When You Are Mine

Chapter 122 - Over Thinking

Jake could feel his heart race as he drove down to pick Jade. He thought of several ways he could talk to Jade about this and apologize, but no matter how hard he thought of it...nothing felt right. He has never done something like this before.

What should he say? How should he start up the conversation? Should he be direct about it? What if Jade's get angry and decides not to forgive him for lying to her? What should he do then?

He had made her sacrifice more than eight hours of her weekends. Hours she could have spent with her family, friends or maybe doing whatever she liked. He also didn't stop there, he just had made her take care of him for a whole day when she could have been at work being effective. How did he start this lies in the first place?

Jake didn't know how to go about this. He couldn't device the right approach for this. Maybe he shouldn't heed to his grandfather's advice. He couldn't bring himself to tell her that he has done the exact same thing she hated the most.

How would she feel? If he were in her shoes how would he feel?...Jake couldn't stop thinking about all this myriad of questions.

Would she believe him if he told her he has only done this because he wanted to spend time with her? Would his reason suffice and cover his wrong? Or would it scare her away? This was the same reason why he had started all this. He didn't want to outrightly tell her that he was attracted to her in ways he couldn't understand, and that hr would love to be close to her to figure out why. That would have put her to her heels.

Jake could feel his head ache from all the thinking and he didn't even realize that he has arrived his destination. Jake was pulled out of his reverie when he heard Jade knock on the window. He quickly unlocked the car to let her in.

"I'm sorry" He apologized with a smile not quite reaching his eyes.

"It's okay Mr Jake. I guess your mind must be occupied with work especially after being absent for two days" Jade said as she stepped into the car.

"Hmm" Jake simply mumbled.

"Mr Jake, how are you feeling now?" Jade asked.

"Are you sure you're up for this? I'd advice you just rest today. Your body needs time to rest don't you think so?" Jade asked with concern hinted in her voice making Jake's guilt double.

"I'm fine" He muttered. Jake couldn't bring himself to stare at Jade in the face so he tried not to make eye contacts with her and Jade somehow noticed it.

"Let's go" Jake said and Jade replied, "Okay" as she strapped in her seat belt.

Jake stole glances at her from his peripheral vision. His heart was thumping so hard that he felt his ribs could break. This was going to be hard than he thought.

Was he really going to do this? His chances of losing Jade were high and he was really doubting if he should carry on with this plan.

'It would be hard or even close to impossible if the other person found out about this from another source' His grandfather's words resounded in his ears. He slightly turned his head to look at Jade who was busy with her candy crush game as usual. His lips gently curled up when he saw that cute concentrative look she always has on whenever she played that game.

This mundane things she does are the things he really couldn't get enough of. Jake sighed out subconsciously as he returned his attention back to the road.

His sigh gained Jade's attention unknowingly to him. It was then she realized that Jake was unusually quiet. Though their trip to the game house wasn't really a chatty one, but it wasn't usually this quiet. Jake would always ask one or two of those annoying questions she always prayed he wouldn't ask.

Jade observed the creased line on his face and she swore in heart that she preferred him when he smiled.

The frown was unusual. Could something be wrong with him? Was he angry? Jade cleared her throat to gain his attention and Jake turned to face her.

"Mr Jake are you angry?" Jade asked when she remembered this was the same countenance he had the other he was angry.

"I'm not" Jake replied. Of course he wasn't angry he was just facing a life challenging situation.

Jade pondered on his reply for a few seconds before nodding her head. If he said he wasn't then he wasn't.

They continued the drive in utmost silent even though Jade was currently busy with her phone, she still couldn't shake off the fact that something might be wrong with Jake. But she couldn't force it..the man has said he was fine.

When they arrived the game house, Jake booked a private as usual before whispering something into the attendants ears. Jade was a bit suspicious of his actions but she quickly shrugged off the feeling. She has been too suspicious of the man. Maybe it was time she got past what happened between them and saw him in a new light. He has been of good character since their second encounter at his office.

How ironic could life be. She never suspected the man who pretended to be right by her even though he was the son of the devil. But here she was, always suspicious of the man that has always revealed his real nature to the world.

Cale had acted like he was the right man, and not once did she grow suspicious of him. But the one has never hidden his promiscuous self from anyone but rather kept his struggles to himself was the one she was always suspicious of.

'Maybe she shouldn't be too judgemental of him, after all no one was perfect'

'What was she even thinking?' Jade chided herself. She was obviously thinking too far. The problem is, something was up with Jake and she was beginning to concerned about it.

"Come on" Jake gestured at Jade pulling her from her train of thoughts.

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