When You Are Mine

Chapter 128 - It Was You?

Amy's mouth hung open, with her eyes staring at the man before her unblinkingly. She was beyond shocked seeing it was truly Ethan standing there.

Ethan was amused seeing Amy staring at him like he was some sort of god who accidentally dropped from the sky. He was also happy to see her.

"Ethan it's really you" Amy squealed as she jumped him for a hug, but Ethan held her at bay.

"Hey, do you want to get stained too" Ethan smiled.

"ooh" Amy realized what he was talking about. She pouted in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry" She said with a small voice.

"You're still as troublesome as ever. Will you ever change?" Ethan couldn't believe Amy was still as mischievious as she was when they were kids. She always did things like that.

"I'm sorry okay. It wasn't intentional" Amy apologized.

"Yeah right" Ethan was being sarcastic. If he'd didn't know Amy better, he'd believe it was a mistake.

"Don't be that way. I was in a bad mood, my mother dragged me here just to spite me" Amy looked behind Ethan to spot her mother. She heaved a sigh when she saw she was busying chatting.

"Ha...i see things haven't changed at all. She still has you wrapped around her fingers after all this years" Ethan said as he reached out for a napkin to try fix whatever he could from the mess Amy has created with the shirt.

"I'm truly sorry about this" Amy apologized sincerely.

"Enough with the apology. I didn't plan our first meeting after so many years to be filled with apology. Here hold this for me" He passed over a small gift bag to her, which Amy received.

"Why don't you over to the bathroom instead" Amy suggested.

"Okay I'll be back"

Amy sat quietly as she prayed for her mother or Ethan's mother not to walk over. She was probably going to get another legal lecture from her mother in front of Mellisa, and that would be very embarrassing, most especially when it was her son she had just sailed with her drink.

"I'm back" Ethan held a smile on his face as he took a seat opposite Amy.

"Thank God, that looks better" Amy sighed in relief.

"You can give that hug now" Ethan said spreading his arms for Amy.

"You wish..you missed it, too bad"

"And I wonder if that was anybody's fault" Ethan was being sarcastic again.

"Hold on what are you doing here? Don't tell me your mom got you too? And what's with all the AWOL thing you did. You didn't call, text or reply the thousands of messages I left on your inbox. What's with all that?" Amy asked with a frown the moment those questions formed in her head.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that" Ethan apologized, but Amy didn't look she was buying it. She leaned her back on her seat, and folded her hands across her chest as she stared at him with angry eyes.

"Sorry? You just up and left with no trace. Sincerely that was not fair. I thought you were better than that" Amy declared.

"Come on, let's not have this conversation here." Ethan looked around them and his eyes paused on the two women who were approaching them.

"They are coming" He whispered as he turned back to Amy.

"Our mothers?" Amy asked turning to take a look herself. She rolled her eyes when she saw the look on her mother's face.

"Look who we have here?" Mrs Walker flashed a sweet smile at Ethan.

"Good evening Aunt" Ethan greeted with a smile of his own. While Amy greeted Melissa as well.

"Amy you don't bother to ask about your Aunt anymore right?" Melissa complained.

"Aunty pardon me. I'm just trying to work hard so I can be like you"

"Sweet girl" Melissa smiled fondly. That was one of Amy's many talents.

"Ethan what happened to your shirt?" Mellissa asked.

"Errmm...it's nothing. I was just a little clumsy with the glass" He tried covering up for Amy.

"You should be more careful. You're a mess" Melissa said giving him a good look. The stain was not that noticeable. If not for the fact that it was wet, Melissa wouldn't have noticed. But Mrs Walker didn't buy Ethan's explanation. She noticed there was just one glass on the table and given the time Ethan had arrived, she was sure the young man has not been able to get himself a drink. That only leaves behind one suspect, Amy.

She surrepitiously cast an accusing look at Amy, but Amy replied with a questioning look of her own. The mother and daughter duo were having an eye talk unknowing to Ethan and his mother.

"We thought it best to come say hi, since we were sure the both of you wouldn't care to do that. We know you have a lot to talk about so we'll be out of your hair" Melissa said.

"I'm sorry Aunt" Amy apologized again. When she had arrived with her mother, Melissa has not arrived. And by the time she saw her talking with her mother, Amy was too busy being stressed and angry.

"It's no problem" She turned to her son and winked at him. Ethan was lost for a moment, he didn't seem to get the secret message until his mother pointed to the bag on the table.

"Oh" He quickly grabbed the bag from the table gaining Amy's attention. Ethan did not understand why his mother had specifically asked him to get this for Amy. If he wanted to get Amy anything, he'll probably take her shopping or something. He didn't know what was behind this.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask what's in there" Amy was curious. The incident earlier had taken her mind from it.

"Uhm, it's for you" He said looking at his mother before gazing at Amy.

"For me? You think you can bribe me into looking past what you've done?" Amy asked defaintly. Mrs Walker was stunned when she observed what was in Ethan's hands. She recognized the bag at first glance.

'This was going to be trouble. Melissa should have spoken to her first. They were about to get busted'

"Amy just take it okay" Ethan pressed. Amy felt Melissa's gaze on her, and she reluntanctly took the bag. She took a look at it and her eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

She raised her head up to look at him, a deep frown forming on her face and her brows tightly creased together.

"It was you?" She asked in an angry tone.

'E.H....Ethan Hills. How did she not think of this?'

"What did I do?" Ethan asked in confusion.

"Deny that you're not the one who has been sending me this" She said waving the box of chocolates at him.

"Sending it to you....?" Ethan was more confused.

"Yes, I dare you to deny it." Amy dared. Her anger evident in her eyes.

"I swear it wasn't me. This is the first time...." Ethan's words trailed of as he turned to his mother when something finally occurred to him.

"Unless it was you" He asked giving her a knowing look. It must be her.

"It was her idea" Melissa quickly pushed the blame off to her friend.

"Mom?? You??" Amy was dumbstruck by this revelation. Good heavens!!

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