direction of Lucci's advance and drew his sword to cut.


A black and red knife blocked Em's black knife, and Bute's crazy eyes suddenly appeared in front of him.

Bute licked his tongue, and the overwhelming slashes followed one after another, swallowing up the space around Em, leaving no room for evasion.

Em's eyes condensed, and his hair color changed instantly. The black knife in his hand almost danced out a phantom. Within three feet, countless sword lights burst out. The two had no time to think, and could only speed up their slashes, as if they could win by just a little faster.

Blood marks appeared on Bute's body, but he seemed to be completely unconcerned. The excitement and madness in his eyes were even worse. The sword skills he swung became more and more open and closed, and he even exchanged fatal injuries for minor injuries on Em's body.

Em, who had never seen such a crazy fighting style, could only retreat step by step. Soon he retreated to the vicinity of the Merry. He stretched his feet backwards and stepped heavily on the ground, crushing the bluestone paved ground directly. He caught Butt's knife with his left shoulder, and the air that hissed into his mouth turned into black flames. He held the knife in his right hand and swung it horizontally.

"Breath of the Moon, Form One, Dark Moon. Moonlight!"

The black knife seemed to disappear in Butt's eyes and perception. This situation made his crazy expression freeze. His body fell down unscientifically, and his back and legs were bent at right angles. He barely avoided the sudden appearance of the black knife, but a long wound was cut on his chest, and blood flowed down.

The reaction was terrifying. If he hadn't dodged, this knife would have cut him in two.

Em frowned at the guy in front of him who was more terrifying than Enel. He covered the wound on his shoulder with his hand. The red blood was like fuel, and the black flames rose up. In just a blink of an eye, the wound condensed together and turned black.

"Hahaha, it seems that you haven't insulted this knife, but just now it was just a warm-up. Are you ready?" Boot licked the blood on the knife with his tongue, and the whole person became more excited. The ghostly spirit surged from his body, a bit like an enhanced version of Zoro's moves.

"Whether it is an insult or not is not something you can judge. It's a coincidence that my warm-up is also completed. This time I will definitely kill you." Em used his observation Haki to sense that there was no human habitation within a kilometer. He stretched out his hand to touch his heart and pulled it hard. A chain composed of black flames was pulled out by him.

The killing intent burst out from his heart, and the air seemed to become sticky. His pupils turned blood-colored, and the two crescent moons burst out with dazzling brilliance. His hair seemed to have been washed in blood, and black spots appeared on his forehead, like an ugly scar. His tone became completely different.

"You should have been liberated a long time ago. You used to be a massacrer, but you were willing to suppress yourself like this..."

"After all, killing is not fun at all..."

Aim, who asked and answered himself, looked more and more weird. The air he exhaled was all burning black flames. He pointed the knife at Butt from a distance and whispered, "Are you ready?"

"It's you! The legend of the evil ghost circulated in the Kingdom of Goa. I didn't expect that I could meet you here. It seems that I have a bigger gain besides the knife!" Butt was so excited that he was a little crazy. He scratched his skin helplessly, and he didn't notice the disgusting scars.

"I didn't expect that I was still a legend. I just couldn't stand them killing the farmers who took care of me. I didn't expect that the more they killed, the more there would be. I don't think it's my fault." As soon as Em finished speaking, he appeared in front of Boot, with a black knife.

With red killing intent, he cut out the white moonlight and whizzed away.

Butt's knife blocked Em's knife with a cold ghost aura. He said jokingly: "It's just the guards of a small country in the East China Sea. I have killed several times more people than you. Your killing intent will not have any effect on me at all!"

"... Are you talking about these red things? Sorry, that's just the residue that I can't control. I said I would cut you, don't try to hit me in the face." The two of them seemed to be mocking each other. While talking, the knives in their hands did not slow down at all. The sound of the golden swords clashing continued, and the air around them became sharp. The waste swept by them would immediately turn into powder as long as they got a little closer.

The ghost aura on Butt's body surged more and more, gradually condensing into the shadow of armor, and the mask of the evil ghost appeared on his face. The thin figure began to swell and turned into a sturdy man. The knife in his hand seemed like a toy in his hand, but under the wrapping of the ghost aura, it gradually turned into a giant blade.

"Evil ghost. Command the three armies!"

Butter raised the giant blade in his hand above his head and chopped it down heavily. Hundreds of resentful souls rushed out of his blade. Em was like a person facing thousands of troops at this time. He looked particularly tragic and majestic alone.

"Breath of the moon. Moonlit night!"

Em held the blade horizontally in front of him and lifted the moonlight upwards. The brightness of the entire space dropped by three points. The full moon blade tore all the resentful souls into pieces. The two swords collided with each other, and even the sea water was hit by the aftermath.

Butter Xiongwei's body was like a fierce general, looking down at Em, who was particularly small in comparison, but the blade could only stay in the air and could not move forward.

Em's red hair was blown wildly by the aftermath, and the blue veins on his hands bulged. His feet did not bend at all, but the ground cracked directly under such momentum.

"Aren't you going to kill me? You can't kill me if you keep defending!"

"Don't worry, I just haven't been free like this for five years, so I'm a little uncomfortable."

Em's smile seemed a little cruel, and he changed from supporting the knife with both hands to one hand like Butt, and with his other hand he wiped the blade, and the black knife slashed across Butt's knife diagonally, bringing out a series of sparks.

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