When You Are Mine

Chapter 142 - Jake's Thoughtfullness

Jake's eyes has been fixed on Jade since the moment she walked out of the changing room. The blue turtled-neck sweat shirt which she had changed into matched her sea blue eyes, and it made her look even more beautiful. Her curvy butt was made prominent in the back jean trouser she wore.

She really shouldn't wear those free sun-dresses anymore. He thought to himself.

Now he knows what his eyes has been missing since Jade stepped out of her house this morning..it was her curves.

"How is it?" Jade asked as she stood right in front of him. She couldn't believe she was wearing such an expensive clothes. The price of the jean was preposterous and no matter how she had protested over not buying it, Jake had insisted and finally she gave in. She realized she couldn't win over him.

"Beautiful" Jake said truthfully. Indeed she was looking beautiful, and he was struggling to take his eyes off her.

He has often questioned himself why she wasn't a model. If she was, he wouldn't mind starting up a company where she could model for him. He felt like her package shouldn't be hidden behind some desk at her office, but rather they should be showcased for the world to see.

"Just one more thing" Jake said as she picked up a black jacket he had picked up from the clothe line, before walking closer to her.

"This should make you warm" He said putting the jacket behind her. 

Jade raised her head to look up at him, and he arched a brow at her, silently asking her to slip her hand into it. 

Jade lowered her eyes and slowly put her hand into the hand hole with Jake helping her. They were both standing so close and Jade could feel the heat emanating from Jake's body.

His breath was so close to her ears as he leaned his head backwards to guide her hand into the shirt. Jade didn't know why he was doing it, he could have easily passed it to her.

Her heart slowly began to thump hard against her chest and suddenly a memory flashed in her head. It was the memory of that night, when Jake had also been this close and he had snaked his hand around her waist. The thought of it made her breath hitch and she took a step back from Jake.

"Let me" Jade said as she hurriedly helped herself with the Jacket. Her head was running wild from the sudden sensation that surge that through her body. This was the closest they have been since, you- know- when.

Jake cocked a brow when he noticed the way she was acting. She was suddenly looking away and avoiding his gaze. He decided not to bother himself about it, probably she didn't like being too close to him. Jake thought to himself. He didn't think much of what he had done, because to him he was trying to help a friend.

He walked to the counter where he paid the bills before leaving with Jade.

They got into the car and Jake immediately zoomed off. He drove really fast making Jade a little nauseous, but she didn't show it, because her head was still thinking about how close she and Jake had been at the boutique. She didn't want to think too much about it, because that was something Lair would do right? She always think too deep about his actions. Jake was a novice in the female friend department. She said to herself. 

She was lost in thought she didn't even notice when they arrived their destination. Jake turned off the ignition and turned to look at her.

"What's wrong?" Came his voice, startling Jade, who has been thinking about God knows what.

"What?" Jade asked back. She wasn't expecting a question from him. 

"You've been so lost in thought. Anything the matter?" Jake asked with concern. They were just cool a while ago, but now it was if they were back to their old days, when she totally ignored him and always looked like she'd rather be anywhere else than with him.

"Nothing" Jade said, but Jake wasn't convinced. He just kept looking at her for and Jade was equally staring back. Jake knew there was something on her mind but he didn't want to push it. He was just getting close to her, and he wouldn't want to ruin things. If she said nothing, then it was nothing. 

Jake finally looked away, when it seemed he also was getting lost just by staring at her. "Alright, let's go. We're here" He informed her. It was at this point that Jade finally realized that Jake had stopped the car and they were parked in front of a old cabin, with a lake in view. It was a lakehouse. Jake stepped out of the car and Jade did too.

Jade stood in awe of the scenery before her. The cabin looked a bit old with white paint almost covering the whole of it, but it still held its beauty and glory. Jade gazed at the beautiful and well manicured plants and trees that were surrounding it. Looking at it, she knew the place was well maintained. Her eyes fell on the lake that was lying just right ahead, behind some tall beautiful trees, the green grass on the ground looked so green. A thick mist was hovering above the lake. The air was cold, now she fully understood why Jake had gotten her the Jacket, and had insisted she got a sweat shirt. He was indeed thoughtful. 

"Where's this place?" Jade asked as she turned to Jake with curiosity lingering in her eyes.

"It's one of my favorite places. My dad owns it" He told her. His eyes focused on the cabin that was just in front of them. "I used to come up here with him to fish while I was younger" His voice was normal, but Jade could feel the pain and sadness behind his every word.

"Come on let's go" He said walking ahead with the bags which he carried in hand, and Jade trailing behind.

Jake started to set up by the lake side, and soon they were both sitted and they started fishing. Jake helped Jade with her reel everytime it appeared to have hooked in a fish, but to her dismay, she couldn't get one.

"It seems you're here to feed the fishes, and not to catch them" Jake said in a jocular manner as he looked at the pail of minnows that they were supposed to use as bait. It was almost gone. Jade turned to him with a mock glare, she sighed with a angry pout. He was mocking her.

"You know what, I give up" She said throwing the reel, on the ground. She folded her arm across her chest as she glared at the fishes Jake had caught with stink eye.

Jake bellowed out in laughter. Her expression was epic, and he loved it.

"It's not my fault" Jake said amidst laughter.

"Don't laugh, it's all your fault. You know it's my first time and you gave me a jinxed reel" Jade eyed him again before hissing angrily. How could he bring here and she couldn't catch one fish?

This was so unfair!

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