When You Are Mine

Chapter 105 - Big Beau

From the moment Jade walked into the club with Amy, she had caught someone's attention unknowing to her. Someone who closely watched her as she took those shots at the bar with her friend.

Her facial expression after the first glass had reminded him of the night he had seen at the club. She still had that same look like she had eaten something sour or something extremely bitter, making his lips curve into a smile.

He watched amusedly as she gulped down those drinks with a frown permanently etched on her face, like she was about to cry. 'Still as naive as ever' He said in his mind.

"Hey Beau, What's gotten your attention?" Rick called out angrily. He had been saying something important but it seems the Jake wasn't listening.

"Jake!" Rick slightly yelled snapping Jake back to reality.

"What?" Jake asked with a frown.

"What were you looking at?" Rick asked in annoyance as he looked at the direction Jake has been looking at for a while now.

"Nothing, what were you saying?" Jake asked, making Rick glare at him, while Mike and the others laughed.

"Well, I was asking if maybe I should ask my father to give me some money, so I could open a business of my own. I mean this little bastard dare to open a business before me" He said glaring at Mike, who couldn't help but laugh at Rick.

"So what business do you want to do?" Jake asked disinterestedly. 

"How would I know? That why I'm asking you. You're the one with all the ideas"

"You don't need to ask Jake about that. Even I can help you with that" Phil said.

"Pfft...you? Please get lost" Rick glared at Phil.

"It might be a good one Rick, lets hear him" Dan commented. Rick looked at Phil like he was considering the possibility of Phil ever saying something meaningful.

"It better be good." Rick warned.

"Do you really want to open a business?" Phil asked again.

"Of course. I don't want to be like you forever" He rolled his eyes.

"Open a brothel, it's the only business you can run without running into loses" Phil said before bursting into laughter and the others joined too except Jake who was now staring at something intriguing. Rick couldn't believe Phil. Why did he think something meaningful would ever come out of Phil's mouth?

"I think your sister will be my first employee" Rick said glaring at Phil, who was still laughing heartily.

"Ha, you wish. That one is a tigress. She'll probably tear you to pieces before you finish introducing your business name " Phil amidst laughter while the others joined.

"Jake?" This time it was Mike who called when Jake seemed to be absent minded again.

"I'll be back" Jake told them before leaving the table. His eyes were glued to the petite body that was struggling to walk with the drunk body leaning on her.

"Come on man" Rick called after him.

"It seems our boy has found a woman to ruffle with" Phil smiled as they watched Jake leave.

Jake weaved through the crowd, ignoring the greetings people were hailing at him.

Just at the moment Jade had almost tripped, Jake's hands were quick enough to hold them steady. Jade was surprised to see that someone had helped just at the nick of time. It would have been embarrassing had fallen to the ground in such a place.

She lifted her eyes to see who had saved them and her eyes widened in shock when she realized who their saviour was. Amy who was drunk was also surprised to see him too.

"Boss?" Amy called out sluggishly.

"Mr Beau?" Jade was just too surprised. Why was he always there to catch her every time? Jade looked at his hand which was still around her back. It reminded her of the that day at the hospital, when he had held her too.

"Good to see you miss Jade" Jake said with a small smile.

"It's really the big Beau" Amy said as she tried taking a step closer to Jake, but she staggered. Jake was quick enough to hold her steady.

"I'm sorry" Jade apologized to Jake as she tried to take Amy into her arms.

"Let me" Jake offered. Jade was about to protest, she didn't want to be of any disturbance to him, but Jake already wrapped his hand around Amy's back as he began to lead her out. Jade had no choice but to follow behind.

"Big boss you're so nice" Amy started, looking at Jake's face. "Your brother is so bad, so bad. I really want to hit him, but he's still so cute" Amy said with a cute pout.

"I'll let him know" Jake said with a smile. Her druken expressions were cute. He was beginning to think how cute would Jade be if she was drunk. He was sure she'd be a thousand times more cute than this girl. He remembered Amy was the girl he had seen Jade with at the company some time ago.

"Mini Beau is so mean. How dare he reject me? Big Boss I'm cute right?" Amy asked as she blinked her eyes innocently. Jade closed her eyes, she was feeling eembarrassed, but she can't do anything about it. Amy was drunk and heartbroken.

"Yes" Jake replied.

"Then why did your brother reject me? He doesn't like any one right?"

"I'm sure he likes you, he just doesn't know it" Jake was utterly amused by Amy. He guessed she must the one who has been giving his brother a hard time.

Amy paused on her steps. She turned to look at Jake and he looked at her too, a smile was tugging on his lips as he waited to hear what she had to say.

"Big boss, I have decided I'm not giving up on your brother. Tell mini Beau, him and his cute face are all mine. Mine okay, only mine" She instructed Jake  raising a finger to him as she staggered.

"Yes ma" Jake chuckled as he held from falling. His brother was in trouble.

He turned to Jade who was trailing behind them with her head down. Amy was trying to embarrass her to death, so she rather stay invisible. 

"Where's your car?" Jake asked.

"Ermm, Mr Beau we'll take a taxi. Amy is drunk and I can't drive" Jade told him. She can't drive? Jake was surprised by that. Maybe he could rectify that, but would she let him?

'Get your head straight. That's not the situation on ground.' He chided himself.

"It's late and it's not safe for you girls to take a cab this late" He paused as Jade narrowed her eyes at him. "How about I drop you off" He suggested.

"No, you can't do that" Jade hastily replied. "You have to go back there right?" Jade said pointing back at the club.

"Not really I'd rather help my tutor and her friend who obviously likes my brother" He said with a boyish smile. Jade was taken a back by his smile. For a moment there he looked very beautiful with that smile on his face. Jade shook her head slightly, there was nothing beautiful about a playboy like him. This must be the alcohol finally kicking in.

"Come on, your friend is sleeping already" Jade's eyes dashed towards Amy, who was now sleeping with her head resting on Jake's shoulders.

"Uhmm..O-kay" Jade reluctantly agreed.

"Good" Jake scooped Amy into his hands and carried her to his car. Jade was surprised by how swift Jake carried Amy. Amy isn't that light weighted right?

Jake laid Amy on the back seat of his car before opening the front door for Jade. Jade looked at him hesistantly before saying, "Thank you".

For some reason she felt something was different about Jake tonight. He was being extremely nice and his aura tonight was  quite different. Jake turned around and hopped into the drivers seat.

He turned on the car and asked Jade for directions which she told him.

Jake looked at Jade who was looking at Amy with concern, and suddenly their eyes met.

"What?" Jade asked.

"Nothing. I like your outfit" Jake replied before returning his attention to the road. Jade looked at him suspiciously. What did he like about her outfit? Her thighs and stomach was exposed, thanks to Amy.

"Thank you" Jade replied awkwardly, she didn't know what else to say. 

"So..do you really not know how to drive?" Jake asked. He thought he should bring up a conversation.They barely talk whenever they meet and it wasn't helping his plans of getting to know her. He was surprised to see Jade at the club opening earlier. He has been thinking ways he could see her before the weekend. Seeing her only by weekends wasn't really a great idea.

He finds himself looking forward to the weekend and it was getting annoying. But thank the heavens which was working in his favor and had brought her tonight. So he thought he shouldn't let this opportunity go to waste.

"Yes" Jade nodded.

"So how does a girl who like cars not know how to drive a car?"

"Well honestly I don't know Mr Beau. It just happened like that"

"So would you like to learn?" He asked curiously. 

"Sure, but not now" Jade answered. She wasn't totally comfortable having a conversation with Jake. She was still trying to keep her guard up.

Jake was about to say something when Amy started whincing in her sleep.

"Amy?" Jade called out with concern.

"Hold on" Jake said as he pulled over. He stepped out of his car and walked across the road. Jade was confused with his actions but she was too concerned with Amy, so she didn't pay much attention to him.

Soon Jake returned with a bottle of water and a pill. "Give it to her" Jake said handing them over to her. Jade looked at his hand and for some unknown reason she trusted him not to give something bad to her friend. She might not be comfortable with him because of their past history, but she knew he wasn't a bad person.

Jade received the pill and water and she administered the pill to Amy.

"Here, have one too" Jake said passing Jade another bottle of water and tablet. He was sure Jade wasn't a heavy drinker and from the quantity she had consumed  earlier, she must be feeling tipsy and would probably come down with a headache soon.

She accepted the pill and said "Thank you".

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