When You Are Mine

Chapter 119 - I'm Possible

Hillary bellowed out in laughter."Director believe me if I tell you my eyes are forever glued to the corporate world. But you're right about one thing." She slurred her speech to pique the man's interest.

"What is it?" He asked interestedly.

"I do miss the screen. You know acting is my passion and I can't help but feel sad" Hillary said with a sad voice.

"That's a given, I completely understand. It's that why you have called me?" Although Director Charles might not know the reason behind Hillary's call, he had a feeling it was related to a comeback.

"Yes and I know you're the only person who I can talk to" Hillary said with a smile. Director Charles remained quiet as if urging her to continue and Hillary obliged.

"You see I need your help. And I know you can help me" She said in a tone that said 'You're my only hope".

"Okay, tell me what it is, I'll render my help if I can. I owe still Henry a big favor" Director Charle said. Wasn't that why Hillary had come there.

She smiledamusedly  her mind when she heard those words. She was there years ago when Henry, her husband granted Director Charles a favour and the man had vogued to return the favour. Knowing the kind of person he was Hillary had backed on that favour.

"I want to make a comeback" Hillary said firmly. She paused for effect, but continued when the man didn't respond as she thought he would.

Director Charles guess was right. He knew it had to be something related to this. If it was just this he could help her, though hr didn't see the reason. why she should do that. She was rich and her late husband had left his family for her to look after, or so he thought.

"Really?" Director Charles asked, while Hillary nodded.

"So you need me to cast you in a movie?" Director Charles asked the obvious.

"Exactly" Shirley returned with a waiter a served both Hillary and the director some wine.

"So what do you say?" Hillary asked, picking up her glass. She swirled the glass in her hand, sniffed the aroma of the wine before taking it to her lips. She allowed the the wine to roll down her tongue for a couple of seconds before gulping it down. "Good wine, I want the bottle" She said to no one in Particular but Shirley jumped to it almost immediately, she knew better than to keep Hillary waiting.

Director Charles the woman silently and for some reason he was beginning to see something different about her. She wasn't the woman who she was before Henry died. Something has changed.

"I can help you get one. I'll put my eyes and ears to the ground to get you a master piece" Director Charles said With a Smile. Hillary dropped her glass on the table, leaned back on her seat and smiled brightly at the man.

"The thing is I already have a movie in mind and it's right under you care, that's why I have come to you directly"

"Really?" Director Charles was surprised. He had just on movie which he was about to shoot, but then all the cast have been selected. Even a press conference has been made. "What movie would that be?" He asked curiously.

"Stardom" She uttered. Director Charles was surprised that that was the movie she had in mind. "But all the cast has been selected for each role" He said.

"I don't want all the roles, I just want the main lead" Hillary said casually.

"What? You know that's impossible"

"impossible means I'M POSSIBLE" She said emphasizing on her last words. Director Charles was shocked by her request.

"But I can't help you with that" He said with a firm tone as he frowned.

"Why? I thought you wanted to return my late husband's favour?" Hillary asked calmly. She wasn't at all bothered by the man's tone and words.

"I do, but what you're asking for is impossible." He declared is tone still as hard.

"Why?" Hillary asked with a cute sad pout.

"Because that's Joan's role. I personally selected that role for her" He declared making Hillary scoff.

"What a shame then. We'll just find her something else" She said with a shrug. Director Charles was utterly suprised by Hillary's behavior. She was being unreasonable.

Hillary observed the angry look creeping into the man's face but she was unfazed.

"Director let's not make a big fuss out of this. I want the role that's all matters, therefore I'm taking it" Hillary said with wicked smile hung on her face as she took another sip of the red wine.

"But I'm sorry Hillary, what you're asking for can't be done" The director replied firmly. He looked at her with contempt.

"I don't like it when people stress me over minor issues. This is a minor issue right?" She turned to Shirley and asked with a smile, while Shirley nodded in agreement.

"You see even she says so" Hillary flashed that fake smile at the director again. "It's just a role, I'm sure whoever you must have casted for the role won't mind me taking it" Her smile never leaving her face.

"Let me tell you a secret" Hillary started in a low voice as she crossed her legs, with an fiendish smile on her face, she signalled the director to move closer.

"I heard something terrible might happen to that actress you picked for the role. That's why I'm here offering you a good deal one I'm sure you can't refuse, so take it" She said slipping a cheque towards the director, who frowned the moment his eyes fell on the cheque. His eyes turned cold and his anger was evident to all, but Hillary remained unfazed. She has dealt with his type before.

"How dare you insult me like this?" The director roared in anger as he stood up, ready to leave.

"Tsk, Tsk Tsk...Humans they don't just understand the dynamics of life" Hillary sighed before taking another sip of the wine.

"What do you mean?" The director asked. He hated the Way Hillary was behaving. The woman has indeed changed.

Hillary closed her eyes for a moment, before opening it to drop the glass.

"Director, It would be better if you sit down, because I'm not done telling you the good part yet" She raised her gaze to him and revealed another of her sweet smiles, but the director didn't bulge he just stared back looking at her with fire in his eyes.

"The thing is I was not giving you that as a bribe, it was just a means of helping you from the forthcoming challenge you might face"

"Stop spewing nonsense. What do you mean?" Director Charles asked seethingly. He was extremely annoyed by her attitude.

"Since you don't want to sit, I'll tell you while standing but don't fall over okay" She sighed.

"So I came across an article that says that your rehab wife allegedly killed a girl when she was drunk driving...Tsk what a shame" Hillary shook her head in pity.

"Oh and your son is addicted to amphetamine" She paused for effect and sighed.

"Now I wonder what the people would say when they find out what your wife especially when you're trying to help her loosen her time. Well, you know how the masses behave differently from the law. Would your son survive in school? what a shame"

"Oh, and I wonder what the school authorities might do him for those drugs." She raised her face to the pale faced man who could barely stand.

"I wonder how a principled man like yourself end up with a irresponsible and useless family members" She shook her head again and sighed before standing up.

"I guess you're about to get your plates full. Let's just forget about the movie, maybe you can get something for me next time right" Hillary snickered before regaining her smile. "Let's go and get my wine. I like the flavour" She said to shirley.

"Hillary wait" Director Charles said when he finally found his voice but Hillary Continued in her strides.

"Hillary please" The once confident man resulted to pleading, but she didn't bulge, rather Shirley dropped a card for him and followed her boss.

"Hillary is this necessary?" Shirley could no longer refrain herself as they got into the car. She couldn't understand why Hillary took Jake's word to heart, because his were the reason Hillary was acting this way. The woman has been calm for a while now.

Hillary turned to her with a frown, and Shirley quickly apologized, "I'm sorry. I was just curious"

Sigh.."Curiosity is good, but it also gets the cat killed" Hillary smiled revealing her white teeths as she patted Shirley's thighs.

"By the way, any news regarding my father in law?" She asked as she boringly looked out the window.

"No" Shirley responded.

"This is getting tiring. I can't wait any longer. I wonder how he'll feel if I lay my hands on one of my step sons" Hillary said calmly with a evil smirk making Shirley's eyes to pop.

Hillary scoffed amusedly at Shirley's reaction. "Don't be so judgemental, I'm only taking what's mine.. I never really planned on keeping any Beau alive" She shrugged as her lips curled up into a smile.

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