When You Are Mine

Chapter 152 - She'll Be Mine Again


Different executives were seated around the huge conference table with Cale standing at the front of the room where he was presenting a pitch for the new game idea that has been developed by his team.

The faces of the people sitted around the table were full of frowns and dissappointment. It was obvious Cale had not met up to their expectations. Distant whispers could be heard among the executives seated at

the table, confusion clearly written on their face on how poor Cale performed during the presentation.

It was so unlike the Cale Stuart the company had come to know as a brilliant and efficient man.

"Mr Stuart, I guess we are not gathered here just to simply hear the trash you had just soiled our ears with in the last twenty minutes. It's that what you call a presentation" The vice president, Mrs Tracy Lin, snapped. A deep scowl was plastered on her face, as she looked at Cale with both shock and surprise.

"Even an high school student would do so much better when collating data for a science project. An intern would do way better than what you just did" She said seethingly. The last thing she expected from any of her staffs was incompetence and a total waste of her time.

Time was essential to her, so she didn't expect anyone to waste it and most especially not a manager in the company.

"I'm sorry ma" Cale apologized, lowering his head down in embarrassment.

"Sorry?" She scoffed, "I bet you are" She added.

She turned her head to the side to listen to what one of the executives was whispering to her.

She sighed and turned back to Cale, "You have until Friday to get your information right and do this again. I hope by then you'll give us a good use of our time and not make us sit through another 20 minutes of earpiercing trash all in the name of a presentation. You've been good at your work, so I'll let this slide and expect nothing but perfection by friday" She said to Cale, her gaze piercing and menancing, sending shivers down Cale's spin.

"Thank you ma" Cale said with a slight bow.

That was Tracy Lin for you, she was a typical iron lady that commanded great authority. She'd make even the coldest of men lose their whim with her gaze and words. She was never going to tolerate incompetent and lazy staffs in the company. Giving Cale another chance was her being at her meekest level.

She romaed her eyes around the room, "Ladies and gentlemen, we'll have to do this again by Friday. Have a nice day" She said before walking out of the room, but not before giving Cale another deadpan look, making him instinctively lower his head in trepidation.

He lowered his head in embarrassment as every other executive members walked out of the room after the vice president. All except one.

"Tsk, Tsk poor boy" Stephanie said as she walked closer to Cale. His face cringed when he heard her voice. He has been avoiding her gaze all through the presentation. As a matter of fact he has been avoiding since that hot moment in his car.

"It seems you're about to hit rock bottom" She said smiling mockingly. She placed her hand on his chest and fiddled with his button. "I guess this is the end of your glorious shine. How sad!" She shook her head in mock pity.

"It would have been fun if Jade stepped in to save you, and then I'd enjoy taking you from her again. But it seems you can't even pique her interest at this rate. What a shame."

Cale clenched his teeth tightly, his hands balled into a fist. He was almost at the verge of gripping Stephanie by the neck but he bottled his anger, he was still at work, he wouldn't want to get in too more trouble because of her. And he had better things to do than waste his time on someone like Stephanie.

"I guess the shameless one here is you. You should stay away from me and Jade and just so you know, you're way beneath my Jade. You're just a piece of meat with a hole I used in satisfying my urge. Jade may be mad at me for now, but I can assure you she'll forgive me and be mine again. MINE" He said emphasizing on the words 'My Jade' and 'Mine'.

He picked up his stuffs and pushed past Stephanie, who was face red with anger. The vein on her head was about to burst with anger. Cale has just said the forbidden word.

'How dare he compare her to Jade? Jade is the one beneath her and she'll continue to prove it to her, to everyone of them. She would never be under in Jade's shadow. NEVER!!'

Jade was anxiously waiting for the close of work. She hurried out of the company with a nervous smile on her face as soon as she closed for the day. She paused when she heard someone call her name out loudly.

Jade cringed at the sound of her name from that mouth. 'What the hell was wrong with this guy?' Jade screamed again. Twice in one day? What did she do to deserve this?

"Jade" Cale called out softly when he approached her.

"What?" She spoke with cold eyes.

"Are you going home? I can take you" Cale offered but Jade only looked at him with disbelief and scorn. 'This asshole now has a car, and just a two months ago she had given herself away to save him...Animal'

"Thanks but no thanks" Jade said with stink eyes, as she tried to walk away, but a hand held her firm.

"Jade please"

"Let go of me!" Jade warned as she tried pulling her hands away from him, but his grip over her hand was too strong.

"Jade I just want to talk, please hear me out and help me" Cale pleaded with desperate eyes, not letting go off her hand. He knew she would dash off the moment he let go.

"Help you with what? Work? Did you ever go to school? Cale you're just being lazy in helping yourself. You don't want to do anything for yourself and you like depending on people, you want others to do everything for you while you take the glory, but that's a awful character. Go help yourself. Now let go" Jade spoke in anger as she yanked her hand away, but the next second Cale gripped her hand again.

"Cale!" Jade yelled, fear slowly creeping in.

"Let go of her hand" A menancing voice suddenly came from behind them.

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