When You Are Mine

Chapter 148 - Angry Jade

"Jade?" Lair was shocked when he came inside the house to find Jade sitting in the living room. When one of the maids had come to the inform him about a visitor who was waiting for him, he had thought it would be anyone but Jade. Not that is was awkward of Jade to visit his house, it was just that, this was the first time she was visiting since his return, except if the night she brought Amy home counts.

"Surprised?" Jade asked when she saw the surprised look on Lair's face.

"Of course I am" Lair replied with a smile as he walked closer and pulled the now standing Jade into a hug. "I missed you suchka" Lair said hugging her tightly.

"I know you do" Jade said hugging him back.

"Why didn't you call before coming?" Lair asked pulling away from the hug.

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise visit" Jade replied.

"Well I like it, and I'm sure Amy would be happy to see you"

"By the way, where's she? I missed her, I haven't seen her for a week and it feels like forever" Jade said picking up her bag.

"And you didn't miss me?" Lair asked with a mock frown, but Jade replied with a simple shrug.

"Jade you've grown some balls. So much for being my best friend" He pulled an angry face while Jade laughed at him as she put her hand around his arm, making Lair chuckle.

"Come on, she's at the garden with a guest" Lair said before leading her their.

Amy was sitted at the back garden with Ethan. Lair had invited Ethan over so he could get detailed information about Micheal from him. He had gone there with Ethan so as avoid being eavesdropped on by their mother or by any of her minions in the forms of maids.

"Guess who is here?" Lair asked when he walked into the garden with Jade hiding behind his back.

Amy who was looking both tired and pale had no interest in the guess game Lair was intiating. She craned her neck to catch a glimpse of the person standing behind Lair, but she couldn't. All she could see was the person's leg. She was mentally tired , so didn't feel like stressing herself in guessing who the special visitor was.

"I can't guess" She hissed and returned her attention back to Ethan who was sitting right beside her.

"Really?" Jade huffed, when Amy didn't show any interest. Amy snapped her head back towards Lair when she heard that voice.

"Jade??" Amy called out in surprise.

"Don't act like you miss me" Jade feigned annoyance, with a mock glare. A smile spread across Amy's face when she saw Jade.

"My baby!" Amy chirped as she sauntered towards Jade. Her mood has taken a 360 degree turn, the moment she saw Jade.

"I'm not your baby, go find some other baby. Lair is my baby" Jade said turning to Lair as she try taking his hand, but he brushed her hand off, before raising it up.

"No, don't drag me into this" Lair walked back to his seat leaving the two big babies to sort themselves out. Ethan who was sitting down, was enjoying the scene before him with a huge smile in his face.

"Come on, I missed you, and I know you missed me too" Amy said pulling Jade in for a hug.

"Who said I did?" Jade refuted but she still hugged her anyway. They hugged each other for a while till they finally let go.

Jade's eyes noticed the dark circles on Amy's face, as well as how frail she was looking.

"Amy are you okay?" Jade asked with concern, raising Amy's chin with her hand.

"I'm fine"

"No you're not" Ethan and Lair said at same time.

It was at this point that Jade finally acknowledged the presence of Ethan.

"Oh my God, Amy is that Ethan Hills?" Jade asked in a whisper.

Amy turned to look at Ethan, who already knew they were both talking about him. "Yes"

"Really?" Jade couldn't believe. Her eyes were glued to the gorgeous superstar who was also staring back at her.

"Come on, I'll introduce you guys" Amy said pulling Jade over to the seats. She made Jade sit on her previously occupied seat, while she sat next to her, with Lair sitting to her right.

"Ethan, meet my baby girl Jade" She said to Ethan, "Jade, meet Ethan"

"It's a pleasure meeting you" Ethan said stretching his hand for a hand shake which Jade gladly obliged.

"It's more than a pleasure meeting you" Jade said shamelessly. Now she knew why Ethan looked familiar when she saw him earlier. He was one of her favourite artist. How could she not recognize him.

Jade finally returned her attention back to Amy. She still hasn't forgotten the outburst from both men earlier.

"Amy what's wrong? Why do you look this way?" Jade asked with a concern. She hasn't seen Amy like this in a long time. Amy sighed, she knew Jade wouldn't let her be at least not until she told her what was wrong with her.

"You promise listen till the end and not throw a fit till I'm done?" Amy asked. She knew how Jade loathed Micheal for breaking up with her back in school, and she was expecting Jade to react to the first syllable of Micheal's name.

"I promise" Jade said. She didn't think she'd throw a fit just like that.

"I don't know where to start, because I'm still confused but the thing is ...."

"She's looking for her ex-boyfriend" Lair completed Amy's sentence, earning him a glare from Amy.

"You're looking for who? Micheal?" Jade asked raising her voice, her eyes fully widened.

"Oh so you knew too?" Lair asked. He didn't expect Jade to know about him, when he was clueless about it at least not until last night, when Amy told him about it. What was he expecting, they were girls, and girls talk boys stuff only with girls.

"Jade calm down. Don't shout" Amy said in a gentle tone.

"I can't be calm. Why are you looking for that guy? You're not trying to get back to him right? Have you forgotten about what he said to you? That...That, idiot called you names...do you want name remind you all the things he said to you" Jade said in a fair of anger.

"That's not how things are" Amy tried to explain.

"Then enlighten me then, tell me why you're looking for a man who called you a whore, a worthless piece of shit and ..."

"He did what?" Lair asked seethingly. Ethan was also surprised by what Jade has said.

"Calm down Lair. You know who was behind it. Your anger should be directed to mom, because to me she called me that and not him" Amy spurted out.

Lair lolled back on his seat when he heard her, she was right, though those words might have come from someone' else's mouth, their mother has been the one behind it. This was on her and not on anyone else.

"What do you mean?" Jade's voice was now low as she looked at Amy, eagerly waiting for some explanation.

"It's a long story Jade and I'm still in shock. The truth is my mother was the one behind me and Micheal's break up" Amy said. Jade was shocked by that revelation, her brain was still trying to fully comprehend things.

"What?" Jade asked, her blinking in confusion. "Then why are you looking for him?" Did she want to apologize and get back together with him or what?

Then what about her feelings for Jake's brother? Didn't she love him anymore? Jade didn't know what to think?

"It's quite complicated"

"Then uncomplicate it" Jade was getting to anxious. Amy had no choice but to fully explain things to Jade. At the end of her narration, Jade was dumbstruck.

Jade couldn't believe people Amy's mother would be that vicious and scary. She had always been a sweet and caring person towards her and has never given a wicked vibe.

Where all those fake?

"So what do you intend to do?" Jade finally asked.

"Look for him and set things right. Jade I can't live in peace with my self if I don't know how he is and fix things. What if...What if?" Amy's words trailed off as scary thoughts came through her mind.

"Hey everything will be fine okay" Jade said as she moved closer to Amy. She understood how Amy was feeling, she was feeling guilty. She has spent years hating someone who didn't do anything to her, and the feeling of knowing that you're the reason why misfortune had come upon a love one was a terrible feeling one shouldn't experience.

"So what do we do? How do you even start to find him?" Jade asked the question that was on everybody's mind.

"That's what we're deliberating on. Ethan here has done some personal investigation but he couldn't come up with anything. Lair has called a few of his contacts, we're waiting for some results. I pray they come with something good" Amy said.

"Sure it will. You'll find him and everything will be fine"

"Are you sure? What if he hates me? Do you think he'll blame for this?" Amy was feeling emotional.

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