When You Are Mine

Chapter 115 - Dilemma

Jade was sure that Blake was referring to her, because the man was obviously surprise to see his her and she definitely couldn't miss it when his eyes was fixed on her.

Blake was stunned when he saw it was the girl he has been hounding his brother about that was actually sitted there. Blake looked from Jade to brother still shocked, he still didn't understand what was happening.

How did she end up sitting her by his brother side in the hospital.

"Good morning" Jade greeted with a small smile.

"Go-od mor-ning" Blake stutteringly. He greeted back. He returned his gaze to his brother again, he had a lot of questions brewing his mind to ask, but he chose to hold his tongue for now, because right now his head was still wrapped up on the fact that Jake was sick.

"Bro what did the doctor say was wrong with you? Did he tell you? Maybe I should call Leo to come check on you" Blake said fully reverted to his worrying state.

"He already did" Jake replied. How could this boy be so clueless? He should taken the hint by now. Blake was indeed dense than he thought. No wonder the fool didn't know that Jade's friend liked him all this while.

"How is grandfather? Weren't you supposed to take grandfather for his check up at today?" Jake asked making Blake confused. Blake was at a loss as he didn't understand what Jake was talking about.

'Checkup?, When was he supposed to do that?' There was no prior arrangement for that. As a matter of fact this was news to him.

Jake sighed in resignation when he noticed Blake hasn't caught up to what he was saying. If he parents were alive he would have asked them where they picked up such a daft son. He was almost certain that there must have been a mix up during the time his mother gave birth. It is possible he's brother has been switched for this idiot.

"Grandfather doesn't have any..." Blake's words trailed when he felt a pull on his suit. He looked at Jake with a confused expression and he saw that cryptic look again.

"Wha.." Jake pulled him again. He was sure to do it discreetly. Blake was about to ask him what the problem was when he finally realized what was going on.

His looked at Jade with his mouth agape. He couldn't believe it.

So this was an act??

Jake finally heaved a relief sigh when he noticed that Blake had finally caught on to his secret message, but that didn't mean he'd drop his guard down. Don't blame him, his brother was too dense.

Blake blinked as he kept staring at Jade. His actions were visible to Jade who was becoming uncomfortable, and she was still trying to understand what he meant by 'lady in red', because she wasn't wearing a red out at the moment. And she was sure she hasn't seen him before except his picture which Amy had showed her some time ago.

"Blake" Jake called out snapping Blake out of his trance.

"Grandfather??" Jake said as he narrowed his eyes surreptitiously. Jade could tell there was something awkward with the way the siblings were communicating with each other and with the way Blake kept looking at her.

"Yes grandfather. That check up.."

"I mean his check up. It's very important, even more than life itself. Bro I'm sorry but you know I have to take grandfather to do that check up. I have to leave okay. I might have to take him out of the country for that very important test. So hang in there till we return okay. Don't die on me, I promise to come back soon, maybe in a few days okay" Blake rambled on in a loud tone as if he was trying to be audible so someone could hear him. Jake rolled his eyes inwardly. It was officially confirmed that this guy was an idiot.

Wasn't he over doing it? Really outside the country for a test?? And in Pete's sake was he shouting. She can hear you man! Jake cried his heart.

"Blake just go, grandfather must be waiting"

"Yes, yes..grandfather is waiting. Take good care of yourself okay. I'll go save grandpa now" Blake hurriedly said. He feel the death gaze Jake was secretly shooting at him. It was time to run for his life.

Blake turned around and walked to the door. He suddenly paused and turned around Jade, while he avoided Jake's warning look, that was screaming 'What now!?'

"Miss" Blake called gaining Jade's attention. "Please look after my brother okay" Blake said with a serious look, like he was pleading for his life. Jade was made speechless by his request. She didn't have the time to say something before he dashed out of the room.

She looked at Jake that was just lying there staring at the door his brother had just used. Maybe he must be feeling sad, since his brother wouldn't be here to look after him.

What was she supposed to do now? She definitely didn't have the heart to leave him after they were done with their supposed meeting, which she also believed shouldn't be holding in the first place. The human in her was telling her not to leave this man here with .

But what should she do? She still had to return back to work after this. Jade was caught in a dilemma. Maybe she should call the office and ask for the day off, but would allow it?

She wouldn't know except she tried right? But how was she supposed to do that? Call or text? Which would be more respectful and most importantly who should she call?

'Maybe she shouldn't do all that' She decided to take another approach.

Jade brought out the file and a pen from her bag stood up to her feet. Her movement caught Jake's attention. His brows narrowed when he saw what she had in her hands. It shouldn't be what he was thinking. 

"Mr Jake could you please look at this and sign. If there is anything else you'd like to change please let me know" Jade said surprising Jake.

What the hell is happening?

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