When You Are Mine

Chapter 102 - I Like You

Blake couldn't believe how beautiful the place looked. He had been to the Blue night Lounge a few times but the ambience hasn't been this breath taking. He was more than intrigued by it.

"Miss Amy..."

"Can I ask you for a favour?" Amy asked interrupting him.

"Yeah" Blake replied as he looked at her.

"Can you please not call me miss Amy or Walker?" Amy said with a soft look in her eyes. Blake was surprised by her request. What was he supposed to call her then? He has always addressed her with by her last name or first name though he always added the honorifics to it, and that has been the way he has always addressed others. So what was wrong now?

"So what do I call you then?" Blake asked curiously.

"Amy, just Amy" She said with a shy smile. She liked the way he had called her by 'Amy' the other day at the mall. She couldn't forget the way her heart fluttered at the time. It felt so great when he called her like that.

Blake was confused by he request. He wasn't expecting something of such. His eyes guaged her every reaction and he could the anticipated look in her eyes waiting for him to concur to what she had just said.

"Okay Amy" Blake said softly when he saw Amy smile widen on her face revealing her perfect dentition. Her smile was contagious making him smile as well.

Amy's heart skipped a beat when Blake smiled so gorgeously at her. He looked like one of those superstar models smiling for a commercial. She just couldn't get enough of his cuteness. Amy had also wanted to ask if she could also call him by his name, but she knew she shouldn't. She didn't want to overstep her boundaries, most especially since she didn't know what her fate with him would be after tonight.

"Uhm..You wanted to say something" Amy reminded him with her smile still on her face.

"Yes. I wanted to..." Blake stopped talking when the waiter came with a cart of dishes and wine, which has been ordered by Amy.

"Ma, Sir your order" The waiter said before introducing the meals. Blake was surprised by the dishes laid on the table. They weren't much, but they all were his favorites even the wine.

He looked at Amy who was anxiously waiting for him to say something. She hoped she hasn't over done things.

"You ordered all this?" Blake asked, while Amy nodded. His eyes fixed on the medium rare steak and Kale salad.

"This are all my favorite. How did you know?" Blake looked at her, his gaze was inscrutable.

"I have my ways" Amy said smiling lovingly at him.

"We should eat before the food goes cold. I heard the head chef personally made it" Amy added still smiling at him. For some reason her smile was unfading. Seeing him seated in front of her was making her so happy.

"Okay, but you really shouldn't have gone through all this" Blake commented.

"I really don't mind" Amy said picking up the cutlery and Blake did same.

"By the way you look beautiful" Blake said. This would have been his first line of words to her when he arrived, but he didn't because of the awkward feeling surrounding them lately. He didn't want to say something to piss her off, but now he just couldn't help it. Seeing her in that little black gown and slightly made up face confirmed that she was a many sided beauty. She looked good and pretty in whatever she wears, with or without make up.

"Thank you" Amy said with a shy smile and her cheek slightly blushed. She had heard Blake say that to her a thousand times but the effect was always the same.

They both started eating quietly, but while Blake was enjoying the meal even though he didn't see any reason why Amy would go this far just to apologize, while Amy was anxious and her anxiety grew by each passing second. How was she suppose to start? What should she say?

She had created a really beautiful speech before now and she had memorized it over and over, even on her way there. But as soon as she set her eyes all Blake, her brain had reset itself.

She silently prayed the meal could go a bit a longer, because though she might be very nervous, she wanted to enjoy every moment of her time with him. Amy stole quick glances at him as he chewed on his food gracefully. She couldn't help but admire the way he chewed. Everything about him was graceful.

Blake lifted his head up and his eyes suddenly met with Amy's which was staring at him.

"What is it?" He asked dropping the utensils in his hand.

"Nothing." Amy replied.

"Are you sure?" He picked up the handkerchief and wiped his mouth before focusing his full attention to her.


"Well I must say this is the best kind of apology someone had given me mis...Amy" He quickly corrected himself making Amy smile.

"I don't intend to be in your bad side again, but I won't lie that it would be nice to get scolded by you, at least then I can always cheat you out of a meal like this" He said smiling and Amy joined to. She has been doing a lot of that since he arrived a while ago.

"That would be nice too" She said, making Blake widen his eyes in mock surprise.

"So you're saying you're going to scold me again? I'm still your boss remember?" He teased.

"I won't dare" She replied with a small laugh. Blake couldn't help but notice how her eyes lit up when she laughed.

"Well you shouldn't. And I'm sorry for being insensitive to you at my party. Believe me it was unintentional." Blake apologized.

"I know. And I'm sorry too for being insensitive myself. I should have acted more mature, I'm sorry."

"So we're good right?" Blake asked expectantly.

"Yeah" Amy nodded her head.

"Pheww...that's a relief. Thank God" Blake exclaimed making Amy giggle. He felt relieved that things were better now.

"So what were you going to tell me? I remember you mentioned there was something important you'd like to tell me. Don't tell me it was just to apologize?" He said teasingly. Amy's heart rhythm changed the moment Blake said those words.

Amy remained quiet as she looked at Blake. Her eyes spoke volumes but her lips were tight, too heavy to part and let the words she so desperately wants to say feel like a lump in her throat.

"Amy?" Blake called when she continued staring at him quietly. Amy blinked her eyes and slightly cleared her throat.

She was feeling nervous and her palms were beginning to sweat profusely. She had to say it, no matter the consequences. She looked at him one more time and took a deep breath.

"Can I ask you a hypothetical question?" Amy said in a soft but serious tone. Blake could feel the seriousness in her voice and he could tell whatever she wanted to ask must be important.

"Sure. I'll answer if I have an actual hypothetical question" He tried to joke.

Amy took another deep breath again. She closed her eyes for a second before opening them.

"If you like some one, when I say like, I mean really like. So much that you can't breathe when she comes around, you can't help but smile even if you don't want to. When she is around you, you feel like time has stopped and everything else fades into the background except that person. Nothing makes sense when she is not there, and everything does she's within ear shot. That person makes you happy without even realizing it. Would you the tell that person how much you feel about her?" Amy asked. Her heart beat increasing tremendously per second. Her eyes watched Blake like a hawk as she desperately waited for his answer.

Blake was stunned by her question. He wasn't expecting anything like that.

"Well I'm don't really know. I've never been in such situation before, but if there's such kind of a person, I believe I'll tell her about how i feel. So I won't regret not doing so" Blake answered honestly.

"So Amy, if I may ask is there such a person in your life?" Blake asked inquisitively.

"Yes" Amy nodded with a shy smile.

"Really?" Blake was surprised.

"Yes" Amy nodded again, this time with a serious countenance.

"Who? Someone I know? Who would dare steal my beauty from me? Tell me who he is" Blake asked with a jokeful smile.

"You" Amy replied firmly.

"What?" Blake was shocked. He started smiling when he thought that Amy was trying to mess with him by trying to avoid answering him, but Amy noticed his reaction and she hardened her countenance slightly.

"I like you"

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