Say goodbye to Miyano Akemi.

Xia Ye and Miyano Shiho returned to the research institute.

Miyano Shiho did not go back to rest, but plunged into the laboratory again.

"Why are you still doing experiments so late at night?"

Xia Ye leaned against the laboratory table.

Watching her burning test tubes and mixing solutions, she felt a little strange.

Didn't she hate making poisons?

"I'm trying to prepare an antidote for APTX4869~" Miyano Shiho did not shy away from Xia Ye

"Although taking APTX4869 will basically kill you soon, I guess this drug actually has another effect!"

"What effect? "

Xia Ye already understood what Miyabi Shiho was talking about!

Isn't it the source of all evil in Conan's world!

"In one experiment, I found that mice returned to their juvenile size after taking the drug.——"

Miyano Shiho's beautiful eyes were full of inquiry, and her tone was a little excited.

"I suspect this effect would also occur in humans!

"However, the probability should tend to zero......"

Tend to zero?

Xia Ye did not comment.

In the plot alone, there are several cases of Conan, Huiyuan, and Lingmei who have successfully become smaller.

According to probability, it is not small.

"Xia Ye, do you think this is possible?"

Miyano Shiho shook the test tube in his hand and asked casually.

"As long as the probability is not zero, it definitely exists!"

"Is that so? I understand!"

Miyano Shiho understood. For Xia Ye, who knew the plot, this sentence was a confirmation!

In the future plot, someone will definitely be fed drug A and turned into a child.

I don't know which unlucky guy it is?

However, other people who took drug A basically died. Being able to survive may be a different kind of luck!......

It was almost twelve o'clock.

Miyano Shiho's experiment had not made any progress.

This was not beyond Xia Ye's and her own expectations.

If the so-called antidote was so easy to research, wouldn't the A drug, a large-scale project spanning decades, be a joke?

"Go back and have a rest~" Xia Ye walked forward, took the test tube from her hand, and said softly:"Don't be so anxious, just take your time~"


Miyano Shiho nodded obediently.

Xia Ye's concern made her feel warm in her heart.

In the past, even if she did experiments until the early morning, she would only be accompanied by cold instruments and mice destined to be dissected on the laboratory table.

Now it's great to have someone close to her by her side!.........

The apartment opposite the research institute.

Miyano Shiho stood at the door of her room and looked at Xia Ye.

"Then I'll go back......."

"What? Want to invite me in for a cup of coffee?"Xia Ye said with a wicked smile,"It's better to be respectful......."

"You wish!" Miyano Shiho spat softly, wrinkled her nose and said angrily:"If you want to drink coffee, go home and make it yourself!"

"I've finished my coffee!" Xia Ye sighed,"I won't be able to sleep tonight without coffee!"

"You wait!"

Miyano Shiho opened the door and closed it instantly as if to prevent thieves.

A moment later, she took a can of coffee and stuffed it into Xia Ye's hand.

"Here, take this premium Blue Mountain coffee and drink it! You can drink it all in one night!"


Xia Ye originally just wanted to tease her.

He took the coffee, opened the door opposite, turned around and said:"Remember to call me if anything happens!"

"I understand!"

Miyano Shiho watched Xia Ye enter the room opposite, and then entered his own apartment. He closed the door, leaned against it, and let out a long breath.

"so close!"

"I almost invited him in just now!"

"Even if you decide to date him, it can't progress so quickly!"

"It’s better to wait for some time before inviting a man into your room in the middle of the night!"........

On the other side,

Xia Ye returned to his room without any hesitation.

He was already very satisfied with the attitude of the Miyano sisters towards him.

Relationships should be improved slowly, and it is not good to be too anxious!

After washing up,

Xia Ye sat on the sofa and opened the diary.

【Just now Shiho asked me if drug A could make people smaller】

【Of course there is! You are the one who was shrunk by drug A, you little fool!】

Miyano Shiho, who had just been lying on the bed in a bath towel, habitually opened her diary and saw these two sentences directly.

What? I will become smaller in the future plot!

It turns out that the unlucky guy I was talking about is me!

After being shocked, Miyano Shiho also thought of the question that she had been puzzled about before: In the original plot, how did she escape from the organization?

Now she finally figured it out. It must be after her sister's"death", she was desperate and took the poison, triggering the unknown low probability and turned into a child's body!

【By the way, in the plot, the first person I knew was Haibara Ai, and Shiho first appeared in Ai's memories.~】

【Xiao Ai, now that I am here, Xiao Ai probably won't show up, it's really a pity! 】

Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai!

Miyano Shiho felt a little sad when she heard Xia Ye calling a strange name so affectionately.

Although she knew that this should be the name she changed after becoming small, she still couldn't help it, because it hasn't happened yet!

【The two heroines in this world, Ai is dark and arrogant, the queen of sharp tongue, while Xiaolan is pure and kind, like an angel. I like them both very much!】

【Oh, I don't know when I can see Xiaolan, how about going to Polo Cafe tomorrow? 】

Miyano Shiho gritted her teeth, and wanted to immediately run to Xia Ye's door and scold him!

I am dark, arrogant and poisonous?

That Xiaolan is pure and kind like an angel?

You still like her even after this, are you blind!

Damn it!

I knew that Xiaolan was a strong rival!

She must have this diary too! I don't know how she felt after reading it!........

Beika-cho 5-chome.

On the third floor of the Mori Detective Agency.

In a warm and lovely room.

Xiaolan, who had changed into light pajamas, sat at the desk, flipping through a black diary.

""Ah, I shouldn't have opened you out of curiosity!"

The appearance of this diary added a lot of fantasy to Xiaolan's not-so-colorful life.

A time traveler, a comic world, she is the heroine, the Black Organization, the sisters controlled by the Black Organization, and Spider-Man who just appeared and spread all over the Internet!

In just half a day.

So much information has already had a great impact on her worldview.

So when she saw that the time traveler Akiyama Xiaye said that she liked her, she didn't think there was anything wrong.

Since she is a character in a comic book, it is normal for someone to like her!

But who is that time traveler? Xiaolan was very curious.

His current identity should be a member of the Black Organization, which is considered a criminal, but what he did was all good things. Except for being a little fickle, he should be a good person.

Xiaolan thought of Xiaye saying in the diary that she liked Shiho and her sister, and then said that she liked herself.

Suddenly, she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

The weird thing is.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Because when she read novels and comics, she would also like many excellent boys in the stories.

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