When You Are Mine

Chapter 112 - Hospital?

Amy didn't know how to face Blake after his blatant rejection. Yes she had agreed to being friends with him at the time and that was a decision she was beginning to regret. At the time she had thought it was better to have a part of him than not to have him at all, but who was she kidding.

Being friends with Blake was something that might kill her emotionally. Her feelings are not something that could easily dissappear overnight. How would she cope being around him or how would she be happy for him when he finally finds someone he likes. She knew she was thinking too far ahead but she couldn't help it.

It would be easy to forget about him if he wasn't such a nice guy. Maybe if he had treated her badly or acted a little bit annoying then maybe she wouldn't have fallen too deep for him.

Since that night she has been trying her possible best to avoid him. Call it childish, but she couldn't act otherwise. How possible was it that she'd be fine and all smiling in a couple of days just after he had said NO to her. She wasn't a god of some sort, she was human, a girl with a heart and emotions flowing through it. Avoiding Blake was all she could do for the time being until she was sure that she could face him again and when she does she wouldn't feel too sad.

Amy raised up her gaze when someone called out to her.

"Good morning miss Amy" Her colleague Cassandra, the famous busy body greeted. Amy inwardly rolled her eyes when she saw her standing in front of her desk.

"Good morning Cassandra" Amy greeted back with a deflated tone.

"Are you alright?" Cassandra asked not out of concern but for something juicy to talk about.

"Yeah. It's there any thing I can help you with?" Amy asked disinterestedly.

"This was delivered for you this morning" Cassandra said as she dropped the little gift bag on Amy's desk.

Amy received it and said,"Thank you." She lifted her gaze to Cassandra who was still standing there.

"Is there anything else?" Amy asked her voice hinted with annoyance and Cassandra could hear it.

"Errmm..No that's all" Cassandra said with a forced smile, while Amy nodded.

It wasn't necessary for Cassandra to have received the gift on behalf of Amy, even when she did, she could have dropped it on her desk before Amy arrived work that morning. But Cassandra wouldn't do that and miss out on an opportunity to get her ears on some juicy gossips, that was why she had offered to personally deliver the gift to Amy. It was so unfortunate that she couldn't get to see what was inside the box. She and some other colleagues have been wanting to know what and who have been delivering gifts to their uptight boss.

Amy waited till Cassandra walked away. She didn't need to look inside the bag to know it was chocolate that was boxed inside.

She stared at the bag for a long time, all her thoughts were zeroed on it. Until two days ago she was still in the reverie that Blake was the one behind the chocolates and flower. But after his blatant and hurtful rejection she couldn't continue in that train of thoughts that Blake was the one sending her all this gifts. Because she had thought so and was hopefully waiting for him to come out clean to her she had stupidly accepted them. Each and every box was still sitting in the refrigerator at home, waiting to be devoured by her when the time felt right.

Continuing With that wasn't possible anymore, it was now obvious Blake had never cared enough to send her this.

But who was behind this? Who was this mysterious person who kept sending her gifts?

There was no need looking at it for a name because like the others there was no note attached to it

This was getting annoying.


Jade was slightly anxious on their way to Acrosoft to meet with mighty CEO Jake Beau. This remembered her of the day she had gone to get the contract signed. Not once did it occur to her that she'll meet the man she desperately didn't want to see on that faithful day. And to make matters worse he was the one to sign the contract with her.

She was beginning to wonder if she would have gotten the had it not been Jake sitted in that office that day. Had it been someone else would she had been able to get that contract signed?

Did Jake really sign that contract with her because he wanted her to teach him how to play a game only? Then how sure was she that she'd have been able to if it had been someone else. She sighed deeply at this thoughts.

A frown crept on her face when the car drove into an unfamiliar place, that wasn't Acrosoft. This was an hospital.

But why were they here?

Jade turned to the driver in the front seat. "Excuse me sir why are we in the hospital?" Jade asked inquisitively. Her brain was beginning to tell her something but she didn't want to listen to it.

"The boss would be seeing you here" The driver replied. Jade was perplexed by his response.

Jake would be meeting her here? Why?

As soon as the car came to a stop, Jade was surprised when the door was opened by someone unfamiliar. It was a young man who was formally dressed.

"Good morning Miss Peterson, I'm Patrick, Mr Beau's secretary" The man greeted as soon as Jade stepped out of the car. Jade gave an acknowledging nod before responding, "Good morning, I'm Jade Peterson" Not that he didn't know that already.

"Mr Beau will be seeing you now" Patrick said as he laid the way while responded with a simple nod. She was really confused at what they were doing at the hospital.

Was Jake that sick that he had to come to the hospital? She had thought it might be some abdominal discomfort when he looked that disturbed last night. Who would have known it would be something serious?

Is it possible it had something to do with the pizza he had ate at the restaurant. Because he looked just fine before they ate the pizza and even while they were eating he looked fine too. What if it is as she thought? That would be terrible since she had taken him there. This will be on her conscience.

Jade looked at the man walking two feet ahead of her. Maybe she should ask him about Jake and why they were there?

As if on cue, Patrick turned to look at Jade. He has been curious about the lady that his boss was so eager to bed that had turned him crazy. He was expecting someone more sophisticated with a powerful aura like a second generation heiress or something like that. But seeing Jade, she was far from his expectation. She looked like a simple girl who had a good face and was easy to look upon. There was something about her that made you want to have a second at look at even if she was simply dressed in those non designers clothes. She didn't look like those materialistic and sophisticated girls that had been seen with his boss. Patrick has worked with Jake long enough to know that Jade was not his regular type of girl. And for some reason this one was making his boss to act out of character.

On a second thought this was the kind of girl that would give his boss a hard time unlike those girls who openely and shamelessly throw their selves at his boss. He was sure this one was giving his womanizing boss a hard time.

He didn't know if he should pity Jade because Jake was a relentless man. He would go all the way to get what he wants. But the question is what did Jake from her. Obviously it can't be love, that man lacked the meaning of it. Patrick was certain Jake didn't know of the existence of such a word.

Jade was trying really hard to hold her tongue from asking this secretary an questions but she couldn't help it.

"Mr Patrick is Mr Jake okay?" Jade asked with concern. Patrick led her out the elevator before taking another look at her.

"I'm sure he'll be" Was Patrick's only reply.


Hope the new year is starting well for all of you, I pray it does.

Don't forget to bring in all the votes, gifts and comments. Comments are my secret motivation. They inspire me to write more.

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